
Silverfire - A MCU Fan-Fiction

Silver Walker, burned to death and sent into the MCU on his own behest, has received a new chance at life. Taking over the body of Pietro Maximoff, he plans to show the whole galaxy why exactly you should fear a speedster and add some meaning to his life. The unexpected affection towards his new twin sister wasn't something he expected, but at the same time isn't something he could ever hope to resist. ................................ This story is my take on what it would be like for someone to transmigrate into Pietro Maximoff, partly because I find his ending in the MCU a pity and partly because I am a great fan of his superpower. This story contains incestuous behaviour on the Protagonist's part, as the romantic interest is Wanda Maximoff. So be warned when you read it. There will also be very sexual language, so if you aren't of legal age, you probably shouldn't read this. Violence, death and action are inevitable whenever a story takes place in the MCU or the Marvel Universe, so you can expect a healthy amount that as well. The most important thing to remember though is, that if you are searching for a story with power struggles and face-slapping, you should turn around as you won't find that here. The MC of this story is a mature adult and has his priorities straight. Fighting without a chance of success is a fool's errand, as is taking unnecessary risks. For me this story depicts how a transmigrator should act on his advantages to survive and gain power in a place as dangerous as the MCU. There is no place for immature brats and reckless fools in such a world. If after all this you still want to read my story, I hope you enjoy it very much and leave behind a comment or review to let me know where I could improve or what I may have forgotten. I have no real update schedule, as this story is already finished and on my p@treon account. I will probably only upload it here occasionally, as this account isn't a priority of mine and just exists to stop others from stealing my intellectual property. (My p@treon-acc: www.p@treon.com/GodOfFreedom; Don't forget to change the @ for an a...) Last, but not least, I don't own anything but my own characters, as I do not own the cover image, which I found on the internet. If you are the creator and want me to take it down, just send me a message or leave a comment. Enjoy!

GodOfFreedom · Phim ảnh
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49 Chs

Chapter 01 – What if...? - A Prologue

As a rather lonesome person, I have spent the majority of my time with myself throughout the years of my life.

There was of course family around me and some rare friend here and there, but really...I was the most comfortable when alone.

As such, I spent many a hour just thinking about questions and topics, one normally wouldn't.

Questions like: Is there any good in the human heart? What would death be like? What would I do, if given power beyond human possibility? Does something like a 'true hero' exists? Am I a good person? Or am I a bad person? And does it even matter? Etc.

I have to admit, that I have a very somber outlook on life and humanity as a whole. There wasn't much sympathy and practically no selflessness inside of me.

That wasn't to say that I would not give my life for my family or to save an innocent child, but a large part of that willingness came with the fact that I did not value my own life that much.

Living for me was an endless loop of responsibilities, suffering and societal pressure. Not something I would be particular sad, if I lost all that.

As you have probably realised by now, I was not a philantrop and not much of a hedonist either.

So what is it that I wanted out of my life? Maybe just something that truly mattered. Something real, something substantial.

No idea, what that something is, but I just hoped to find it someday.

I did not.

Instead I died one night, as a fire broke out in my apartment building. I burned alive, as did several other people.

Well, I did say that life was an endless loop of suffering and my death just proved me right.

Well, kinda... Anyway. Why this internal monologue even though I had died a painful and gruesome death?

What would you say, if I told you that the biggest question I would ever ask myself came in the form of an offer presented to my by some godly being?

What if, after my death, I had met an omnipotent being that gave me the chance at a new life, while throwing in some wishes?

And what would I wish for?

This is the story about my choice. My choice to be transmigrated as Pietro Maximoff, a.k.a Quicksilver.

Why you ask? First of all I always liked him best and second... well, I didn't really need another reason, now did I? It is a wish afterall.

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This story is already finished and on my p@treon account. I will probably only upload it here occasionally, as this account isn't a priority of mine and just exists to stop other from stealing my intellectual property. (My p@treon-acc: www.p@treon.com/GodOfFreedom; Don't forget to change the @ for an a...)

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