
Terrible school

I wake up in my room at out home in hell with my sisters cuddling up to me. No one wanted to sleep in the room given to us because Hogwarts sucks. No A/C, stuffy clothes, and terrible mattresses just make sleeping at the school impossible. Just putting runes in the rooms for cooling and heating won't solve the other two problems and there isn't even proper air flow.

I open a tear, that doesn't let any miasma leak out, and step into our room and find our fourth roommate Hermione clutching a book about magical history in her sleep. Last night she was trying to lecture us about everything we did in the great hall. No one wants to be lectured by a whiny brat, so I cast an infatuation spell while holding a book I teleported from the library and watched her snatch it away to read on her bed.

I'll probably teach her about not being so bossy, but for now I'm going to enjoy the lake with my sisters and have breakfast. We already ate with mother, but our appetite came with our previous bodies. Speaking of our previous bodies, they evolved some new forms from so much training. It didn't remove our previous forms, but we got upgraded ones.

Sophia got a werewolf form that makes her the best for fluffing, however her animal instincts take over and turn her aggressive to everyone she doesn't consider above her. Fitoria gained a harpy form that's self-explanatory. My lamia form evolved into two diverging paths. My first form gives me snake hair that acts as independent minds that have the same abilities for my main mind and can cast magic. The second form gives me legs. My tail shifts into legs that have scales covering them that run up my sides and wrap around my shoulders to run down my arms.

My instincts tell me the second form can evolve further and branch into the dragon tree. I'm gonna be a dragon!

We make it to the lake and take a second to let the scenery sink in. In the previous world I just enjoyed looking at the world so unclaimed by human advancements. The lake is shimmering from the morning sunlight. The grass feels cool when you lay down on it. Everything just paints a nice scenery for all to enjoy.

I take out a blanket from the gate and set up a picnic area to enjoy the morning weather. Sophia and Fitoria sit down and open the picnic baskets they brought with them. We have a nice meal and just enjoy the start of a new day before any troublemakers try to start something.

It's fun to mess with self-entitled ass hats, but the constant bull they spew builds stress on the mind. Just sit back and take a moment to enjoy the calm before you start anything else.

"This is nice.", I say and lay back on the blanket.

Some more food is eaten before we pack up the blanket and head back to the dorms to drop off the baskets. We don't want to carry anything with us, so I just scan all the books with magic and use my gauntlets as magic conductors. I just want to show off my gauntlets because they're more fun than waving a wand.

When we make it to our first class, that I got to by following my instincts, the two idiot brothers called me out for them not being in Gryffindor. I don't know how they figured it out but props to them. I just ignore them and extended a table to fit us three sisters to sit at.

"Miss Morningstar. Don't you know it's two to a table? We at Hogwarts follow a strict code and I will not allow you to upset others because you think yourself above the rules. Ten points from Ravenclaw!", McGonagall said so I shrunk the table and placed Sophia on my lap while Fitoria sat to my right.

"Better?", I ask the strict witch.

"No! I said three to a table, not two seats and three people.", she says, and I just do it again, shrinking the table to one and placing Fitoria on Sophia's lap while Sophia was still on mine.

"What about now Miss Strict Witch?", I ask with a smug expression while McGonagall looks like she's ready to blow up.

"Ten points from Ravenclaw and detention for each of you!", she says, and I just decide I've had enough of her strict attitude.

I understand following school rules, but there are always exceptions. No one separates us and I will show her just why. I pick up the match and change it to a needle while Sophia and Fitoria lift their fingers so she can get a good look at them. I prick my finger enough to draw blood and McGonagall gets a view of Sophia and Fitoria's fingers drawing blood as well.

"Miss McGonagall, I understand following rules very well, but unless you wish to separating us given our condition, I suggest you let this be an exception.", I tell her in a tone that gets icier with every word. She shuts up and apologizes for not knowing about our condition. We basically made a contract to always be together. It doesn't prevent us from separating, but it does give us a very bad headache and makes us very irritable.

When we start class and McGonagall finishes taking attendance, the door opens and two boys rush in and take a seat with McGonagall being a little more lenient from the earlier incident. She gives them a warning and tells them to not let it happen again. I smile at her for being a little less strict and receive a smile back.

We complete the assignment for transfiguration and move onto the next classes until potions where some bullshit happens with the teacher. He calls out the two brothers for not knowing shit, which is understandable for Harry considering his A.I. can record anything it scans including books. I'll have to beat him for goofing off when he still has work to do. We goof off when we complete all our work.

When he's done chewing out the brothers, he turns his attention to us sisters.

"And do you, Miss Morningstar, know what," he makes it that far before I cut him off.

"I don't care! I guarantee I'm better at potions than you and I'll prove it.", I yell out to shut him up.

I speedily run around the room collecting ingredients and a cauldron for my demonstration. I concentrate the water in the air and light a magic fire under the cauldron while stirring the pot to clean it out.

"First thing you want to do is make sure there is no potion residue from before. There is some in this one which should have been cleaned before putting the cauldron away." I say with a pointed stare at the oiled-up prick.

"To clean it out heat up water in the cauldron to make it easier to remove and separate any magic residue from the sides that doesn't like to be removed with cold water.", I explain.

"Then rinse out the rest of the residue with cold water and dry it off.", I continue.

"Pour in cold water for anything potion related, potions are all in liquid form and water is great for dissolving and containing ingredients.", I say and everyone takes notes except the brothers and the ginger that was late for the first day of class.

"And what about solid potion making? Don't you think your missing something miss,", I interrupt him again by throwing a long strip of paper that seals his mouth shut for the rest of the demonstration.

"Anything solid is under the broad classification of alchemy you fucking idiot. And don't interrupt me again.", I tell him.

I continue with the demonstration with proper safety procedures while the professor is struggling with the thin piece of paper covering his mouth.

"When the water is back to room temperature after adding the powdered hog bones, the mixture should be completed.", I say as the class ends and everyone finishes taking notes.

"Now it's complete what does it do?", Hermione asks with her hand raised. Everyone that was leaving stops and stares at me, curiosity in their eyes.

"The main reason I made this potion is because it takes all the safety procedures you will need for a career as a potion master. What it does is this.", I say while ripping off the paper on Snape's lips.

He opens his mouth to scream out in pain and I pour the potion down his throat. He looks horrified because he doesn't know what I made and starts to feel the changes. His greasy thin hair lengthens and becomes fuller, his figure that is hidden by the robes he is wearing gains curves in all the right places, and for the final touches his face becomes that of a super model.

"What did you do to me?", she screams out in fear that only gets worse when she hears her own voice.

She runs off to find a mirror while everyone bursts into a fit of laughter that can be heard throughout the entire school. I eye the three that didn't pay attention earlier with a mischievous glare and they run for the hall in fear of losing their manhood. Don't know what's so bad about it though.