
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Thành thị
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53 Chs

Chapter 25

L texted Shoji back and asked him to meet up after school.He never texted back l even wondered if he saw it.

'well will see'

lt was a monochromatic day but l passed it without any problems.Due to Mia's couraging words l was not gonna let her down who knew there was a soft side to her other than the feisty side.l knew she was angry cat and soft sometimes but who knew she could open up to me like that.

l caught a glimpse Emma trying to carry huge stacks of books in the hallway as l was heading to my meeting place.

'Well he can wait.Can he?hmm..'

She was almost tumbling down until l caught up to help her.It was a good option or she would have fallen over.

"Thanks."She said smiling as we were heading back.l bid her a goodbye and rushed to the meeting spot l was supposed to talk to Shoji.

As l was running in the hallway l happened to collide with something sturdy and firm that made me fall backwards without notice.

'My poor but and nose..ouch'

"Oh sorry l wasn't.."

"We happen to meet in the weirdest way possible my dearest junior."

"Oh its you again."He held out an arm to help me up.l took it without thought l struggled up which made me come to his embrace.

'This is too close.'

l stepped back and started picking up my things from the floor.

"Am sorry for bumping into you earlier..and for the other unfortunate events..uum..mm.."

"Its Regen and you dont have to apologise.."

"its Simi.."He smiled warmly and l smiled back.

"Simi.."A familar soft sound rang infront of us.l turned my face to see where it rang from and saw Shoji standing there looking at us.

He showed an expression l had never seen before and left.

'Did l do something wrong?'

l bid Regen goodbye and bolted out of there before he could reply.l needed to find the reason why Shoji looked like that.

Which do u prefer winter or spring?

Karma_yukidacreators' thoughts