
Chapter 88 Tu Hengyu_1

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The person leading the government representatives looked at Cao Ge in silence for a long time before finally sighing.

"Since Mr. Cao insists, we can only proceed as Mr. Cao has indicated."

"Not to conceal anything from Mr. Cao, the authorities had actually already agreed to your request. I was merely attempting a final negotiation, and I hope you don't take it personally," said the representative.

"The authorities have decided to entrust the construction of the planetary engine in the Shanghai region to your company, Mr. Cao. Are you satisfied with this?"

"Thank you, Director Li," Cao Ge immediately replied with a smile upon hearing the government's agreement.

"No need to thank me, this is the decision from above," the middle-aged man waved his hand dismissively.

"I just don't understand why Mr. Cao wants to be involved in the construction of the planetary engine. It's a thankless task, and given the current environment, even if you do make money from it, how much can you really earn? Wouldn't it be better to comply with the government's wishes, take the government subsidy, and be a respected scientist?" Director Li inquired.

"Director Li, I have my own considerations," Cao Ge responded with a smile, not revealing much.

"Alright, I may not understand the thinking of your younger generation. Let's leave it at that for today. The day after tomorrow, I'll give you the government's requirements for the engine in the Yuhang District, and then you can begin preparations," the man said, rising from his chair.

"Understood, Director Li. We will surely build it according to the government's requirements."

"Mm, then I'll be going now," the middle-aged man looked at Cao Ge one last time, then turned and left the office.

Cao Ge followed, escorting Director Li to the company's entrance before stopping.

After watching Director Li get into his car and drive away, Cao Ge turned and walked back into the building.

In the past three years, Cao Ge not only established a globally sprawling biomedicine company but also put together a mechanical manufacturing firm.

The company gathered a large number of scientists and amassed an array of mechanical equipment.

Cao Ge's desire to participate in the planetary engine construction project wasn't driven by a simple desire to make money.

In the world of "The Wandering Earth," all political activities of human society revolved around the planetary engine.

And by joining the engine's manufacturing project, Cao Ge's company began transitioning from a mere company into an organization with a certain political implication.


In the afternoon, around six o'clock.

Cao Ge took the elevator at the end of the workday.

Not long after stepping out, he saw a familiar face.

"Old Tu," he greeted.

A man of around forty also emerged from another elevator.

Tu Hengyu turned and looked back.

"Mr. Cao," he greeted in return after seeing Cao Ge.

"Old Tu, come to my house for dinner tonight. I have something to discuss with you," Cao Ge said as he walked over.

"Mr. Cao, I have plans tonight, so..."

"What could a bachelor like you possibly have planned? Don't worry, you won't regret coming over tonight," Cao Ge insisted.

"Mr. Cao, I really do have..." Tu Hengyu said, sounding troubled.

"Old Tu, aren't you researching digital life? I've got something good," Cao Ge patted Tu Hengyu's shoulder.

"I'll leave it at that, I have to head back now. Remember, come over at eight tonight," Cao Ge continued.

With that, Cao Ge got into his car and drove away from the company.

True, these past few years Cao Ge had been aggressively recruiting in the scientific community, and Tu Hengyu was one of the scientists he had hired at a high salary.

Under normal circumstances, a scientist of Tu Hengyu's standing wouldn't join his company.

Tu Hengyu joined Cao Ge's firm from a national institution purely because Cao Ge lured him with grand promises.

What Tu Hengyu cared most about was his deceased daughter. He wanted her to live forever in the digital world while the state had prohibited research on digital life.

Cao Ge initially deceived him with his advanced artificial intelligence technology, claiming he would continue researching digital life in secret.

Driven by a singular desire to revive his daughter, Tu Hengyu readily accepted Cao Ge's offer.

The grand promise Cao Ge made to him was to resume the research on digital life within three years.

This year happens to be the third.

Standing in the same spot, Tu Hengyu watched as Cao Ge's car slowly vanished from his view, his eyebrows furrowing into a "川" shape.

He really couldn't figure out what Cao Ge was talking about.


"Ring Ring Ring!!!"

Sitting in his room, Cao Ge listened to the doorbell ringing in his ears and glanced at the time on his wrist.

"Is it eight o'clock already?"

"Please come in." Cao Ge, after checking the surveillance on his phone and seeing it was Tu Hengyu, said.

As soon as the words fell, the door automatically opened.

Tu Hengyu, surprised by the self-opening door in front of him, took a glance inside the room and then slowly walked in.

"Mr. Cao."

"Old Tu, you're here. Take a seat, have something to eat." Cao Ge, with his bowl and chopsticks, welcomed Tu Hengyu while he was eating.

"Mr. Cao, I've already eaten," Tu Hengyu replied as he sat down on a chair.

"Then I'll leave you be. I'm going to eat a bit, and then we'll talk after," Cao Ge said with a smile.

"Okay," Tu Hengyu nodded.

About half an hour later.

After seeing that Cao Ge had finished eating, Tu Hengyu asked, "Mr. Cao, what did you mean by what you said at the company today?"

Cao Ge poured himself a glass of water and then turned to Tu Hengyu with a slight smile.

"Old Tu, don't rush, let me have a sip of water first."

"Old Tu, I know that all these years, you never gave up on digital life research because of your daughter, right?"

Tu Hengyu nodded and then said, "That's why I joined your company in the first place."

"Mm," Cao Ge nodded.

"Digital life, you've looked into it deeper than me. You joined my company not for the technology but for my money and that group of computer scientists, right?"

"That's right, I urgently need computers with high computational power. Only with high-performance computing can the digital life iterations be completed. When I first joined the company, you promised once the company grew to a certain size, you would start work on developing computers to help with my digital life research," Tu Hengyu continued, despite not knowing why Cao Ge brought this up.

"Did you call me here today to talk about this?" Tu Hengyu asked.

Facing Tu Hengyu's hopeful gaze, Cao Ge shook his head.

"Today, I didn't call you here for this matter?"

"I don't understand digital life, but I can show you what I've been researching," Cao Ge said.

"Mr. Cao, I don't understand what you mean?" Tu Hengyu asked, frowning.

With a smile, Cao Ge said, "Follow me."

A minute later, Cao Ge led Tu Hengyu to a studio.

In the center of the studio, there were two objects that resembled hibernation pods, and several servers maintaining operations were placed around the studio.

"Mr. Cao, what is this?" Tu Hengyu looked at the two hibernation pod-like devices in front of him.

"Old Tu, lend me your daughter Yaya for a bit," Cao Ge said, looking at the Cache device on Tu Hengyu's chest.

"Mr. Cao, what are you planning to do?" Tu Hengyu's eyebrows suddenly furrowed with confusion as he looked at Cao Ge.

"Old Tu, don't you trust me?" Cao Ge asked calmly.

Staring intently into Cao Ge's eyes, Tu Hengyu saw nothing that would lead him to doubt, but after hesitating for a moment, he still took Yaya's Consciousness Cache from his chest.

Cao Ge took the Consciousness Cache device from Tu Hengyu's hand.

"Mr. Cao, although I don't know what you intend to do, I beg you, please protect Yaya," Tu Hengyu said as he grasped Cao Ge's hand.


Cao Ge nodded, then connected the Consciousness Cache to the computer's interface and began uploading.