
Chapter 57: Kilometer High Wave_1

Translator: 549690339

An unknown star system.

A colossal black hole hung in the sky, its inescapable light forming a dazzling ring around it due to its gravitational pull.

Because of this gigantic celestial body, its powerful gravity had cleared the nearby starfield.

However, for some unknown reason, there were 12 relatively intact planets orbiting it, and the environments of these twelve planets were extremely suitable for human habitation.

At this moment, on a lonely planet at the edge of the black hole.

This was a world eroded by the ocean, where the tidal forces generated by its proximity to the black hole could create giant waves thousands of kilometers high.

The impact of these mountainous waves would not be weaker than a real mountain of rock; such massive force could

destroy any complex multicellular organisms; perhaps only those lower forms of life living in water could survive.


At a location near the planet's equator.

Cao Ge abruptly awoke inside a space shuttle.

Cao Ge's eyes flew open, and he gasped for air; first, he looked at the blue sky outside through the glass, then he frantically scanned his surroundings before realizing he was wearing a helmet.

He discovered he was wearing a spacesuit.

Cao Ge looked around the tiny space as he sat in the chair—it was no more than thirty square meters.

Cao Ge unbuckled himself and stood up; he found the gravity odd—his body should not be this light, which left only one possibility: this was not Earth.

Cao Ge turned and surveyed his environment until he realized he was inside a spaceship, which was stationed over a stretch of ocean.

His system's transference was too ordinary, always the same every time.

It was the same now; there would be no information about the target world before a transference.

The system would not tell him what identity he had after crossing; he had to discover everything himself. Fortunately, after transference, the system would display the time and mission he was in.

To figure out where he was, Cao Ge immediately called up the system panel.

The Savior System.

Host: Cao Ge

Skills: Computer Science Lv1 (60/100) Free Combat Lv1 (30/100) Shooting Lv0 (60/100)

Functions: Traverse, Enhance

Host's current spacetime: Interstellar Travel

Ultimate goal: To change the fate of Earth's humanity.

Instance world: Deep Space Amnesia (reentry possible, no time limit.)

Host's current spacetime: Interstellar Travel

Mission One

Mission Name: Exploration

Mission Content: Understand the operational essence of the Tesseract

"Interstellar Travel, huh?" Cao Ge pondered the words on the system panel.

"Interstellar Travel, the ocean, strange gravity..."

As he thought, Cao Ge's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately walked over to the cabin door, pressed the switch with his hand, opened the hatch, passed through the airlock, opened another door, and stood at the doorway looking outside.

An endless giant wave had turned over and was now less than twenty meters away, about to reach him in an instant.

Cao Ge's face changed again in alarm, and without looking back, he ran straight to the rear.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that he was now fighting a bayonet duel with death—if he was a second slower, he might be reaped by the scythe of death, and the crucial point was he didn't know whether the system would resurrect him if he died in this world, so he didn't dare to gamble.

He finally knew where he was.

It was the planet from the original story, where, after having landed for just a few hours, it was obliterated by a giant wave, leaving nothing behind.

Clearly, the identity the system had selected for him was that unfortunate scientist.

"Click, click~"

Cao Ge quickly closed two hatch doors, ran to the pilot's seat, fastened his safety belt, and then began to operate the control panel strewn with buttons.

He took only a few seconds to familiarize himself and then took over the controls directly.

Because compared to the Elysium Space, which can carry sixty thousand people, this space shuttle was really too simple.

"Dr. Miller, a giant wave is coming. You need to climb immediately, don't worry about me,"

Just as Cao Ge vigorously pressed the buttons, a cold voice came through the spacesuit's communicator.


The pre-launch checks completed, Cao Ge stretched out his large hand and slapped the launch button.


The space shuttle's engine spat out a high-temperature flame, pushing the shuttle forward, and finally, just before the giant wave hit, the space shuttle moved away.

At this time, Cao Ge finally had the moment to look at the source of that voice.

In the water not far from the spaceship, a cubic robot was manipulating a circular device.

Very quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, it was swallowed by the giant wave, and right after that, the space shuttle emitted an alarm signal.

"Dr. Miller, farewell..."

Almost at the moment of being swallowed, the voice from the communicator was cut off, indicating it had been destroyed in one hit.

But Cao Ge knew that the device beside the robot had completed its mission.

Although the device had only operated normally for about ten seconds, due to the different flow of time on this planet compared to Earth, one hour here equaled seven years on Earth.

Those brief ten seconds would cycle continuously under the immense gravity of the black hole, continuing to send messages to Earth.

This time, although Cao Ge had taken over the identity of the original person, he didn't have his memories, but through the original script and the current situation, he could guess the content of that electromagnetic wave message.

"The atmosphere is similar to Earth's, there is water and the presence of organic matter."

These three conditions would definitely attract those Explorers who are eager to find a new home for humanity to come here.

Cao Ge piloted the spaceship along the wave wall, flew for several minutes, and finally escaped the fate of being destroyed.

Flying under the blue sky, Cao Ge felt a sense of narrow escape and relaxed a bit inside.

Each Traverse was so dangerous, Cao Ge couldn't help but curse in his heart.

After the wave had passed, Cao Ge reduced the altitude again, flying above this utterly silent planet, stretching his neck to peer through the windshield at the water-covered surface below, contemplating his next plan.

Cao Ge didn't choose to fly directly into space but decided to stay here and think about what to do next.

Firstly, flying to space, he could do nothing, and he didn't have enough fuel for that anyway.

Secondly, in space, he would need to wait for a decade or more, while here, he only needed to wait a few hours for the protagonists to arrive.

This time the System hadn't given him a Savior mission because this world did not need saving.

This world contained some things he couldn't comprehend, like the presence of High-dimensional Humans and the supercube.

But in this world, his identity did have a mission, which was to search for a new habitat for humanity.

And this planet was his exploration planet.

The System's mission for him was to explore the nature of the supercube, so whether he understood it or not, he had to reach it. With the current fuel of his space shuttle, he simply couldn't fly to the black hole.

So he had to trick the protagonists into coming.

Of course, he no longer needed to send the signal, as his original self had already sent it, but this planet was not suitable for human life, though the signal said it was.

This information would put him at a disadvantage. If he had died, it would have been fine, but now that he was alive, he had to find himself a reasonable excuse.

Although on this planet, it was highly unlikely that there would be places suitable for human habitation.

However, Cao Ge was not one to sit idly by; he planned to go to the poles of the planet to see if there was any land.

Cao Ge controlled the spaceship towards the Arctic.

Because Earth in this world faced a massive food crisis, humanity had given up on cutting-edge technological exploration.

Therefore, the spaceship he now controlled was archaic compared to the Elysium Space.

Since the robot had been destroyed, he had to control it manually, even though there was an autopilot system, it was not suitable for the current situation.

Autopilot required a clear destination, and what he needed now was to fly around in search of land.

Suddenly, Cao Ge thought of something, silently recited an incantation to open the System Space, and took out a hard drive from it.

He then directly inserted the hard drive into the spaceship and had the spaceship's computer read it.

"Murphy's code downloading..."