
Sole Weapon Sorcerer: Mastering Victory

If a dagger doesn't work then he'll use a spear, if a spear doesn't work he will use a sword, and if a sword doesn't work then he will use an even bigger sword. Ray Ace a boy who had to move out from his parents home because he wanted to chase his dream of being a gamer, he started playing a vrmmorpg game called victory online, using his character Abysall lord watch as he becomes unparalleled in the game world. It's short because i don't think anyone likes a long prologue. A friend helped me make the cover art and he's also a fellow author. His name is MaxandMills and the name of his novel is comeet legacy so you guys should give it a read This is my entry for webnovel spirity awards. If i can enter power ranking. Top 200- 2 chapters per day Top 100- 3 chapters per day Top 50- 4 chapters per day Top 10-5 chapters per day

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The blacksmith was shocked to see so many materials littered on the table. Did this man just say he had more? Yes, it was possible for adventurers and mages to gather such quantities, but they were usually at least F ranks.

But he hasn't even reached a ranking yet. How could he have done this? And how many wolves would he need to kill to obtain all this?

"I will have to give you some of these materials back because they are simply too much," said the blacksmith, not wanting to cheat people, especially young ones like them.

"If that's true, can you help me craft other weapons as well with the remaining materials?" Ray asked.

"Okay, what kind of weapons do you want?" asked the blacksmith.

"Several weapons of different kinds, if you don't mind."

The blacksmith nodded, questioning why Ray needed so many weapons but shrugged it off. After all, it wasn't his business, and all he needed to do was make the weapons.

"Oh, and what can you do with this?" Ray pulled out a spherical object that looked like a core. It had a bit of a shine but wasn't very bright.

"Where did you get that from?" asked the blacksmith. "These only drop from monsters. Normal animals like wolves don't have it."

Even Sarah, another player like him, didn't know where he got it from because there were no monsters in this area in general.

"Oh yeah, I got it from fighting a beast called the Wolf Boss."

Both the blacksmith and Sarah looked shocked for their own reasons.

Sarah was shocked because the only way to fight the Wolf Boss other than from the dungeon was through the tutorial. Not many players opted for it because when people start the tutorial, they have just started the game and don't have much power.

No normal human being could fight something that was more than ten times stronger than lions in the real world, even if they had a bit more strength than normal.

If Ray actually killed the beast, she shuddered at the thought of how much of a monster Ray was.

The blacksmith was shocked that the boy could obtain an essence from a Wolf Boss at his level but quickly dismissed the thought, assuming that someone else had rewarded Ray with the core and not that Ray had fought it himself.

"That essence could fetch a nice price in the market, but I urge you not to sell it."


"Because it could be used to make nice armor and weapons instead. It could give your equipment some properties from the monster it was taken from."

"So, when will they be ready?" asked Ray.

"Since you gave me such a large order, it will probably take me at least a few days to complete it."

"I guess that makes sense." Ray nodded. After all, this wasn't just some video game where they could craft weapons immediately; it needed to go through a long process like blacksmiths in the olden days.

Having nothing better to do, Ray and Sarah went back to the forest to hunt more wolves in hopes of leveling up. Since Sarah's weapons broke, Ray lent her his own weapon.

They went back to the forest and went in opposite directions so that they could grind better and not steal each other's experience points, which would allow them to level up faster and at least increase their level by one.

They would have gone for the dungeon, but they didn't have good enough equipment to challenge it yet, so they decided to hunt instead.

Sarah walked cautiously through the dense forest, her senses heightened as she searched for wolves. The unfamiliar weight of Ray's sword and shield made her movements awkward at first, but she was determined to get the hang of it.

She swung the sword in controlled arcs and practiced blocking with the shield, feeling the quality and balance of the weapons. They were undoubtedly better than her previous gear, which puzzled her. Everyone in the game should have the same quality for starting equipment, so how did Ray come by such superior items, not to mention his scythe and the core?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the low growls of wolves nearby. She readied herself as a pack emerged from the underbrush, their eyes glinting hungrily. The first wolf lunged at her, and she raised her shield just in time to deflect its attack.

The force of the impact sent vibrations through her arm, but she quickly recovered and countered with a precise thrust of her sword. The blade found its mark, and the wolf yelped in pain before collapsing.

More wolves attacked, and Sarah's movements became fluid and efficient. She blocked with her shield, deflected blows, and struck with pinpoint accuracy. Her earlier practice paid off as she adapted to the weight and balance of the new weapons. Each swing of her sword and bash of her shield felt more natural. The pack pressed in, but Sarah maintained her composure, dispatching each wolf with practiced ease.

The forest echoed with the sounds of battle as Sarah fought her way through the wolves. Her technique was a blend of offense and defense, her shield providing protection while her sword delivered lethal strikes.

Despite the intensity of the fight, she felt a sense of exhilaration. The high-quality equipment made a significant difference, allowing her to conserve energy and fight more effectively.

Sarah's movements were a dance of precision and power. She waited for the wolves to make their moves, then responded with swift and decisive actions. A wolf lunged at her from the side, but she spun on her heel, bringing her shield up to block its attack. As the wolf recoiled, she struck with her sword, the blade cutting through its flesh with ease. The wolf crumpled to the ground, and Sarah turned her attention to the remaining foes.

She fought with relentless determination, her confidence growing with each successful strike. The wolves were fierce and relentless, but Sarah's skill and superior equipment gave her the upper hand. Her shield absorbed their attacks, and her sword cut them down one by one. The battle was intense, but Sarah emerged victorious, her breath coming in heavy gasps as she surveyed the fallen wolves around her.

On the other side of the forest, Ray was also deep in combat. Unlike Sarah, he had the advantage of his Weapon Shifter skill, allowing him to switch between different weapons seamlessly. His mana pool of 40 points meant he could use the skill multiple times, each shift costing him 5 mana points.

Ray encountered his first pack of wolves and decided to start with a long sword. The wolves circled him, growling and snapping their jaws. One of them lunged, and Ray parried the attack with his sword, then countered with a swift slash. The wolf fell, but the others were quick to fill the gap. Ray moved with fluid grace, his sword cutting through the air as he fought off the wolves.

As the battle intensified, Ray decided to switch weapons. He activated his Weapon Shifter skill, and the long sword transformed into a pair of daggers. The shift cost him 5 mana points, but the change in fighting style was worth it. The daggers allowed him to move faster and strike with greater precision. He danced around the wolves, slashing and stabbing with lightning speed. Each dagger found its mark, and the wolves fell before they could land a blow.

Ray's agility and speed were impressive, but he knew he couldn't rely solely on the daggers. He activated his Weapon Shifter skill again, this time transforming the daggers into a spear. Another 5 mana points spent, but the spear's reach allowed him to keep the wolves at bay. He thrust and swung the spear with practiced ease, keeping the wolves from closing in.

The weapon's long reach gave him a tactical advantage, allowing him to strike from a distance and control the battlefield.

The wolves were relentless, and Ray knew he needed to change tactics again. He activated his Weapon Shifter skill, transforming the spear into a battle axe. The heavy weapon required more strength, but its destructive power was unmatched. Ray swung the axe with powerful, sweeping motions, cleaving through the wolves with each strike. The ground shook with the force of his blows, and the wolves fell in droves.

Despite the effectiveness of the battle axe, Ray realized he needed to conserve his strength. He activated his Weapon Shifter skill once more, transforming the axe into a bow. With 15 mana points left, he knew he had to make each shot count.

He found a vantage point on a hill and nocked an arrow, drawing the bowstring and taking aim. The first arrow flew straight and true, striking a wolf in the heart. The other wolves scattered, but Ray quickly fired more arrows, picking them off one by one.

The forest was filled with the sounds of his bowstring snapping and wolves howling in pain. Ray's aim was impeccable, each arrow finding its mark. He moved with calculated precision, his focus unwavering as he took down the remaining wolves. When the last wolf fell, Ray lowered his bow and surveyed the battlefield. The fallen wolves were a testament to his skill and adaptability.

After hours of hunting, Ray and Sarah met back at their agreed rendezvous point. Both were tired but satisfied with their progress.

"How did it go?" Ray asked, noticing the tired but triumphant look on Sarah's face.

"Not bad. I think I'm getting used to this weapon," Sarah replied with a smile.

"Great to hear. I tried a bunch of different weapons. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses," Ray said, sharing his experiences.

They compared their loot, pleased with the amount of materials they had gathered. Both had leveled up, their stats improving with each encounter.

"Let's head back to the village and see what we can do with all these materials," Ray suggested.

"Agreed. Maybe the blacksmith can make something really special with the essence you have." Sarah said.

They made their way back to the village, chatting about their experiences and planning their next moves. The hunt had not only improved their skills but also strengthened their bond as teammates.

Upon returning to the blacksmith, they found him hard at work on the weapons they had requested.

"Back so soon?" the blacksmith asked, looking up from his forge.

"We've been busy. Here's more materials we gathered," Ray said, placing the new loot on the table.

The blacksmith's eyes widened in surprise. "You two don't waste any time, do you?"

"Not at all. We want to make the most of our time here," Sarah replied.

The blacksmith nodded appreciatively. "I'll get to work on these right away. Come back in a few days, and I'll have everything ready for you."

Ray and Sarah thanked him and left the shop, eager to see what the future held. With new weapons on the way and their skills steadily improving, they felt ready to take on whatever challenges the game world had in store for them.

Ray decided to log off the game since it was already getting late and he had enough of gaming for one day. He ate some food and went to sleep.

In another place, a man and a woman were talking, both with perplexed expressions on their faces. They were seated in a luxurious setting that few could afford or be privileged to stay in.

"When do you think he'll come home, honey?" asked the woman.

"I don't know. You know that boy has always been stubborn," replied the man.

"Yes, but he's been away for too long. He needs to come back. What if he isn't attending school?"

"I've already contacted his teachers, and they say he's been attending school."

"If he doesn't want to come back, then I will make him come back by force," said the man, fuming with anger.

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