
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 24

After the whole embarrassing scenes l ended up avoiding them in the most ridiculous ways to even imagine.

"Haa..."l let out a heavy sigh thinking about the situation it was all nerve racking to even find a possible answer to solve it.

l still looked over Shoji's texts.

"He seems worried but what am to do.."l felt the situation replay all over again like how it went with Hiro.

'How was he?He even hadn't even texted me called once.whats he up to?'

l let out another heavy sigh.The breeze calmed me alittle but still not enough to make me forget.l later on the cold bare ground looking at the dancing clouds as they made different shapes at least that's what l imagined.

"Dummy,what are you doing here?"

l looked over and saw Mia coming over to where l was.She lay beside me.

"You know you should at least respect your elders."

"l respect people who are not cowards though."

l clutch my heart like l was hurt in an exaggerated manner.But She was saying the truth l was really a coward l always ran when things got tougher and when l couldn't run l pretended that everything was fine and ignore it.

'Hmm..My past still repeats itself even without my knowledge..aah shit!'

"Mia how are you so straight forward all the time..even when situations get tough your just..able to speak your mind."

l turn to my side to face her.She also turn to me.

"Who told you i don't hesitate..am always a scaredy cat at times you know..am human after all.All humans obviously hesitate whether it is to say something whether good or bad,we get the urge run away when things get out of control or we feel we cant move on with life when things get so hard that..."She swallowed hard l knew she was holding back her tears due to past recent events.l got a grasp of her hand.She smiled."But you know what..even though we go all through that we have our dear ones cheering us on to move on..to have more courage."

She stood up and headed to the exit.

"Have more courage dummy and face it all..l'll be here for you."With that she left.The last sentence was whisper but was clearly heard.

l returned to my original position.The wind blew harsher than a moment ago.

'She's truly my shy kitten.'

l may a decision from then on.l was gonna face it all whether be cruel or harsh am gonna deal with it.

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