
So Far Away: A Min Yoongi Imagine

~Smeraldo Series- Book 2~ When faced with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change your life forever, how far would you go to follow your heart? When Emma (quite literally) runs into Yoongi at Kcon, a tumultuous meeting leaves Yoongi entranced by the one woman ever daring enough to insult him. With only one evening together, Emma must decide where her heart stands with Yoongi. With two different lives, two worlds apart, and an unsure future, they both must decide if a life together after only one date is indeed worth fighting for.

YoonminTrash613 · Nhóm âm nhạc
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10 Chs


"Please? Please come with me? You'll have fun, I promise!"

My best friend, Ky, is giving me his best puppy dog face, begging me to go with him to K-Con. I roll over on my bed, throwing my arm over my face, "But you know how much I hate crowds. It's so uncomfortable for me." Ky crawls onto my bed, grabs my hand, and pulls my arm away from my face, forcing me to look at him, "But you'll be with me! All your faves will be there. . . Including your Bangtan Boys. . ." Truth is, I absolutely love Kpop. I fangirl like crazy around friends and even more in the privacy of my own home. I really do want to go because I know K-Con will be amazing but I know I won't be able to enjoy it while in a room full of people. It makes me feel uncomfortable and claustrophobic. The more I think of it, the more anxiety I feel. It's the downfall of being an introvert but in the end, I give in anyway. I always do when it comes to Ky.

I wait in line at K-Con and there is already a massive crowd formed in front of the doors. Security guards stand about trying to get everyone to form lines but the excitement is too much and no one is listening. Ky brought along two other friends of his that I've only met once before. I say a couple of polite "hellos" but I'm already starting to feel awkward so I put one earbud in and start playing my favorite playlist. 40 minutes go by and the doors finally open. Everyone starts making their way inside and I grab onto Ky so we don't get separated. Walking through the doors, the scene slightly takes me aback. I knew it was going to be a big event but there were thousands of people walking around in all directions. There are dozens of merch and food stands set up everywhere, life-sized cardboard cutouts of famous Kpop groups, and tons of rooms set up with meet and greets and live panels for idols. I'm mostly here for the BTS panel since they will be promoting their newest album and answering fan questions but the schedule says they are not on for another three hours.

The rooms are already filled to capacity so we all decide to check out the stands while waiting. Over two hours goes by and we just left the Got7 Meet and Greet. We're having fun but I feel overstimulated with people, "Ky, I'll be back. I just need some air." Walking out of the main event hall, I decide to explore the building a bit. I walk down a few corridors and secretly hope I don't get myself lost. I find an exit that seems to lead to an indoor courtyard and quietly open the door. There is a beautiful garden with small trees and hedges that line different pathways. I find a shady spot behind a hedge, lay down on the patch of grass, and with both earbuds in, I close my eyes and drift into my own world.

I suddenly get the feeling that someone is watching me. I slowly open one eye and find someone standing right over me, inches from my face. With a startled gasp, I instantly sit up, accidentally bumping their head. A thunderous shock of pain rips through my head. I press my hand against my forehead in pain as I hear them speaking in Korean. It sounds like they're cursing me to hell and I think I catch the word "idiot". His back is turned and I didn't get a good look at his face but he sounds young. "What kind of creep just stands over someone's face?! What the hell's wrong with you?!" I yell. I begin getting up from the grass to leave but he starts yelling back at me, "There's a building filled with thousands of people and I find a woman lying unconscious in an empty room, hidden behind a bush! I was checking to see if you were alive! I should've just poked you with a stick like I was going to. I just wanted some peace and quiet, and maybe a nap. I didn't come here for this shit." I finally look back at him, prepared to argue about the stick when I feel all color drain from my face. He's staring back at me and he's even more handsome in person. Beautiful, even. My head is spinning but I am suddenly unsure if it's from the soon-to-be bruise on my forehead or his cat-like eyes staring right back at me, "M-Min Yoongi?" The last person I ever expected to come across like this is a member from BTS, much less get into an argument with SUGA. I'm so caught off guard, I don't know what to say. Yoongi rolls his eyes at me with a scoff, "Oh, now you keep quiet." His comment reminds me that I'm pissed, "You know, for being an idol, you're kind of a jerk." Trying to keep cool, I swiftly push past him and walk away, all the while wondering how my heart could possibly be beating so fast.

I find Ky and the others but decide to keep my encounter to myself. At least for a while longer. Another hour goes by and it is soon time for the BTS panel so we all get in line. I decide to go buy drinks for everyone so I find a Starbucks stand and order two Caramel Macchiatos and two Americanos in light of it being for the BTS event. I even jokingly give the barista "ARMY" as my name. Five minutes later, my order is up. I grab the drink caddy when someone takes one of the Americanos out. I look up to see Yoongi already taking a sip. "Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?!" I yell. He coolly finishes taking a sip while looking at me, "You called me a jerk. I'm just living up to the name. Ugh, it's not sweet enough. You need more sugar in your life." He sits the cup back in the caddy and walks away, leaving me, the barista, and everyone else in line staring after him.

I get back to my group and start offering coffees. One of Ky's friends, Becky, reaches for the Americano Yoongi drank from and I instantly grab it first. They give me weird looks so looking for an excuse, I blurt out "Bad batch?" I turn away, my cheeks hot and flushed, and I quietly wonder why I didn't just let her have it. A half-hour into the panel, BTS starts taking live questions from the fans. A young girl, maybe around thirteen years old then asks directly to Yoongi, "Since your name is SUGA, do you have a sweet tooth?" Out of nowhere, before he even answers, it suddenly dawns on me that I watched a broadcast before where Yoongi mentions preferring more bland or savory types of food even though he's not a big eater. He had obviously taken my coffee to mess with me but the sugar comment was just to show he can be an ass if he really wants to. I wasn't planning on asking any questions but without really thinking about it, I stand up when they come by with the microphone, "My question is: As idols yourselves, what are your thoughts on idols that act disrespectful towards fans?" I notice Yoongi sit up a bit straighter and I purposefully take a sip of my Americano while looking directly at him. Jin starts to respond when Yoongi cuts him off, "I think if that fan did something towards the idol, like calling them a 'jerk', then it's only natural for the idol to react rudely sometimes. We are still human, after all." Is he seriously blaming me right now? I can feel my temper rising, "Surely if a fan were to call the idol a 'jerk', then maybe he did something to deserve it. Maybe something like being a creep and hovering over me-them. . .the fan." I hear someone start responding but Yoongi stands up, obviously getting irritated, "Creep? Maybe the idol was trying to be nice and check on this fan and instead of thanking him, she physically assaulted him and called him a 'jerk' instead. MAYBE she should be charged with assault and battery." I vaguely notice the room is quiet and everyone is watching the two of us. I feel Ky grab my arm, "Em, sit the fuck down." He tries pulling me down but I'm pissed, "ASSAULT AND BATTERY?! ARE YOU FU-"

Someone's hand is clamped over my mouth as they force me to sit down. I realize it's Ky and he is giving me a look to shut my mouth. I start to calm down and realize everyone looks shocked and Yoongi is gone. I get so embarrassed that I sink down into my seat and pull my jacket hood up, in hopes no one notices me anymore. Namjoon clears his throat, "Uhh, I think that's enough questions for now. Before we meet with you ARMYs, we have a special behind-the-scenes video for you!"

~Yoongi's POV~

"AISH! What the hell is wrong with that woman! 'Creep'! She actually called me a 'creep'!" Fuming, I burst into the bathroom. I needed to get out of there before I embarrass myself even more than I already have. Someone knocks on the door, "Suga-hyung, you okay?" It's Hobi so I let him in, "Did you see that psycho?!" Hobi laughs, "She seems to have gotten under your skin. I've never seen you so worked up over someone before. Much less a stranger. Even your ears are red!" I look at myself in the mirror and realize he's right. My face is flushed, heart racing, adrenaline pumping, and over what, a woman I don't even know? Even in times I have gotten angry about work or people I know I have never reacted this way but something about her easily pushed my buttons. What is with her? I rub the sore spot on my forehead where we bumped heads earlier. I really was only checking on her. How was I supposed to know she came to an event this big just to hide and take a nap. Then again, I guess that is exactly what I was trying to do when I found her. Okay, maybe I did stare a little longer than I had to but she looked so peaceful lying there, completely in her own world. It was such a nice contrast to the craziness of being surrounded by hundreds of people all day long. I know the headbutt was an accident but did she really have to overreact and call me a 'jerk'? Hobi starts pointing at me, teasing me, "Hey. . .you okay there? You look like you spaced out. You're thinking about her, aren't you? You look like you're thinking about her! She did get to you, didn't she? Oooh, is she the one that's going to melt Yoongi-hyung's icy heart? Find out next week on the next episode of Bangtan Over Flowers." He laughs at his own joke before going back to the panel. Melt my heart? Someone like that? She's rude, foul-mouthed, and apparently sleeps in random places. There's no way I could ever be with someone like her. Even if she does get a cute little crease in-between her eyebrows when she's mad. There's no way. After today, I'll never have to see her again.

I get back to the panel room just as the line for the meet is forming. I keep looking through the crowd in between meeting ARMYs. I'm not even sure if it is just out of habit or something else. Twenty minutes in and I notice a fan talking to Jungkook. They have a hood up over their head but I see their hair poking out over their shoulders. It's her. And she's laughing with Jungkook. What the hell could possibly be so funny for them to laugh together so much? I get called a jerk but she's over there laughing with a huge smile across her face. Huh. . . She has nice teeth. . .

"O-oppa? Can you please sign this?" Taehyung nudges me and I look over to see a young ARMY holding out her copy of our album, a post-it, and a stuffed Kumamon. She's a cutie with short black hair cut just above her shoulders. I instantly take the toy, give it a hug, and put it on my head while I sign her things. She laughs and I can't help but laugh, too. I get to meet a few more ARMYs and now "She" is two members down. I can see her face clearer now and she's still smiling. Jin-hyung is trying to talk while laughing and she's cracking up. I can hear his window-washing laugh from here. He's probably telling one of his dad jokes, again. Why does she keep smiling at them? All I got from her today were insults.

It is finally her turn and I don't know why but I'm not sure how to act. I feel like I should be mad at her but I'm not anymore. I can't explain why but I just feel awkward now. I scratch my ear out of habit while looking down. A hand comes into view and I look up to see her stretching a hand out, "I'm sorry. I let my anger get the best of me and asked that stupid question, embarrassing us both. I should've just kept my mouth shut. I'm sorry." She's actually apologizing? Now I feel bad for the "assault and battery" comment. I open my mouth to apologize, too, but the way her deep blue eyes make me want to dive right into them scrambles all thoughts in my head, "You're right, you should be sorry." FUCK! Why did I say that?! I clear my throat and take a sip of water. I'm trying to think of what to say when I see her bite her lip, nod her head and stand up. She's leaving. I don't want her to leave yet but before I can even think, I grab her by the wrist, "Let's eat!" What? She looks at me, completely confused. Frankly, so am I. What the hell am I thinking? She briefly looks down at my hand wrapped around her wrist before looking back at me, my ears beginning to burn red, "Um, I-I mean, have dinner. . . with me? Tonight?" I feel like it is not even me talking. 'Let's eat?' Really? "Uh. . . I-I have to go," She says, pulling her wrist out of my grasp before running out. I sit back, trying to wrap my head around what the hell just happened. "Hyung. . ." I look over at Taehyung and realize everyone is watching me, Hobi laughing from down the table.

~Your POV~

I run out of the doors and into Ky, Becky, and the other girl. I'm freaking out over what just happened and I'm trying to get my thoughts together. I apologized, he was rude to me instead of accepting my apology but then asked me to dinner? Well, he said "let's eat." I can't help myself and laugh at how awkward that was; but cute, definitely cute. But no one has ever infuriated me like Min Yoongi today. Dinner? With him? There is no way. . . "Wait, WHAT? DINNER? WITH MIN YOONGI?" Huh? Looking up towards Ky, I find all three of them already staring at me, open-mouthed. I look at each of their faces, "What? How'd you kn-" Ky scoffs, rolling his eyes, "You just said it out loud! You were all spacey and mumbling shit like 'Min Yoongi? Dinner?'" I look at them and they're staring back, expectantly. Shit. "Uhm. . . yeah. He asked me to dinner. I'm not going, though. He's rude as hell." Ky holds up his hand, urging me to stop talking before pinching the bridge of his nose, "Hold the fuck up, bitch. Min Fucking Yoongi asked you on a date, especially after that shit you pulled earlier and you declined because he's rude?! Are you kidding me?! Get the fuck out. Ladies, take her ass to the hospital because she needs her brain checked. That shit obviously isn't in there because who the fuck turns down a date with my Suga-boo. I'm going to the ladies' room. If I'm lucky, I'll come back with my own sexy Korean Daddy." He walks away, leaving me with the girls.

After 15 minutes, Ky finally comes back, a huge grin across his face. "Don't tell me you already met "Daddy" in there," Becky asks. "I met a Daddy, just not mine," he answers, a smirk across his face. At that moment, my phone begins vibrating inside my back pocket. Checking the screen, I only find a text from an "Unknown" number.

You gave me a sore head. The least you can do is have dinner with me.

What?! How?! KY! I point at Ky, showing him the text, "You didn't!" Ky looks completely pleased with himself, shrugging, "I did." Taking a deep breath, I text Yoongi back.

You've been rude to me all day and couldn't even accept my apology.

Only seconds pass before my phone screen illuminates with a new message.

Am I really THAT terrible that you can smile and laugh with my brothers but not even eat a meal at the same table as me? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that when you apologized.

How did he know I was laughing with them? Was he watching me? What a stalker. (I choose to ignore the fact I kept watching the door, waiting for him to come back to the panel and sneaking peeks at him while I waited in line.)

How'd you know I was laughing? Were you watching me?

Almost instantly, a series of texts come through one right after another.

What? No!

Are you going to have dinner with me or not?

Shit, I'm sorry..Will you PLEASE have dinner with me? We leave for the Philippines early tomorrow so I'm only here for tonight. Please have dinner with a jerk for just one night?

I laugh at his texts and seeing him call himself a jerk makes me feel bad. So I text him back.

Ok..Btw, my name is Emma.

I send him my address and he gives me a time. I have two hours until the event's over but I suddenly feel nervous. "Well?! Let's go! We have to get you out of them raggedy-ass jeans and sneakers you always wear. Let's go, bitches!" Ky says as he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the exit.

~Yoongi's POV~

She actually agreed? She seems so stubborn I never thought she'd say "yes". I was the one to ask her to dinner so why are my palms suddenly sweating? It's only one dinner with a woman I've spent the day fighting with. . . So why am I nervous? "Emma". . . Her name is Emma. . .Pretty. . .I turn to Namjoon, who's sitting next to me on the Artist Lounge couch, "Rapmonie, have you seen PDnim?" He takes a second to look up from his phone. We have a 15-minute break before our next meet and greet. "PDnim? Check the panel room. He might be checking on the staff getting ready for the next panel," he says. I find Bang PD and try to think of an excuse to go out without letting him know it is for a date. They would never stop teasing me. I muster the courage to ask and tap him on the shoulder, "PDnim? Is it okay if I head out for a bit after the Kcon and meet everyone back at the hotel later?" He looks at me for a second before smirking, "You're going out with her, aren't you? That girl was crazy enough to have dinner with you!" I can already feel my ears and cheeks burning, "Yah! What are you talking about?! Can't a grown man go out for a couple of hours by himself?" Bang PD laughs, "I already heard about 'let's eat!' Everyone did. It's okay, go. Have fun but we're in a foreign country so for security, I'm going to have one of the staff follow you between places to make sure you arrive safely. Here, use my rental." He hands me his rental car keys before the other members start filling in for the next panel.

Just over 90 minutes later, we're finally done. We say goodbye to the last ARMYs and I hurry off to find my stylist. I find her starting to pack her things. "Noona, I need a favor. . ." She looks at me questioningly. I nervously rub at the back of my neck, "I kind of have a dinner to go to. Do you think you could help me out?" Smiling, she sits me down and styles my hair. Clean and neat but slightly messy and laid back. A popular style I had once during a promo shoot. She gives me a stylish pair of jeans, a low-cut white satin shirt, and a dark grey blazer to borrow. My stylist fixes the collar of my blazer, "This girl must have really made an impression on you for you to go this far and have me style you." I think it over, "Nah, she seems like a pain in the ass. . . and stubborn. . ." She instantly laughs, "Yeah, sure. Just relax and have fun. You work too hard. Aww, our baby Yoongi has a date!" My eyes grow wide with embarrassment, "Yah! Keep quiet! It's not a date! It's just one dinner." She holds her hand to her mouth, trying to stifle another laugh, "Alright, alright. . ." I can see her smirk as she finishes packing her things.

I find the address Emma gave me. I can see my manager in a car a few yards behind me, being careful enough to see me but still giving me space and privacy. My heart is pounding while I try to clear my head. All we have done today is fight. So why did I ask her to dinner? What if all we do is fight? What if I'm too shy and awkward and she thinks I'm weird? What if we have nothing in common and can't find anything to talk about? I take a few deep breaths to try and calm myself down. Shit, I didn't get flowers. . . Wait, am I supposed to get flowers? I check the time but too late now. I get out of the car and make my way to the front door.

Before my finger reaches the doorbell, a guy opens the door and I recognize him from the meet and greet, "Oh! Ky, right?" He stands in the doorway, a hand on his hip, "Finally! I thought you'd never get out of that car! My masterpiece is done but you have to come in -" "Can I come down yet?!" I hear Emma yelling from somewhere in the house. Ky rolls his eyes and turns his head towards her voice, "No, bitch! You'll ruin it!" He turns back to me, "Anyway, you have to come inside. I want you to get the full effect when she walks downstairs. You know, like a rom-com but better because I dressed her." Honestly, I have no idea what he's talking about but I follow him inside where I notice two other women from earlier. I stand near the door just in case this turns out to be one of those psycho killer documentaries I've seen on tv. I try to look around the room, feeling a bit awkward until Ky lightly touches my chin and guides my face up. Then I see her. She's walking down the stairs but looks different from earlier. Her strawberry blonde hair is lightly curled and framing her face. She's dressed in a navy blue off-the-shoulder dress that fits her curves perfectly down to her waist where it slightly flares out down to her mid-thighs. She has black pumps and diamond stud earrings. She's wearing light eye makeup with a hint of pink lipgloss. Just enough pink to make her lips look supple. . . kis-nope, not going there. She gets down to the bottom, stumbling a little on the last step before walking over to me, her eyes looking towards the floor. I scratch my ear, nervously, "You, uhh, look decent. . . Let's go." I nod goodbye to her friends and hold the door open for her.

We get in the car and neither one of us say anything. She's so quiet, I don't know what she's thinking. Maybe she already regrets coming with me. I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants, not sure of what to say so I turn on some music. I look over at her and she's looking down, fidgeting with her fingers, "Hi." She looks up at me, her cheeks flushed, "Hi." Then, she smiles. It is the prettiest smile that reaches her eyes and lights up her whole face. I can't help but smile, too, "I didn't look for a restaurant ahead of time. I figured since you're a local, you would know what's good better than I." "Well, what are you in the mood for?" She asks. "I'm not a picky eater but I do like trying meals that locals like. I try to avoid chain restaurants when I travel," I say. She thinks it over a bit, before pointing to a street off to the left, "Okay, I know where to go. Just head straight this way."

Now that we are talking, the atmosphere is so much lighter than before. All we did was fight at K-Con but she actually seems pretty sweet, laid back. Emma leads me to a tiny restaurant in the middle of a big parking lot. She calls it a "diner". We go inside and it is packed with customers. Most of them are families and older men with their wives. She waves to a few people and the waitress as we make our way to a table. Luckily, it seems like no one recognizes me. She sits down in a booth across from me, "This is a very popular diner with locals. Not very many diners exist anymore like they used to but I personally think their food is the best. You can even get breakfast food for dinner if you'd like. I'm getting pancakes."

~Your POV~

Yoongi's enjoying his shrimp tacos and beer while I nervously eat my pancakes. I wasn't sure what to expect at dinner after the day we have had but I am so nervous around him now. He's dressed up nicely, looking so handsome in his blazer. I can smell his softly scented cologne. I haven't been able to stop sneaking glances at him every chance I get. Every so often I catch him looking at me, too, and every single time, I notice him turn pink with embarrassment. It makes my heart skip a beat. He seemed rude at K-Con but now, he's completely different. Shy, even. I nervously pick at my pancake with my fork, "Sorry, again. I feel like I overreacted earlier. How's your head?" Yoongi rubs his forehead, "Eh, doesn't really hurt anymore. I'm, uhh, sorry, too. I should've just apologized from the beginning instead of letting my pride get the best of me. Can I ask why you were behind a bush, though? You were at such a big event but chose to hide." I look down, slightly embarrassed. I've always been a little self-conscious about my social anxiety. I bite down my lip as I look at him, debating on how much to reveal, "I had fun and loved the K-Con but I can only take so much being surrounded by so many people. I love music and getting to see and meet so many idols I adore was amazing but I also need my own personal space. So, I decided to get some air and found the courtyard. Want to know something funny? Right before I opened my eyes to you watching me, I was listening to "The Last". It's my favorite track of yours and one of my favorite songs in general. The lyrics are so raw, real, and relatable." Yoongi looks surprised, "Really? Most people tend to think it's too depressing." "That's why I love it. I love happy, sweet, and upbeat songs but the sad and depressing ones are the songs I love most because it's like I can physically feel the emotions the artist gives off. Not just the mood of the music but the depth of the words themselves. You're incredibly talented. I always thought you were brave for putting your thoughts and feelings out there for the world to hear," I say. Yoongi looks down and scratches his ear as they turn tomato red.

Yoongi asks me about my life. What I like, dislike, family, friends, "Your friend Ky seems. . . interesting." I burst out laughing, "'Interesting' doesn't cover it. At the EXO meet, I thought he was going to practically jump on D.O. the way he kept eyeing him!" He watches me as I talk and laughs along with me. His laugh and gummy smile take my breath away every single time. I have seen it a thousand times in pictures and videos but in person, it is glorious. Yoongi's smile is sweet, beautiful, and makes me melt in a way nothing else ever has. I feel like there is nothing I wouldn't do to keep that smile on his face. He pauses mid-drink, his hand holding his beer mid-air, "What is there something on my face? Why are you staring at me like that?" His voice brings me back to reality, "Huh? I wasn't staring at you!" "Yes, you were. You had a weird look on your face like this," he then mocks me, letting his jaw drop like he's drooling. I laugh but say, "Well, did you stop to think maybe I was staring at the food in your teeth, Ugly?" I playfully laugh and stick my tongue out at him. He laughs, "'Ugly'?!" I grab my purse and run out of the diner, waving to the locals I know. I get outside and slow down, giving him a chance to catch up. I turn back and see him running out of the door. He's surprisingly fast. I scream as I run to the car, pulling on the door handle but it's locked. Suddenly, I feel Yoongi's warm hand grab my wrist, spinning me around, lightly pushing me against the car door, "'Ugly'? Who are you calling ugly?" His hand is pinning my arm to the car while his other hand is on the car on the other side of my face. He's only inches away. I can even smell his light cologne. My heart is pounding against my chest. I instinctively swallow and bite my lip. Yoongi looks at my mouth and licks his lips. I'm not sure what I should do. Part of me thinks I should push him away but a bigger part wants to pull him in closer.

~Yoongi's POV~

Those lips. Her lips. We spent all evening talking and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her lips. Soft and plump. The way they moved as she talked or laughed. The way she would smile as she happily ate and the way her bottom lip curved out into a little pout when she would get shy and embarrassed. Now, those lips are just a few centimeters away from mine. My heart is pounding. I can hear my blood rushing in my ears and I'm dizzy with her soft and sweet scent. I want her. I tried to deny it all I could. I thought maybe dinner would go badly and I wouldn't have to think about her again but I failed. I want her now more than ever. I hear her softly whisper my name, "Yoongi. . ." It almost sounds like she's pleading. Just a little closer. She's sexy and beautiful. Funny, smart, shy, clever. . . I want her. I want to be with her. One evening isn't enough for me. . . but I can't. I'm not good for her. So I pull away.

~Your POV~

He lets go of my wrist and backs away from me. I turn around to reach for the car door handle but he opens the door for me instead, protectively holding a hand over my head as I climbed into the front seat. In the privacy of the car, I take a deep breath and idly wonder how long I'd been holding it. I can't help but feel a little stung by his rejection. He is an idol from an entirely different country from mine. I wonder what I was expecting to come from this date. I notice it is taking a while for Yoongi to get in the car and when I look back through the rear window, he is pacing behind the car, running his hand through his hair. I smile a little just to know he feels just as frustrated as I do as if it were some kind of small victory. He gets into the car and looks straight ahead, knuckles white as he grips the steering wheel, "I'm not ready to go back yet." I don't know if he means back to the hotel or South Korea but I am not ready for this night to end. Gently placing my hand over his, I lean in towards him, prompting him to look at me in hopes of helping him to relax, "Downtown is really pretty at night. We could get some dessert and go for a walk." Yoongi looks at me with that beautiful gummy smile of his and starts the car.

We're walking down the beautifully lit street sharing an ice cream sundae together. Downtown is lined with high-end fashion stores, boutiques, galleries, restaurants, and bakeries. The sidewalks are filled with couples and families out enjoying the cool evening air. We keep talking about anything and everything, getting to know each other. He tells me stories about living with the other BTS members. I lean into Yoongi, laughing as he continues joking about Namjoon's snoring, his arm around my waist as he tries to continue through his own laughter, "I'm telling you it's like someone trying to restart a lawnmower that's gargling a hundred trombones! No one even needs an alarm clock because he does it for us." Laughing, I fumble the ice cream, almost dropping it when Yoongi blurts out, "I should have kissed you." I stop laughing and look up at him, a bit shocked. His cheeks turn pink like he can't believe he just said that but as if he caught some nerve by looking into my eyes, with one hand he softly grabs the nape of my neck and softly presses his lips against mine. His tongue tastes like fresh strawberries and chocolate, sweet and intoxicating. I vaguely notice how the ice cream sundae slips from my fingers and tumbles onto the sidewalk. The initial shock of being kissed by him is easily forgotten as I grab the lapel of his blazer and pull him closer. Passersby subtly gawk at us, mixed reactions of "how romantic" and "get a room" but neither one of us notice while lost in our own world together.

Yoongi grudgingly pulls away, eyes still closed. "I apologize, I shouldn't have-. . . I-I can't-" I pout, but understand, whispering "I know. . ." He rubs his thumb across my lower lip, eyes remaining on my lips, "You don't know what you do to me. I don't even understand it. . . No one has ever angered me, made me smile, confused me, and made me want them as much as you. It only took one day and my mind is only on you. I want more time with you, more fights, more kisses, more you." His kitten-like lips turn down into a pout, brows knitted together. Placing a hand on his cheek, I urge him to look at me, "Yoongi, it's okay. I understand." I do understand. Two different people, two worlds apart. I accepted that I would have to be content watching him from afar before I ever let myself walk down that staircase. I don't know what could have grown between us but knowing I will never get the chance to find out is what hurts the most. I wrap my arms around him and tuck my head under his chin. I fit perfectly against him like a puzzle piece.

Yoongi holds me in place, his arms warmly wrapped around my back as I snuggle into his chest, beating in his scent. The moment feels like a stark contrast to just hours ago when we argued so publicly but somehow, this feels right. A moment later, he pulls away. Grabbing my hand, I follow beside him as he crosses the street. He leads us directly into a jewelry store. He looks around as if searching for something specific but doesn't find anything so he leaves. Next, we go into a tiny boutique. I look around, fascinated by the antiques but Yoongi beelines straight for the little jewelry counter. He looks around, points something out to the clerk, and after looking at the piece closer, she bags it for him. Yoongi wraps his hand around mine and we exit the little boutique, a small smile on his lips.

We walk farther down the street to a nearby park, hand in hand. "Let's sit over here," Yoongi says, leading me over to a bench. He walks behind the bench, confusing me, "Yoongi, what are y-?" "Don't move," he whispers, soft warm puffs of his sweet breath brushing against my ear, making me shiver. He softly moves my hair aside, revealing my neck. He reaches his hands around my neck, swiftly leaving a necklace in their place. His fingers linger against my bare skin long enough to send tingles down my spine. So fast that I barely caught it, I feel his warm breath and soft lips lightly kiss the back of my neck before walking around the bench to sit next to me. I look down at the necklace and hold the pendant in the palm of my hand. I can tell it's an antique with its old-fashioned carvings. It's two interlocked open hearts with a small diamond placed where the hearts join. Yoongi grabs my hand, interlacing our fingers, eyes on the pendant, "I wanted to give you something to remember me and this night together. I saw this and it made me think of how the open hearts are both of us and our open future but because we met, a part of us is interlocked. The diamond represents our possibility together. Clean and pure but shining bright like a diamond. While we don't get a chance to see where this goes, we also don't get the chance to tarnish it. With the line of work I'm in, I could never drag you through all the hardships that come with that lifestyle. I don't want you to waste your life waiting for me. I expect you to date and maybe even get married but if by some miracle, we meet again at the right time and place in our lives and you're still wearing this necklace, then I'll know where you stand." I look at him and smile, leaning in until my nose brushes against his, "Had someone told me just this morning that my life would change by the end of the night, I would've laughed at them. I've had boyfriends but never once ever felt anything like what I feel now with you and here I thought I hated you this afternoon." We both laughed together over our memorable first day together. In a mock accusatory tone, he points at me, "You called me a jerk and creep!" Laughing, playfully push my shoulder against his, "Well you threatened to sue me for assault and battery!" Yoongi laughs, his hand reaching up to brush across my cheek, "I should've sued you for looking so cute when you called me a jerk and walked away so cool." Rolling my eyes, I lean back against the wooden bench, "Cool? Yeah, right. I thought my heart was about to leap out of my throat." Looking up towards him, Yoongi's eyes are already on me, watching me. Beneath the light of the lampost, his skin is smooth and milky white, like a porcelain work of art. His charcoal eyes flicker down towards my lips, his own mouth parting with a deep sigh. Blood rushes to my cheeks under his hungry stare, making me squirm against the seat in want, "Yoongi. . ." "Hm?" He simply responds, eyes never leaving my lips. My hand reaches towards his jacket, the soft fabric of his lapels slipping between my fingers, "Can I kiss you, again?"

~Yoongi's POV~

I can feel the soft rhythm of her breathing as she leans on me. The light evening breeze blows through her hair around us. She smells like lavender and honey. Because of her, for the first time in a really long time, I feel relaxed without stressing over work. I think over the memories of today and it still surprises me how this beautiful woman managed to wrap me around her finger in a day. She is tough, sweet, frustrating but beautiful. Having the life of an idol is never the type of life for a new relationship. As much as I don't want to hold her back, I secretly hope she'll wait for me. I never thought I could be the type to fall so easily as if it was a weakness, but tonight, with Emma, I could kiss her forever.

~Your POV~

With our fingers intertwined, Yoongi sweetly kisses the back of my hand. At that moment, his phone goes off. He looks at the screen to see who is calling. Looking at me with a frown across his face, he answers, "Hey. . .Yeah. . .Mhm. . .Yeah, alright." He hangs up, his eyes looking down towards the ground. It doesn't take much to know what's coming next. Tonight is over.

~Yoongi's POV~

I walk Emma to her door, her small hand in mine. I am dreading leaving, not knowing if I will ever get a chance to hold this warm hand ever again. We get to the door without saying a word. I look at her beautiful face, trying to study and memorize everything about her. Every freckle, every curve. I lightly touch the heart pendant laying against her chest, running my thumb across it, hoping to see it again one day. I feel her heart beating against my fingers so I place my hand on the curve of her neck and collarbone. Her heart picks up speed, as does mine. Looking down at her, her round blue eyes glowing in the moonlight, staring back into mine. I watch as a small crease forms in between her eyebrows. Her pink pouty lips part right before she bites her lip as if she is fighting her own restraint. Time is running out and the tension is palpable. I place my hand on either side of her face, barely having to lean in before her fingers are laced into my hair, pulling me against her, my blood boiling within my veins. It is as if she was waiting, ready to catch me; her candy lips moving with mine. Emma bites my lower lip, causing me to gasp and I can barely contain myself, pushing her up against the door. We are nothing but deep breaths, hot skin, and tongues. Her sweet lavender scent surrounds me as she pants into my mouth, her hands sliding down to my waist. Needy, greedy, I selfishly can't get enough. I firmly grab her hair, pulling her head back. Her eyes flutter closed, the sweetest moan escaping her lips, "Yoongi. . ." I kiss along her jaw and down her neck, her nails digging into my skin, making my jeans uncomfortably tight. Just then, my phone rings. I already know who it is. Time's up. Frustrated, I lay my forehead against her shoulder, "I have to go. . ." Breathless, she clears her throat and nods, her eyes facing the ground. I touch the pendant once more, "Remember, if there's a chance this day meant as much to you as it does to me, keep this safe. Until the day it doesn't, wear this." I kiss her once more and walk away.

I get back to my shared hotel room and crawl into bed without bothering to change. "Hyung..." Hobi whispers. I just can't bear to talk right now. I turn away from him and put a pillow over my head. I need a minute to get myself together and focus. I wanted this life. I worked hard to be where I am and fully accepted that dating would be impossible. So why do I feel blindsided by this? I hear Hobi sigh as he sits next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. The best part of having him as a brother is that he always seems to know when to talk and when to just be there. His presence alone is a comfort. With the dawn comes our departure. We board the plane, and as we take off flying over the city, I can't help but wonder if I will ever get to see her, again. For now, I will have to find comfort in the memories I do have so I do what I do best. I take my notebook out and write.

About HER.