
Skilled & Insecure

The story features many points of view. But the Main character is Homu, a girl whose life has been derailed and now is on her own. With her newly acquired ability she tries to find a place in the world and maybe some answers. The story switches between her past and the presence, as well as various point of views each chapter. Disclaimer I started writing this story in my free time about a year ago in order to vent some of the ideas that hat accumulated in my head. Naturally does writing not equal thinking, therefore I grew increasingly disappointed with the story. It still is the first “Novel-like” story I wrote of that size, therefore I would like to share it. And even though it probably is still unpolished (and will most likely never get polished nor finished) I would love some feedback (apart from friends). Maybe someone feels like roasting or just likes to give critique. I would be really thankful.

leoJ · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Chapter 1 - H1 - Naive


The Titel of each chapter has an Letter + a number added in order to know whose Point of view you're at (and the number shows how many POV of this character there already were). It's not necessary to know beforehand which latter belongs to whom.

Also good to know is that "blabla" = somone talking, 'blabla' = thoughts.


'Alright.' She tried calming down 'Please work. If I fail yet again, I might wither.'

She stood before the Inn she was about to enter. The insignia of a scale holding a sword and quill in equilibrium depicted on the wall above her as she entered.

The young girl in rugged but kept clean boys clothing with short black hair hidden under a flat cap, put two coins on the counter. "I would like to pay for a stay as well as a hot meal." She said with a trained amiability.

The slightly tanned Men resting behind the well-kept inns counter only reacted deferred to the girl in boy's attire, puffing his nose. "This Inn is under Sakneas protection. I don't take any stolen money kid, just get lost."

'Perfect.' the girl hid her sarcasm.

"I would never dare steal money. I have acquired it fairly", she extended her smile.

The rugged Men raised an eyebrow. "Now really? isn't that something… I am supposed to believe you have gotten these coins in honest work" he rolled his eyes and turned his head away, as if inspecting the old, but rather well-maintained and strangely coloured walls.

'I know this might be risky, but-' she attempted appealing to his religious undertone "Yes, by Sakneas, it's indeed the truth." She tried appearing slightly more honest and elevated by slowly closing her eyes and nodding, as if in remembering a precious past experience.

He kept his grim expression but did not buckle "Then tell me about your honest work." He stressed the word honest unnecessarily.

"I do investigation and observation work; I am quite the adept." She stood straight and smiled faintly.

The Men only raised an eyebrow and gestured to a taller guy sitting on the opposite of the room.

She did not fully comprehend what he intended but did not suppose for the situation to take a well turn.

'What did I do now? I have to remedy this situation somehow' She stepped closer.

"If the amount isn't great enough, I'll double my offer" She wondered, whether these situations were always this complicated or if she was simply incapable.

"double your offer?" the men appeared stupefied at first.

'How am I supposed to accomplish situations such as these?'

"What do you take me for?" he, not too aggressively, but still distinctly smashed the table.

she noticed that she had been surrounded. Turning around she saw two rather tall men ready for action.

Someone intended to grab her, but the girl startled by the sudden movement, turned everything heavy.

No one seemed to move anymore, but still they did… Only very slowly.

'Where exactly did I fail this time?' She moved to the left evading the men as well as the Guys colleague trying get hold of her from behind.

Everything turned light again.

Both guys barely missed her. They grabbed at nothing but the air, causing them to stumble.

Meanwhile the girl made her escape through the Inns entrance.

After she was just out of sight the world turned heavy again.

'I should hide for now' she moved to a side alley. Still close enough to observe the men's reaction.

'Maybe I can at least learn a little of the reason for my failure'.

"Where did that rat go?" He looked around.

"Whatever" he yawned audibly.

The other guy scratched his head, appearing mildly confused "he was really quick, there was definitely something strange about him."

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense. I cannot take any more of this" He appeared to be rather annoyed.

'Had his mood been poor already? My timing was probably might have been especially abysmal.'

"The number of rats thinking they can roam around freely has been growing too much."

'rats?' she had heard the term being used before.

'Why would they think I am a rat?' At a loss, she watched them go back into the inn.

Homu was audible sighing "this was even worse than last time…" she muttered silently and slightly frustrated.

"Joe just has a very bad temper, you know" suddenly an unknown voice sounded behind Homu, causing her to gasp and turn everything heavy.

Homu turned around in startlement inspecting the short-haired women with bronze skin.

´Do I know her?' She was uncertain, but the Woman did not come up in her memory as anyone she had noticed in this small town yet.

'I don't think so' How was she supposed to know anyone around here, she had been in this town for only less than a week after all.

Short light-brown haired and wearing a blue tailcoat, this woman had a certain prosperous glint.

'Is she some women of status' Her charming but assertive style made her wonder.

'is she someone important?' the black haired-girl tried making sense of the situation 'What would she want from me?' She would have been more suspicious if it weren't for her being exhausted.

'Maybe I should hear her out?' The girl turned everything lighter, reverting to exactly her old position, with her back turned to the unique-looking women, feeling slightly dizzy.

"Don't worry, I don't usually bite" the women said with a soothing voice.

While turning to face the woman again, she contemplated, whether to ask why she approached her or acting on what the woman had said about the barkeeper's temper.

'I don't want to come off as rude' Therefore she decided for the latter.

"The people around here are pretty tense" she paused "I mean lately they are rather easy to exasperate."

'Homu you are truly pathetic' She had to be more cautious with the information she leaked about herself.

She had attempted before to find some place to rest but had been chased off as well. 'Though before it hadn't ended quite so dramatically'.

"Some of the people here are rather short-sighted" the lean woman paused, "they can't see out of their little bubble."

The woman's smile reminded her of the face her tutors made, when explaining a matter, they did not believe her to grasp immediately "You need to be more careful."

"I see" Homu's cheeks turned slightly red. 'I thought I was inapt back then, but seems it can always become worse' Her recent life change had increased the frequency in which she kept making a of herself continuously.

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault." Her voice was kind but firm "Also, I've got to admit you are quite skilled" Homu grew slightly uncomfortable at the mention of her having skill.

'Don't act so sensitive.' she told herself and tried to relax or at least not show her insecurity.

"The way you moved was really fascinating. You have great talent" Her words sounded strangely honest.

The girl's cheeks turned even redder. "Ah, I am rather grateful for the compliment".

'I keep sounding odd; I can't forget what that I indicate a lot with my choice of words as well.'

"So how about you join my team? In turn you will get a roof, some food and company, and even nice accommodations, I can assure you that."

'Did I hear correctly?' Homu was not only surprised by the woman's brashness but slightly shook. 'How am I supposed to react to this weird proposal?'

Unsure how to react she simply stood there overstrained with the situation, but still smiling.

"You can take a look and decide then, if you are unsatisfied. Just follow me" she commanded friendly.

Homu was unable to cope, but since her automatic reaction was to simply obey, she did as told.

"I almost forgot, I haven't introduced myself yet, I am Melaena, but most people just call me Mea" she embellished her sentences with a delicate smile.

The girl just nodded while simultaneously trying to guess where they were heading to.

She wondered whether it was smart to follow a woman she had just met but did so anyway.

'It certainly is not' the woman was not pushing her, but simply expecting to be followed 'I suppose she seems like an honest and upfront woman, while still having this familiar contagious blitheness.' She clenched her hands 'I must stay alert' She kept some additional distance.

To her surprise they went into a side-alley in a comparably wealthy district, there they entered a mostly regular looking building.

'The lighting is odd.' The centre of the room was artificially illuminated, and the number of windows was uniquely low.

The place was rather lavishly furnished, but the choice of colour was rather unique for this place 'Though it generally has the aesthetic of most buildings I've seen in the west, the walls are rather bland.'

She remembered the differences of the east and this place 'In a way, they remind me of home.'

"Hey Boss, are you again bringing in some stinking boy you have picked up from the street?" A rough voice rung from one of the more shadowy corners.

Homu startled and turned the world heavy.

"Calm down Homu" she talked to herself and turned everything lighter again.

"Be quiet Gus, don't startle our cute guest. I dare you to be nice for a change." Her irritated, but still casual tone indicated a certain familiarity.

He laughed hoarsely "Sorry boss-" He was still hidden within the shadows "-and guest." 'Is he mocking me?' Homu was unsure, whether this big man with hair longer than hers now, was joking.

Mea shook her head accompanied with an eyeroll and turned to Homu "He can be a little unmindful at times."

"The thinking part is why you're the boss after all." He added, walking out of the corner.

'Wow, he is huge.' Homu prevented herself from stepping back to not make it appear, as if she felt intimidated.

She did not quite know how to feel about this development and was unsure what her subsequent actions were supposed to be.

"I will explain you what our, uhm, duty is after you've rested and were able to enjoy some nourishment" she said, pronouncing nourishment awkwardly.

'I wonder what her upbringing is. She tries hard to articulate herself well' Even people from Homu's standing had started using less eloquent words in favour for more pragmatic ones.

Mea continued "Afterwards you can decide if you want to stay".

'Well, seems like there is not much space for negotiation, right?' She sighed inwardly "understood" she most definitely had been persuaded a smidge to easily.