
Chapter 30: Impertinent

Rick's POV 

Alexis loved me back! Joy at the idea of this incredible thing occurring rushed through my entire body. 

Not Dr. Sam, or anyone else, but me!

It felt like a miracle. Hell, it probably was a miracle. The most gorgeous woman alive had just professed her love for me. 

Perhaps a cosmic mistake had been made in my favor. It seemed likely. 

If that was indeed the case, I sincerely hoped that those in charge of the universe never realized their miscalculation.

In view of these events, I didn't actually need to kick Dr. Sam's ass anymore, even though the idea still held considerable appeal. He had tried to steal what was mine. 

He hadn't succeeded, thank the Goddess, but something primal within me still wanted to kill him. 

I wondered, did that mean that she was my Luna? Were we fated to be together? I didn't know. The idea was a little too overwhelming to contemplate at the moment.