
Sorting Ceremony

My sisters and I left the cabin where the bruised and beaten Harry is. We made our way out the train in normal fucking clothes and just put up an illusion of those muggy robes. Honestly don't know why they require them when Hogwarts doesn't even have A/C.

We pass through the barrier of Hogwarts that is meant for keeping the school safe. The thing is losing power from damage that built up over time. The increase in mana slowed it down but, unless someone fixes the ward stone, it will collapse in thirty years.

The three of us head to a single boat and James Potter tries to enter with us when Fitoria flings him into the water. HA! He got as far as, "I'm the boy who lived.", and Fitoria was already sick of him.

"What are you doing? You'll get in trouble if you act like that.", Hermione said. We just ignore her and watch as an octopus throws James Potter out of the lake. Even the octopus knew how annoying he is, or maybe his job is to keep kids from drowning in the water.

Everyone saw what we did and steered clear of our boat. Harry came along looking like a pig from his earlier beating and sat in the back as we enjoyed the lovely boat ride.

That was until the half giant interrupted it by telling everyone to "watch our heads" when the bridge is taller than all of us. Everyone ducked anyway, just to show they're obedient little ducks that will follow nonsense instructions.

Everyone caught sight of Harry since he was the only one other than James to try sitting with us. He was just another idiot in their minds until someone said, "Doesn't he look a lot like James Potter?" That was the turning point for everything because Harry was getting more attention than James.

When we got in the dining hall, everyone was focused on the new students and looking for the boy who lived. But when they saw someone almost exactly like him, just skinnier, the focus shifted to Harry instead.

Two people at the teachers table were stunned as well, Dumbledore and Lily Potter. The two teachers were curious about how Harry got into the school because last time they checked he was a dead squib cause of the Dursley's abuse.

The ceremony was under way with James going to Slytherin and Harry going to Hufflepuff. Those idiots would of course go there, James has ambition for more fame and glory. Harry just didn't have any of the house traits and was only slightly more loyal to those he wants to make his harem members.

There was some modification from Dumbledore to send both of them and us three sisters into Gryffindor, but we can't just let him do what he likes. We gotta mess with those that always think things will go their way.

I could see an oily git at the end of the table have a mixed reaction for having a Potter in his house. On one hand he could insult him constantly, on the other it is his house and he doesn't want to bully his own house.

We watched this all from our seats in house Ravenclaw. The quietest house and least likely to get involved with problems in the future. We didn't put on the hat, because we don't want lice and the whole mind reading thing, so we just set up an illusion to put us in Ravenclaw.

When the feast began the two idiot brothers finally came out of their shock and passed out to get away from the situation.

"I thought that James Potter would make it into Gryffindor. Why do you think he was sorted into Slytherin?", Hermione asked from across the table. Without the fuckery with the hat she was sorted into the house of Ravenclaw.

"Probably ambitious for more fame shoved up his ass.", Fitoria says bluntly. The whole hall stops talking because they weren't expecting her to say such a thing about the boy who lived.

"I heard him talking about his father a lot so he may be more ambitious for sucking his father's dick.", I say with my hand on my chin.

"LANGUAGE!", McGonagall finally snaps out of her stupor and screams from the teachers table.

"sahnfh fasiof ajsfisijaf fasjja jfson faw iaffi asijn foi", I say in gobbledygook like the proper smart-ass I am. You want to correct me better be specific.

My sisters giggle at this and pinch my sides to indicate they're hungry and not eating what appeared on the plates. I open the gate and take out a ton of food in a space storage container.

We dig in and feel two people try to probe our minds. I counter hack into their minds with a mind program is showing them a cornucopia of the most disgusting shit from my first world as punishment for being snoopy. I hear Dumbledore and a cunt in a turban throw up at the scene in their mind that they can't shut off until they find the virus.

The hall has gone back to chatting away, only it's neither about James Potter nor Harry Potter, they're talking about the Morningstar sisters.