
Chapter 29: Horticultural Monstrosity

Alexis's POV 

I'd completely forgotten how exhausting the fireball spell could be. That didn't mean that I regretted casting it. If I hadn't, I wasn't at all sure that both Rick and I would have survived that thing, whatever it was. It was definitely worth the effort, no doubt about it. 

The only problem was, I needed to call out of work the next day. I hated not being able to attend my day job for a variety of reasons. Paperwork piled up surprisingly quickly, and missed meetings meant that I was out of the loop in any number of projects. 

But if I was honest with myself, the main reason I detest being out was that I knew how much work would be accomplished by my students during my absence.

In a word, nothing. 

I didn't blame the substitutes. It was a thankless job, taking over someone else's space for the day with no preparation and even less warning about what they were walking into. Those poor people were lucky to get out of there alive every day.