
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Thành thị
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53 Chs

Chapter 10

l dragged Mia to the roof before classes started.We really needed to have a talk before anything went out of hand again.

lt was much cooler up here and the view made match with the so rounding which was exhilarating.

"So Mia l..."

"l didn't need your help at all and if its a thanks you want your not getting it."

She looked away with her hands folded on her chest.l sighed.

'This was gonna be tough' l thought at the moment.

"You know l've just realised that a foul tongue runs in our family genes.

l said facing the beautiful view beyond the terrace.

There was a brief silence.

'Guess that runned her mouth dry'

l faced her and smiled at her approaching her quietly even if she backed up l still replaced the distance by moving forward.l bent down until her ear point and with a cold whisper.

"Don't do anything that gets us both in trouble if u do ,well no games and no cards for a whole year and double the chores you do.How does it sound?"l smiled at her.

"You wouldn't dare?"

"Wanna try me.... Koi.Cause you don't wanna."

She looked at me with frightened puppy eyes l knew she understood the deal or rather yet the assignment.The bell shortly rang after.

"Let's go back to class Mia..."

"Shall we?"As l gestured through the door.


From then on Mia didn't cause anymore trouble and also she stopped being the trouble maker she was but still something was unsettled like whenever l randomly or intentionally caught a glimpse of her she would tense up a bit.

l thought it was the cold getting to her but maybe not don't know it was still a puzzle to me.

Anyway the school was all fine but l still missed the guys back home but tried to get my mind busy so as to enjoy my time here and who couldn't beyond the school's luxurious set up and beautiful nature view the students didn't actually get left behind they were a sight to behold.lt was like they were hired fashion models here just paid to just come to school and just of the latest trend jewellery and clothe brand there was and there is to come and me feeling like geeky side character who just appears by the name and never is heard of again.For at that moment as l was walking down the hallway l felt clutching my chest in dramatic like in movies and kneel down be like in the seated position of how like when people are defeated because that's how l felt at that moment but you a thought came in mind.

'There is a difference between imagination and reality'

And if l did that in real l will just feel more dejected because people would be looking at like' the wtf eyesight'and l will be like 'mmmmm' and because what to say.

Even though l still didn't want to say it or realise it in a philosophical manner my value was below two here it was a miracle to even get at two sadly but even more surprising was that Mia surpassed me by a mile in both value and beauty.

Haaa..l actually started doubting if l was picked from the expired shelf or something or even the wrong bucket.

l stopped pondering about it because it was not gonna give me answers or something unexpected.

My fate was sealed and l just had to wait and see how it goes or at least how it plays out...