
Silhouette Serenade

In the aftermath of a childhood trauma, Kiara discovers an unexpected connection with the mysterious killer. As their paths entwine, a complex dance unfolds, revealing layers of emotion, mystery, and the promise of an unconventional love story. Explore the nuanced interplay between the protagonist and the enigmatic figure, where shadows and romance converge, offering a captivating narrative that invites readers to savour the uncharted depths of a unique relationship.

Ana_lifestyle · Teen
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Chapter 1


What is it to kill someone, or maybe just to see someone being killed? I wonder how those killers make up their minds to kill someone just like that. Is it possible for a person to have that much guts in them to commit a crime? Killers, stabbers, criminals, that's what they are called after doing a crime, right? Well, I witnessed one when I was 10 years old. That was the time when my life turned upside down. What is it like to witness your own father's death? Well, I think I know how it exactly feels. This is what it is. I was on my way back home from school that day. No one was there to do a driver's job for me. Neither did my mom, nor dad. Well, that was not new to me, as I have done it many times when my mom was busy playing in her local casino spot, while my dad was busy dealing with his chores, and it was all for a single meal, a proper one. So that was nothing unusual for me. As I entered the street, there was a photometric flicker, just as usual. But as I made my way to my destination, I felt a dead silence occupying the atmosphere. This one... This one was unusual, but I had the nerve to walk past it like that was nothing, just because I was famished and exhausted, so I needed a good meal and a comfy sleep. I was standing right in front of my foyer, searching for my keys to pave my way in. Finally, found them, under the deep depths of my bag. Then suddenly, I heard a voice crying out for help. At first, I thought it was my delulu because of finishing all the series of TVD and Insidious, in one night. But I heard the same voice again, this time it was a bit strained. As I heard it, I could sense that it was coming from a corner of the street right behind my house. I went a little closer, taking slow-motioned steps. As I went closer, I got a better view. I got to see it was my dad who was crying out like a baby. I noticed the bleeding in his abdomen. He was trying his best to stop it. I think that poor guy thought he would make it. But the guy in all black standing next to him, literally in front of him, was ruthless and cunning. He stabbed my dad again in his bleeding area. My dad saw me witnessing all this with no effort to save him from that cold guy. As my dad saw me, he passed away due to excess bleeding. But the guy in all black saw me, he noticed my presence which was prying the whole incident all this time. The moment I made eye contact with him, my body went all chills. I was frightened, consumed by darkness. I went blank. I closed my eyes, thinking that I would be dead meat the next moment. All my pathetic life flashed before me. It was like that for ten literal minutes. I wondered why I didn't go to heaven dressed up in white clothes like an angel or maybe hell for letting my dad die in front of my eyes. I didn't help the poor soul who was crying for help. I was like that for another five minutes. When I opened my eyes, I saw the killer standing right there with no movement. He was staring into my soul. He was witnessing my fear towards him. He stood there for a minute, making eye contact with me. When I broke it first, he let out a low grin and disappeared into thin air. After that traumatizing night, my life turned upside down in a good way. The cops tried to search for the killer using my statement but returned empty-handed because there was no evidence of the incident. No clue, nothing. I sometimes wondered did I hallucinated things up, but there were cuts in my father's abdomen to prove it wrong. The cops were so done with this case, that they tried to close it due to the lack of evidence. But my mom was not accepting it. She fought with them. I was so surprised by my mom's sudden affection towards my dad, but the next moment she proved me wrong. The higher official of the city came to my mom and said he felt sorry for the loss, but he said that this case could not be solved. So instead of justice, we can provide you with a lifetime settlement. After seeing the money, my mom went all mad because she had never seen so much money, not even once in her life. My mom accepted the deal. As soon as she did, I thought she was gonna waste it all in the Casio. But here we go again. She proved me wrong. She instead invested in stocks, which was my father's favourite job to do. However, due to the situation, he never invested in them due to not having enough money. But I once heard that he was good at it. My mom, for her decision, got good outputs within a year. We went to a different lifestyle. With the profit, my mom started a company. Now it turned out to be an MNC. She invested in lands, houses, and every single thing that she sensed that could give a good output. Day by day, we shifted to a new lifestyle. It's been 9 years after that tragedy and my day-by-day change of lifestyle. I sometimes wonder, what if I sell my dad? Will he be alive right now? Don't know. What will be my lifestyle with his presence? What if we didn't get the bribe for our loss? What if my mom opposed to doing it? Don't know. But speaking of which, what if my mom became greedy after seeing the money? It was a lump. Oh, come on, Kia. What are you thinking? You are so ungrateful for your mom's love towards you. Oh, wait, what? As I was thinking about so many things at one time, I didn't notice the time passed by. It was 1 AM and... Oh, shit! I don't know how I'm gonna do my presentation. In front of Ms. Thompson tomorrow, I usually sleep by 9 or 10 p.m. It's the max, not like those days before my dad's death. I used to stay up all night and binge-watch movies or some random TV show which is popping up first, and go to school the next morning without any tiredness. But now, oops, take a look for yourselves. I usually get up by 5 a.m. dress up go doors and study. Later when it was time for school, I used to eat on the way like apples or smoothies prepared by my maid, Sarah. Ever since kindergarten, I've never seen my mom cook. As days passed by, I started cooking. My dad taught me to cook. I first made a mess, but as I practised, I got so well in it. But since my school was very strict with education and taking in mind my mom's reputation, I can't still be an irresponsible kid. The first day at Benisons High didn't go well. I ended up getting embarrassed when my teacher scolded me. To be more precise, it was Ms. Thompson. She was so strict, I couldn't handle it. I ended up crying when I came back home. Sarah saw me crying and comforted me saying that it is usual for everyone to mess up their first chance. She told me to prove them wrong to those who mocked me because of my academics. She said not to give them a chance to mock me around. It was new for me, like someone comforting me because you know how I was back then, living a pathetic life. Sarah knows everything about my past and present. After seeing her care and affection towards me, I started to share with her every single thing that took place in my life till now, and I shared my thoughts and opinions towards it. She wouldn't comment on it. She just listens and gives a pleasant smile, indicating that she is interested in it. I would love to talk to Sarah from that day. We got close. She wouldn't suggest anything that much. She is more of a listener who is kind, polite, caring, affectionate, and most importantly patient to handle all the tantrums I create and give a solution to me to solve them. She doesn't judge me but understands me. I loved Sarah more than anyone, more than my mom and dad. She was always different and special to me compared to others. So I started studying well. It was hard at first to adapt from a total loser to a nerd bitch lifestyle, but I did. It was like cooking more the practice more the improvement. So that's how I went from a total loser to a top-ranking student at my school.

Author's Note:

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