
CHAPTER ONE ****************

The rain drizzled outside lightly beating against the side of the house letting out a soft sad sigh, feeling the rain as she leaned against the cold window. Desperately wanting to be a part of the tiny little raindrops the soft rain sounds were almost like music to her ears the rain was soft and gentle taking its time to plummet down to the cold wet ground the clouds huddled together from the cold it was dark and gloomy but she liked it that way, closing her eyes she listened to the rain it was almost like the sky was crying emotional from the beauty of the rain, It was sad but happy for it was the promise of new life. Sighing leaving trails of her warm breath on the window the tiny raindrops penetrated piercing through her warm breath, she opened the window a little setting her head in her hand while sending the other out the window feeling the cold rain hit her skin tickling as it dripped from her hands. Her eyes were so focused on the rain that she didn't notice her mother pulled into the driveway she squeaked from a bad break coming home from a late shift at the hospital, getting out of the car holding her umbrella out of the door before she stepped out into the rain. Hope went back to gazing at the rain she liked the rain, it was peaceful and soft it didn't rush the rain took its time passing on through her fingers, the cool breeze splashed inside her window getting her homework wet but she didn't care she had good grades anyways. As she watched, she had forgotten that her mom was coming and that she was there she got so lost me the moment that she didn't care about anything around her, Hope felt entranced by the rain with its softly caressed hand. Hearing the door close on her mom's car brought Hope's attention back to reality, snapping her attention towards her mother, she smiled and waved her mom was her best friend she could tell her mom anything and everything she didn't remember her dad he left when she was a baby her mom tells her stories about him when she asks but she hasn't asked in a long time the only reason she asked was to see if she talked about him enough he might decide to come back but he never did now she's eight-teen and she doesn't care if she's him again he's the one that left and her mom was the one who stayed when she went to close her window, she saw a figure standing across the street he wore a black jacket and jeans the Hood and the rain cloaked his face. She opened the window a little more to get a better look at him to tell the cops what he looked like, but she couldn't see his face the rain was not too heavy for her to see anything but his clothes were wet the rain dripped from his hood that masked his face and he was intensely staring at their house like there was something wrong with it and she wanted to know why? She knew it was a man his shoulders were too broad and his torso was too long for it to be a woman. Some women did portray the looks of men but in this guy's, case that wasn't a problem to decipher the obvious. It was a man and stood there like he was on a mission his stance was powerful and dominant. He didn't look like the guy you can just say no to without changing your locks on your doors or locking all the windows before you go to sleep that night, the way he was staring he looked almost, personal. When she leaned out the window she stared at this man seeing that he was walking across the street to come to their hue she leaned further out the window gripping the window seal her knuckles white as she watched in horror as the man was closer and closer to the house he didn't walk fast to the door he didn't take his eyes off of her or the house he was almost moseying along taking his time as she nearly fell out of the window a pair of hands grabbed her pulling her back in she let out a blood-curdling scream. Her mom held her hands over her ears " Jesus... I know I'm not great at hearing already I don't need to be any more Def. " She said, scratching at her ears holding a shaking hand to her ear scratching the inside of it when Hopes stopped echoing through the house, she looked at her mom smiling " you scared the crap out of me.." said Hope as she sat down on by her window. Desperately trying to find her breath nearly hyperventilating, she felt as if her heart was going to blow out of her chest, but her mom stood there arms crossed " what were you thinking you scared me I thought you were going fall out of the window!" She almost screamed her mom ranted on "do you remember what happened to your uncle terry? He was hanging out the window and he fell and was in a coma for three years! Now would you mind telling me what in the hell you were doing were you doing? " She asked, tapping her foot waiting for an answer Hope looked out the window the man was no longer there she didn't know if she was dreaming or if it was real either way, she didn't feel too safe she didn't see the man didn't mean he wasn't lurking somewhere waiting to strike and the next time she might not be so lucky. She looked at her mom, her mom's face was nearly red with anger mixed with worry, she didn't like to worry her mom then her eyes drifted to her clothes and her blond hair were damp from the rain, her nurse's outfit was dirty with puke and bloodstains her blond hair was being held up by chopsticks, looking at her mom wanting to tell her she saw someone outside desperately wanting to tell her everything but she didn't she was new and she didn't want to give her mom another reason to give her the speech about how moving was the best thing for them, And her mom wouldn't believe her she made up a lot of stories in the beginning when they first moved there that she had to sign a piece of paper stating that she wouldn't tell lies anymore but this time it was true but she didn't want to hear the speech for the thousandth time. Her mother raised her eyebrow, waiting for her answer tapping her foot lightly her arms crossed so tight she could see her knuckles through her skin " well?" She said Hope bit her lip " sorry, mom I wanted to tell you something before you came in... I guess I wasn't thinking..." She inhaled a little blowing out a sigh, " I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to go out the window honest. " Hanging her head a little bit her mom looked at her and took a deep breath, knowing she'd been a little bit too hard on her daughter since they moved to this town three months ago, but it was still hard for both of them to a just what we're used to having Hopes grandparents around but ever since they sold the house it been tough for them. She sat next to Hope by the window setting her hand on her shoulder " look... I know I haven't been the best person to get along with lately and I'm sorry... it's just work and all the shifts I do... I'm just stressed I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you sweetheart.." She said, giving a slight smile Hope returned the smile, but soon faded " hey mom.." Hope said looking at her mom " what? " Her smile faded as well Hope still pondered whether or not to tell her about the mysterious man that was outside the house if she did she would never be allowed out of the house again. " Oh, nothing.. Never mind. " She said waving her hand not wanting to alarm her mother in any way smiling, trying to make everything seem like it would be ok, looking at her daughter suspiciously, her mom, she merely said " ok..." getting up, she went to walk to the door before leaving she smiled one last time " no more hanging out the windows. Ok? " She said, raising her brow. Hope laughed a little playing it off as best as she could " ok.." She said as her mom shut her door once her mom was downstairs, she looked back out the window there was still no one there maybe she was just tired and it was nothing shrugging, and decided to forget about it, getting upsetting her books and homework on her nightstand she plopped on her bed and sighed she didn't want to do more of anything but she knew she had to go brush her teeth at least she would hop In the shower in the morning before school, getting under the covers she fell right to sleep not knowing that her life would change her life forever..... Hearing her alarm clock go off, groaning she opened her sleepy eyes to find it in the dark, she looked it was six on the dot she huffed out frustration she didn't want get up yet, getting up she grabbed her towel set out her clothes, setting them on the bed she went to walk to her bathroom running into the wall stepping back she rubbed her head yawning as she turned the shower on, peeling off her nig t-shirt she steed in but quickly getting out the water was too cold and woke her right up. Adjusting the temperature on her shower she got it to the right temp that she liked and stepped back in, signing with contentment feeling the heat on the water splashing her back running her hair under the water taking it all in as she stood there feeling the water droplets hit her legs and ankles she could hear the lusty pitter-patter of the water hitting the shower walls rubbing soap all crossed her body she nearly got lost in the water. She was always that weird kid that loved the water everything about it, she loved the smell even. When she was done she got out wrapping her towel around her whipping the mirror getting a ride of the fog on the mirror. She looked at herself in the mirror she didn't see what her mother had seen she always says that she was as beautiful as a rose in snow and she had no idea what that meant all she knew is that she looked like a geek. Getting dressed in her normal baggy shirt and sweats, She pondered her look for a moment she didn't see anything special others saw her as ugly her body was to die for tight skin long, lush legs, and a face that could turn any gay man straight. But she didn't see it that way she was always picked on for the clothes that she wore but she still didn't see how she was pretty, she got her looks from her mom and her eyes from her father, washing her face, she still didn't see why or what her mother kept calling her pretty for she never felt beautiful. Putting her hair up in a ponytail she grabbed her toothbrush and brushed her teeth after stabbing some toothpaste on her blue toothbrush, once done she got ready for the day she grabbed her normal jeans and baggy t-shirt grabbing the glasses she looked at the mirror once more her mom popped in " hurry Hope honey you're going to be late.." She said she stopped for a moment hearing her mom's car keys jiggle and the door closing behind her grabbing her backpack she went out her door she looked back she didn't want to go but she also knew if she didn't she wouldn't live long enough to do anything worthwhile going down the creaky stairs running her hands on the cold metal railing she paused Mabey she could stay home today fake being sick after all she was getting good at imitating her mom's voice but she decided giant it if she was ganna see her senior year of high school pictures of her and her mom spread out across the wall that hadn't been painted scene eighteen hundred's, looking at them as she walked down the steps stopping at a picture from the eighth birthday she was hoping her dad would come then he promised he would but never showed. As she stood there she heard her mother pull out of the driveway, hearing the squeaky breaks grind against each other as she pulled out of the driveway, sighing she finished going down the stairs, Grabbing a banana from the counter she walked out the door. The house they got was built in the late mid eight hundred it was old and had a lot of work that need to be done to it, but it was a good house, even though sometimes at night it feels like the house dances when there's a lot of wind outside that's when she feels like the house comes to life, it has always been creepy or weird when she would lay there in her bed listening to the windows as the branches from the tree used her window would be at against the glass, she walked to her car as it drizzled still he hair was slightly wet when going to her car. unlocking her car door she stepped inside shaling off the cold she adjusted her mirror looking out of it putting her glasses on her face she didn't need the glasses but they helped her see better when she read and when she was driving in weather like this huffing she decided that she couldn't be late for school today putting her car in gear she looked back but didn't see anyone coming when she went to pull out she saw someone behind her she stomped on her breaks her car came to a stop she looked behind her she saw that same guy with the hoddie standing behind her car she could feel her heart start to pound faster in her chest. Her hands tightened on the steering wheel. But the man didn't move from the spot he was in, she waited for anything to happen, but nothing did closing her eyes, she for a couple of seconds when she opened there was no one there she looked back there was no one around her car or the house so sighed with relief letting out a very shaky breath she didn't want to remember about the time she was robbed and almost died. The man took her wallet, but when he tried taking her ring that her grandmother gave her she out up a fight with that, but she was shot and he took it anyways she has never been the same since she used to be fun and funny, she used to have friends but when that happened to her she sopped talking to people she didn't have any friend that was left, she was all alone. She looked in the review mirror, but he was no longer there, she wasn't imagining things this man was real whoever he was. Shaking her head to stay focused pulling out the driveway, she speeds off down the street. The whole drive to school, she kept wondering about who that man was and what he wanted maybe he was a stalker to someone who used to live there and didn't know they moved or maybe he was that man who was made because her mom rejected him when he asked her out. Pulling up to the school students everywhere, she drove slow, so she didn't hit anyone trying to find a parking spot when she did find one a group of popular girls took the spot speeding into the parking space they got out looking at her car and laughed at her she sighed with frustration she didn't have time for their crap this early in the morning, she went to back up but as she did a loud thud came from behind her car she jumped she looked around to see what she had hit, but she couldn't see anything when she looked out her driver's window she stopped a man not much older was there leaning against her car he didn't look too happy, his eyes were narrowed with irritation not knowing what he was about to do she held her breath. But he did nothing but stare at her for a minute, Hope didn't know what else to do but stare back. His eyes looked like pools of an ocean but didn't look very inviting they looked like very ark orbs of ice his stare alone was intimaidating enough, his skin was near a bronze color, he looked like he got sun on a daily his skin was perfect, his muscles nearly spilled out of his shirt, but not to much that made them to noticable but just enough to define his hole bad boy look he was pulling off, his black t-shirt was tight but loose around his hips she couldn't help but stare all of him was just too good not too look at , his jeans wear loose, but not too lose his jeans hugged his hips just right it was almost a crime, tapping on her window he gestured for her to roll it down, snapping back into reality she rolled down her window " so..." he said looking at her with such disdain in his eyes biting her lip she tried not to make eye contact with him but it was kinda hard to look away he was the most beautiful human she had ever seen then he opened his mouth " Do you make a habit of hitting people before class starts? " He asked, his voice was low, but smooth like silk with a lot of sarcasm in his tone. She didn't know what to say she's never been too good with talking to guys, nor anyone for that matter, he raised his brows, " Hello. " he said it in a way this time that made her sink deeper into the bliss of his voice it was like he was touching all of her but with his voice in his eyes she could tell he was dangerous it had been a long time since she had a feeling in her gut that made her want to scream and drive the hell out if there but the fact that her body was frozen said alit abut her character I mean a lot of girls fell for the bad boys In the movies, she didn't see the appeal til now. He continued to stare at her " Areas def as you are dumb? " he asked the nice silk that was once there was gone now. Snapped out of it saying " Im not def i can hear you there's no need to be so rude I'm not dumb i have the highest G.P.A at this school." she said as the other cars behind her started to blair their horns he smearked a little at her snarky comment but he almost smiled when she stuck out her tung like she was in middle school trying to fightoff a bullie that toik her cookie, it wasn't as snarky as she had hoped but it was good enough, he tapped the side of her car and said " yeah, how swell for you try not to kill anyone backing out there tokyo drift." as he walked away she watched him with his confident walk she already didn't like him she didn't want to recognize in what she had felt a few secinds ago beacuse one he is just to scary and two he is rude the cars honked behind her agian she waved them to go by her but then she had reailized that she was blocking their path to go for them to go around, she huffed reaving the engine a little it pulling into an empty parking space where the man was just standing, she hit her head on the steering wheel a few times them grabbed her backpack and got out all of the kids where headed inside now Faramont High was the biggest school in the state after all living in in West Virgina it was built in 1928, it has been modified over the years but, still has the same struckter that it did way back when. Hope looked at the windows of the school, she moved there when she was just a kid, but never really felt like she belonged there to begin with, her mom was never really home, she was always at work her mom worked two jobs and has volunteered work on the side, she huffed as she fixed her hair she pulledup her glasses on her nose grabbing her backpack she walked up to the doors to the school everyone was in the hallways it was so loud with voices that it was insane she tried to drown people out but there was so many kids that went to that school that she couldnt there was abrely any room in the halls sqeezing passed oeople just to get o her locker nearly running into soemone she almsot tripped " oh shoot im sorry, i didnt mean to run into you." she said looking up at a girl she has never seen before her red hair looked liek it was on fire her porcilen skin was flawless her green eyes were nearly mezmorising her red lipstick matched her hair she looked at Hope blowing a bubble with her gum when it popped she looked her up and down " its ok doll, theres to many pewople here so i get it im new where is gym class? I got that first period. " She asked, but it sounded like silk when she spoke. Hope stared at her " you must be new, " she said, laughing nervously " I got that to ill show you where it's at." she said setting her books on the floor to open her locker " just let me put my books away first, then we can go." she said setting her books in her locker jumping after the girl popped her gum " oh shit, sorry. " She said as she pulled her gum out of her mouth, tossed it, In the trash can, and made it in Hope stared at her then at the trash can in disbelief, she didn't know what to say but the girl breaks the silence first " oh I'm being rude I'm Elizabeth but you can either call me Beth or Viki, but my friends call me Viki." She said her eyes nearly light up when she held out her hand for hope to shake it looking at her Hope slowly took it " Hi Vicki I'm Hope. " She said back looked at her and tilted her head up when she saw Hope looking at the ground " never put your head down sweetie, it gives people the green keg to be mean to you. " She said smiling Hope gave a smile back, grabbing Hope's arm in best friend unison she asked " so where is this gym class? " She looked back and forth down the hallway that was now nearly empty as the bell rang Hope grabbed the vivacious arm and nearly dragged her down the long hallway not stopping even though Vicki was yelling " hey! Hey! Whoa, slow down I'm wearing heels this isn't idealistic, I'm not that good of a runner! " She was still going on as the final bell rang they made it to the girl's gym locker room Vicki sighed, took deep breaths " what did you do that for? I could've died! " She said nearly out of breath, her heart pounded in her chest her forehead was slightly damp from sweet Vicki took a deep breath in " do you know any models who run in heels? No! they walk where ever they go jeez. " Hope rolled her eyes and smiled a little bit, she hasn't talked to anyone this much or has been around anyone this much in a long time. She kinda liked it, hearing all of the other girls snicker as she walked with Vicki hanging her head low not wanting to draw attention to herself, she made her way to her gym locker Vicki saw the other girls making fun of her new friend she walked over to them, Hope looked back and she couldn't believe her eyes, they were quiet for once she didn't know what Vicki was talking them but they were as white as a sheet of paper, the older girl Britteny looked like she was about to pass out the other two goals that were twins Shawnee and Bianca looked like they were about to puke. Once Vicki was done, she came over and sat by Hope she looked at her " what did you say to them? " She asked, still looking back at them " oh nothing, I just said that I would expose their deepest, darkest secrets, for what they truly were and they were urged not to bother you anymore," she said with a smile on her face she looked back at them they were looking at either whispering but when they saw Vicki looking at them they ran outside of the locker room, " I think they got the point. " she said laughing a little bit Hope dint know what to say shes never had someone to stand up for her before she was beautiful and string she wished that she could be more like her. She was so confident and comfortable with her body " you made them do that? How? " She asked with curiosity in her voice Vicki looked at Hope smiling and said" trust me I have my ways. " She said as she looked at Hope with a smile that said 'hey, I'm crazy but ignoring it, she handed Vicki some of her gym clothes, " Here I know it's not ideal but it's all I have, sorry. " She said Vicki looked at them and gave the weirdest smile, " well they aren't hideous, but it's not something I would wear but thanks. " She said trying to send sincerely, but it wasn't working Hope hung her head, laughing a little bit, she looked at Vicki " it is ok you dint have to be nice to me about it or anything. " She said Vicki looked at her and said " why don't you come over to my house after school today and we can do some make-up and we can do your clothes I have some clothes that I can give you if you want. " She said getting up to out on the shirt her bra was pink and she had the most amazing body, after tieing a part of the short, she put on her sweets pulling up the legs to make it show a little skin her legs were smooth as hell looking at her she was entranced but when she looked up seeing that Vicki was staring back at her Hope looked away instantly, " what? " she asked, curiosity raising her voice " oh nothing, it's just I wish I could be pretty like you. " She said Vicki smiled, " well, if you say so," she said tossing the hair behind her Vicki's body was flawless, it was almost porcelain-like, Hope wished she was as confident as she was, but she wasn't. Hope stood up to walk out of the locker room but other girls were blocking the entrance so she went the long way going back out into the hallway, Vicki followed her she went to go tell Vicki something but she ran into a couple of people. She looked at them went to apologize but stopped when she saw the guy that she hit with her car this morning, " well, not only do you hit people with your car, your run into them, hmm well you are either a terrible driver it really bad at coordination. " he said very rudely, scoffing at him " well I... Mabey you're a bad walker. " she said it was the worst burn she has ever tried doing. But in her defense she hasn't talked to guys that looked like they were made from Angeles finest rock, He looked at her and smiled " don't say it I knew the moment I said it. " she said holding her hand up to his face in annoyance. Another guy came up behind him and went passed Hope grabbing Vicki by the waist holding her into his embrace as he gave her a really big kiss on the lips Hope moved away not reilixzing how close she was standing to the other guy she ran into twice now leaning closer to her he whispered in her ear " you and Vicki friends? " he said nearly jumping she looked up and down at him steeping away " yeah. " she said then she realized something, " hey wait a second are you guys? " she asked, he nodded his head " for a long time now. " he said holding outhis hand " the name is Calum Daxton. " he said she looked at his hand and then him " Hope Gray. " she said, Calum looked at her with concern on his face but shrugged it off he thought mabey she was a germifobe he didn't really look into it " oh this is King. " he said King turned around and smiled " hey how you doing? " he said grabbing Vicki closer she slapped him on the arm when he grabbed her ass " King! " she said Hope looked away feeling a little embarrassed " oh you guys Hope is coeing over after school as long as her mom said its ok? " she said Calum rolled his eyes " why? we needed to do some stuff today. why is she coming over? " he said. Viki looked at him and smacked him hard on his arm "be nice, she coming over, end of story. " she said in her mother like voice his eyes " whatever. " he said wathe king away Vicki looked at Hope " don't let that tough talk bother you he's nice he's just not in a very good mood today. " she said kiss time scooting him off to class he blew her a kiss as he walked away Vicki stuck one of his kisses in her bra area. Grabbing Hopes arm she couldn't stop smiling " isn't he just the best ? " she said nearly yelling her joy through the hallways. Hope looked at her like she was a lunatic, but then looking back watching as Calum and King walked away talking it was almost like he could feel her star, He turned and smiled Hope ran around the corner her face red her heart raced she dint know what it meant but she didn't like this awful pit in her stomach telling her there was something off with the new kids. Yeah, Vicki was nice but something was nagging at her from the Pitt of her stomach telling her not to trust them yet, not till she ad concert evidence that they were bad people shell just have to rely on their words for right now. Feeling the warm sweet drip from her face, pushing her glasses on her face up her clothes clung to her body as she ran back and forth touching the red line the black and back to the red over and over again. That was something she was always good at was running away, she never really got the whole point of the gym but she did it anyway, Vicki grabbed her side breathing heavily" why are we running, " she stopped talking a deep breath in before she spoke again, " Gym class is kinda pointless dint you think? " she said taking deep breaths laying down on the cool gym floor, Hope leaned down " well the point of gym class there superstar is to get or stay fit, " she said holding out a hand for Vicki to grab it looking at it with discussed "ew your sweety! " she exclaimed Hope laughed " yeah but so are you, a little more what hurt you. " she said Vicki grabbed her hand nearly falling back down on her ass, laughing the gym teacher Mis. Gibbins blew her whistle "Let's go, ladies, we don't have time to waste! " she said, after helping Vicki up she continued to run around the gym until Mis. Gibbins blew her whistle again everyone stopped walking over the red gym bag MIs.Gibbins threw out some dodge balls "Line it up, ladies! " Mis. Gibbens was built like an ox there's were few people who could take her down, " She is so... '' Hope nodded knowing what Vicki was about to say " yeah some say she used to be a warden at a women's prison down in Florida but I don't know they are just roomers but she is having us play this dumb game to see if one of us the balls to challenge her she hasn't lost in three years. " Vicki smirked, " Yeah well that was till I showed up at this school, ill take her on," she said warming up " no problem. " she said stretching her arms. Hope looked at her like she had lost it, " what are you tru=ing to di get yourself landed in the hospital? " she said grabbing her arm, hoping to talk some science into her but it wasn't working because Vicki already yelled at Mis. Gibbsen, " Hey! I want to take you on in the dodgeball thing. " she said with a lot of confidence, a little too much for hopes liking all she could think to herself was that she befriended a crazy person. Hope tried to talk Vicki out of it, " hey Vicki I know your new and want to show everyone you can easily be intimidated but for me could you, oh don't know to challenge our gym teacher a dodgeball fight to the death!? " she said swinging her hands at her sides trying to make her point she new she also looked liken a crazy person doing it but she didn't care at that moment she just wanted to get her new friend to not die Vicki looked at her " dint swear it I was the last champ at my school. " Mis Gibbens looked at Vicki smiling "oh so we finally have someone who wants to challenge me in a dodgeball game, huh? " she said sounding very amused she looked at her saying " get ready to eat rubber little girl," she said grabbing a ball, her arms looked as if they would explode from her skin the veins in her arms were nearly as big as ger fingers. Hope moved out of the way, but Vicki didn't move it was almost like her body was a frozen statue, the ball was thrown coming towards her like a large meteor, seconds later a loud smacking noise echoed in the gym everyone went silent for a minute Hope Had her eyes covered so she didn't have to watch her friend get hurt but she peeked just to see if she was ok and to her surprise, Vicki was just fine the ball was in Vicki's hand inches away from her face her eyes were near as red as blood moving the ball away from her face she tossed it back at Mis. Gibbsen the ball landed at her feet nit knowing what the hell just happened other than the fact that she had lost to a student no one moved, no one even said a word because no one knew what to say but Hope leaped over to Vicki hugging her " OH MY GOD! that was awesome you caught that thing like you were a ninja or something, like what?! that was- that was... why is everyone look like they are having aneurism? " she said they looked around the room no one did or said anything for quite some time but then the gym teacher looked at her and scoffed " well I guess that you win there uh... sorry what's your name's? " she asked looking at both Hope and Vicki, they looked at eachither and Hope said " Mis. Gibbsen" you've had me all year Hope. " she said but she looked at her teacher and reilozed she didn't care so she grabbed Vicki's hand and walked away from her grabbing a basketball shooting it towards the hoop on;y to miss griaing she looked at Vicki " hey vic? there's this thing that's been bugging me from just a couple of minutes ago? do you have changing contacts or something? " shockkced bt her question Vicki missed her shot and looked at Hope, " what do you mean? " she said deep i her gut knowing what she was asking Hope could almost feel the tension shoft in the air she knew there was something wring all of the hairs on the back of her neck stood up, the nagging sticking feeling she got earlier when she saw the boys that Vicki hangs with was back except this time it was more intense nagging at her like it was somehting bad that she ate but that want the case the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomic wasa warning that if she kept hanign around Vicki she might notlike the out come of whats ganna happen she didnt kbow what yet but she had this feekig that she wasnt going to lke it once she found out what Vicki was hising from her i mean its not nice of her to assume things of her new founded BFF but she wanted to make sure that she could trust her and those guys that she calls friends , she didn't know how to handle that type or that level of nervse before but she still looked at Vicki for her answer but she played it off like she was the one that was crazy now. Hope looked at her not knowing what to believe but she wanted to believe her friend so she let that go, after a little while longer in gym class the bell rang, gong back into the locker rooms she sat next to Vicki untieing her shoe still trying to shake this nagging feeling that was still there not knowing how she would be able to focus on anything but once dressed she made her way out of the gym doors " hey Hope to wait up!" she heard Vicki making her way threw the thick crowd of students who had gym class, " you still coming over after school? " she asked as nothing had happed in the gym, Hope looked at he friend trying to come up with a good excuss but she couldn't so she said " yeah, I guess so. " she said the nagging feeling turning into anxiousness. Not sure why she wanted her to come over in the first place but she went along with it Mabey it was kind of a good thing Mabey, she could see what they were hiding and expose them but she drew her attention back to Vicki when she realized that she had said something "what? " she said innocently trying t divers from hat she had just been thinking. Vicki repeated herself " what are you thinking about? " she said suspiciously, Hope waved her hand in the air " oh, nothing important just wondering what other classes you have." she said, pulling out her crumpled up paper with her class schedule on it she looked at it and said "I have A.P Bio. " she said shoving it back onto her tight shorts, Hope looked at hers her heart nearly dropped that what she had next but she didn't want Vicki to see it s she acted happy " that's what I have come on I'll show you the way. " walking down the hall felt like a dream she had to have been dreaming there is no way that the hottest new girl in the school wanted to be her friend or to hang out with her, she had a feeling that t was almost too good to be true, but she didn't want to give to much away not knowing how she would react to her knowing that she was on to her
