
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter 11

l stralled down the stairs and classroom looking for a club that was kind of suitable that l could enter.

Damn!l wish they had an elevator in this school.The stairs were so many and tiring and many.

Oh my gosh am gonna die before finding a suitable club and its not like l can refuse it was mandatory here to have more than one clubs here Mia Already had chess club and left me all alone to survive this traitorous route of finding a club.l felt like crying when was l gonna find it.Unconsciously l stumble through the environmental club poster.

"Environmental club.mmm..maybe"

lt looked easy and didn't look like it will take a lot of energy participating in it.l really needed a club that couldn't take a lot of energy.What am actually saying am a lazy girl ,mostly inactive that's how l refer to myself .

l stood in front of the club room another poster in front of the door was kept loosely,it looked shady but what was l gonna loose l walked in.

"Hello,is anyone here?"

No response,l tried calling out a few times but still no response.

l stepped in a bit more inside and caught a glimpse of a person sleeping in the couch.He looked pretty tired.

"Maybe that's why he didn't hear me."l said aloud but not too loud to wake him

He looked peaceful and cute.He had dark blue hair and a small beauty spot that resembled a dot on the left of his eye.His features were godlike and pink lips while his skin was flawless l couldn't help but awe in amazement.

As was busy eyeing the godlike creature he started moving and without any warning he pulled me beside me like l didn't even weigh a thing.

Damn!How strong was he.Forget that whats he doing.He hugged me tight like l was a stuffed bear or something.

There was no space left between us and even though he still hadn't opened his eyes and was looking directly at him with our noses touching,yeah it felt awkward.l could feel and smell both his breath and scent linger around me.My face l know at that moment was flushed red like a big red tomato.l knew l had to stop this.

"Umm..hey what are doing!?"It was supposed to be a shout but it ended being a squeal instead.

"Squeezing a Rabbit"He mumbled with a deep voice in his sleep that rejoice ten towers in my head of course but that was a thought for later now l have to try and find a way out this situation.

"Hey!let go of me am not a squeeshy Rabbit or a pillow am a human dammit!."

l struggled out of his embrace.He let out a giggle.

"Okay,l'll stop."

He let me go.Finally l was free!!

Wait,hold up whats wrong with this guy.

"Are you a new club member?"

"Yes."l tried to say without embarrassing myself.

He really looked cute now when he had bed hair and closed one of his eye and opened another like a little puppy,l really had the urge to pet him but pushed the thought aside.l looked anywhere else but him.