
Silhouette Serenade

In the aftermath of a childhood trauma, Kiara discovers an unexpected connection with the mysterious killer. As their paths entwine, a complex dance unfolds, revealing layers of emotion, mystery, and the promise of an unconventional love story. Explore the nuanced interplay between the protagonist and the enigmatic figure, where shadows and romance converge, offering a captivating narrative that invites readers to savour the uncharted depths of a unique relationship.

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5 Chs

Character Aesthetics

(Updated Weekly)

★ Kiara Fernandez ~ Female Lead

★ Kristen Theodore Jade ~ Male Lead ( The Killer )

★ Christopher Fernandez ~

( Kiara's Father )

★ Laura Fernandez ~

( Kiara's Mother )

★ Agnes Sarah Rosé ~

( Kiara's House Maid )

★ Ethan Sinclair ~

( Kristen's Friends )

★ Ava Hamilton ~

( Kristen's Friends )

★ Lily Sebastian ~

( Kristen's Friends )

★ Noah Sebastian ~

( Kristen's Friends )

★ Lucas Harrington ~

( Kristen's Friends )