
Chapter 56 Clone Cultivation Chamber_1

Dịch giả: 549690339

In the depths of the spaceship, within an old cabin.

"Clang~ Clang~"

"Bang Bang Bang~"

A man around 25 years old, dressed in a black spacesuit, was tinkering in the gloomy storeroom.

Various tools were spread out on the floor: screwdrivers, wrenches, soldering guns, life-support chips, cables, all piled up haphazardly.

A man covered in black machine oil and dripping with sweat held a tool, comparing it to the blueprint on the computer next to him, modifying the metal cabin in front of him.

This 25-year-old operator was none other than Cao Ge, who had arrived from the Three-Body World just a few days before.

"Dr. Cao, you've placed the life-support chip in the wrong slot. It should go into the second chip slot, connected to the life-support system of the cultivation pod," said Murphy, suddenly speaking from the camera above as Cao Ge was about to connect a life-support chip, about the size of a playing card, to the spaceship's data cable.

"Really?" Cao Ge loosened the data cable in his hand, then approached the computer and enlarged the blueprint, frowning as he looked at the annotations and parameters.

After a thorough check, he indeed found that he had made a mistake and had almost connected the life-support chip to the Awakening System.


Once he figured out how to connect it properly, Cao Ge placed the chip in the corresponding slot and pushed the card slot back into the cultivation pod after making the connection.

"Another one done."

Cao Ge tried to start the computer of the cultivation pod in front of him, running a self-check. Seeing that it was functioning properly, he shook his sore right hand.

He had arrived in the Deep Space Amnesia World a week ago and immediately got to work renovating the cultivation pods, providing a real-world foundation for the completion of this cross-universe game.

This was the thirteenth cultivation pod he had modified.

The reason he could handle such technical work was twofold: he had Murphy to help him with plans, and the pods were originally designed for cloning. All he needed to do was adjust some parameters and parts of the pods to switch from cloning animals to cloning people.

That's the advantage of having a sophisticated artificial intelligence. Murphy provided the plans, and Cao Ge only needed to supply the ideas, which allowed some people who had never studied this field to get to work right away after some basic training. However, the work he referred to was just simple fixing and mending.

If it came to modifying the core of the cultivation pod, other than tinkering with the computer program, there would be no difference between him and an ordinary person.

Since he hadn't even learned the most basic cloning knowledge, it would be difficult for him to immediately take charge of developing the cultivation pods.

Modern science has advanced to a point far removed from the era of Newton, where casual study was enough for understanding. Nowadays, if a person can master a single technology, they are already considered a prodigy among prodigies. That's because behind any cutting-edge technology lies a vast discipline of science. Without understanding that knowledge, it's impossible to comprehend the technology.

So for Cao Ge to have come this far was already quite remarkable.

Of course, knowledge gained through system-enhanced abilities is another story, as that is beyond the scope of human capabilities.

Currently, Cao Ge needed Murphy's guidance to modify these cultivation pods, but that didn't mean it would always be the case.

Being endowed with the system, he aspired to become the greatest all-around scientist in human history. He believed that his current predicament wouldn't last long.

Cao Ge closed the toolbox beside him, ignoring the now useless parts and tools, took the computer, and moved to another cultivation pod, then repeated the previous tasks.

Cao Ge had only one month, and he needed to make the most of it. His plan was to modify a hundred cultivation pods within this month.

The reason it was a month was because of the system's settings, which stipulated that for every two years that the host traversed a replica world, they would have one month to return.

So if he didn't make the most of it, he would have to wait until the year after next to come back.

He didn't have that kind of spare time. After this visit, he might only return after the game was completed. He really didn't have the time to pioneer with the humans of this world.

Let the liver emperors of the Three-Body World take care of pioneering.

He intended to traverse new worlds and enhance new abilities.

And so, in a layer of Elysium Space, Cao Ge worked tirelessly, day and night, like an old ox, renovating the cultivation pods.

Because it was complicated to explain, he hadn't told Eric and the others.

Eric and the others were still on the surface of the planet, studying the atmospheric environment. Because of the system, the time since his return was almost the same as when he left.

Apart from him, only a few duty personnel awake in the cargo deck cabin were aware of his presence. Cao Ge worked on modifying the pods in a hidden chamber on the twenty-seventh level of Elysium Space, completely unnoticed.

After renovation, the cultivation pods could grow a segment of DNA to adulthood in just one month.

One hundred cultivation pods could bring 1,200 people to the Deep Space Amnesia World in a year.

When the first group of people arrived, the cultivation pods could continue to be modified. By then, the number of people would be growing at an alarming exponential rate.


In the vast expanse of the universe, a month's time was so insignificant, practically nothing had a chance to change before it quietly slipped away.

In that month, Cao Ge had a clear schedule—24 hours a day were almost entirely spent working, except for the necessary time for eating and sleeping.

Although it was hard work, the results were very good. He completed the renovation of the hundredth cultivation pod the day before he had to leave.

Now, these hundred pods were no longer for cloning animals but had become birth points for players of the Three-Body World.

His grand plan to establish a Multi-universe Human Destiny Community had officially embarked on its journey.

That day, Cao Ge got up early, took a bath, had a bit of food, and then went to the cockpit facing Tanis Planet.

He stood in the same spot, gazing at the planet visually beneath him.

As time passed, while watching Tanis Planet in front of him, he began to ponder the origins of the universe and of life itself.

What did his current actions amount to in the grand scheme of the universe?

Their understanding of the universe was far too limited. He suddenly wondered whether the civilization of Zeroers in the Three-Body World, capable of rebooting the universe, knew the size of the universe or what lay beyond it?

But such a level of civilization was beyond his comprehension.

Cao Ge slightly shook his head and then gradually disappeared, his body completely vanishing from the universe.