
Silent Survivor

Sonny Liston, the legendary boxer, recognizes Benjamin's silent suffering and extends a helping hand. Under Sonny's guidance, Benjamin begins to rebuild his life, though he remains a silent observer. The police, concerned for his well-being, trace him to the gym and place him with a foster family, unknowingly leading him into another nightmare of cruelty and abuse.

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13 Chs

Modify Behavior 2

Inside the principal's office, a space filled with grace, Benjamin faced Principal Schultz, an amiable face.

"Welcome, Benjamin, to our school, I'm Principal Schultz, a friendly and welcoming face," A calm presence she held, her voice so kind, "Your first day here.

Benjamin, nerves still buzzing like a bee, Offered a polite smile and said, "It's nice to meet you, see." "You too," Principal Schultz replied, inviting him to sit, As he did, he marveled at her grace, a principal fit.

I'd like to know more about you, for everyone's sake. How's life at home, Benjamin? Tell me, if you don't mind, The better I understand you, the more support we'll find.

With a hesitant smile, he replied, "Home is just alright, A bit of a challenge, but I don't want to make it a fight." He brushed off the question, eager to move ahead, But Principal Schultz wasn't easily misled.

Her eyes, perceptive, held a touch of concern, An instinct that there were things he had to discern. Yet, with a nod, she let the matter rest, Turning the conversation to put him to the test.

As Principal Schultz probed, with a knowing and caring stare. "How was your old school, Benjamin?" she asked in a tone, Expecting a story, his true feelings to be shown.

With a quick, practiced smile, he chose to deceive, Years of hiding the past, he was a master at that art, believe. "It was good, just like any other place, you know," he replied, Though deep down, in his heart, the old wounds hadn't subsided

But Principal Schultz, astute and wise in her role, Saw through the façade, the act that played a deceiving role. In her years as a principal, she'd met many a child, Who hid their pains behind a mask, their hurt running wild.

She decided not to press, give him time to confide, For trust was a fragile bridge, with emotions to guide. With a nod and a warm smile, she simply said, "That's good to hear, Benjamin, moving ahead."

Principal Schultz turned the page, As they delved into the school's rules, setting the stage. "Here at our school, Benjamin, We believe in respect, kindness, and learning, you see, Creating a safe space for all, where everyone can be free."

"Respect is our foundation, for teachers and peers alike, A value we hold dear, it's not something we strike. Kindness is our language, in words and in deeds, Helping one another, addressing each other's needs."

"As for learning, Benjamin, it's not just in the class, It's everywhere in our school, a sentiment that will amass. Explore, question, and grow, let your curiosity soar, In this vibrant environment, you'll find much more."

"Benjamin, we aim for excellence in all we do, Our school's spirit thrives, and it's a part of our creed, A chance to pursue passions, and fulfill every need. Find your interest, your talent, your unique art, In these diverse clubs, where friendships often start." I hope you feel it too. Is there something specific you'd like to explore or learn?" She inquired, her intention genuine, her interest to discern.

Benjamin's eyes lit up, his dream clear as the day, He spoke of boxing, with passion in every way. "I've always admired boxing, you see".

Principal Schultz chuckled, her heartwarming laugh, "boxing".

"As a boxing enthusiast," she continued with a smile, "I noticed your eyes light up at the thought for a while. We do have a boxing club".

"I'll get you a sign-up slip for the boxing club to embrace, But first, let's take care of your schedule, get you in the right place."

With that, Principal Schultz reached for a stack of papers near her desk, She handed Benjamin his schedule. "Here's your schedule for the day; you'll find your first class's location. Don't hesitate to ask if you need help or directions."

Benjamin accepted the schedule with a grateful nod. "Thank you, Principal Schultz, ."

The principal smiled warmly, her heart aglow, "Benjamin, it's been a pleasure getting to know you, you know. I'm here to support you every step of the way, So never hesitate to reach out, that's all I'll say."

 "For your first day, I'll have a student here to escort you, guide your way. They'll make sure you feel at home in our halls, as you explore, learn, and play. "However," she continued, "starting tomorrow, it's a challenge you'll face, finding your classes, the rooms, the right place.

Benjamin nodded, "Thank you, Principal Schultz, for everything today," he said.

My fault guys I forgot to Publish the second chapter but here it is thank you again.

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