
Whose That Knocking on my Door?

As soon as Bri and I left our dorm we looked at the door in front of us. Little did we know that the monsters that lived behind this door would ruin our lives in the best possible ways. The thrill of curiosity overwhelmed me and all of a sudden I have never wanted to open a door so bad. Bri's polite knock and wait was not cutting it for me. I practically pushed her aside and banged on the door and testing the door knob. No answer.

"Why are you trying to open the door?! What is wrong with you, what if they are in there?!" Bri looked at me laughing after I released the handle. "You are crazy whoever these boys are, they aren't home. And if they are I'm pretty sure they're calling the cops."

"I don't know why I did that I just want to meet them. The mysterious Nick and Liam. Why aren't they in their room. Everyone just got here where could they have gone?" A sudden wave of anxiety rushed over me as I slid my back down the door and sat on the ground. "What if they have already made friends? Now they aren't going to want to spend time with us because they'll be to busy with people who are better" Bri kneed down in front of me and grabbed both of my arms.

"Sandra stop crying over two boys you have never even met. Maybe they just haven't even moved in yet. Move in hours don't end for another hour so relax. Everything is going to be okay."

"Yeah you're right, they're probably dumb anyways and we will find way cooler people if we go to the commons and eat." I start to get up and walk with Bri to the stairs.

"I'm glad you have realized that, besides we are right across the hall we are bound to run into them eventually."

"Exactly, I was worked up over something silly." I continued to follower her but all of a sudden I found my self breaking away from her and making a lunge at their door, banging and jiggling the knob. "I swear to god if you guys are in there and you have just been ignoring us I'm going to shove my..!"

"Okay Sandra relax oh my god why are you so crazy we haven't even started our classes yet"

"I just want to know who our best friends are going to be." Why am I being so embarrassing. Here I am sobbing on my roommate, in the middle of the dorm hallway in front of some strange boys dorm room and it isn't even four pm yet. Usually I can hold my composure better than this but it's like I have zero control over my body. Who ever those boys are, they better be worth this stress and anxiety. I have to choke back my depressing sadness and go to dinner with my roommate. Who knows maybe they're already at dinner and we can run into them there. "Okay fine I'm over it this time for real, lets go to dinner."

"This is going to be a long year Sandra."