

I look up to find Alec watching me from the side. His dark eyes meet my grey eyes but neither one of us say anything. I have so many questions but I have no idea where to start... Especially when it comes to this man. Can I trust him?

He must see something on my face because he sighs and crouches down next to me. "I want to work with you Maya but in order to do that you're gonna have to trust me." I feel my thoughts jumping back and forth but I'm left with unease.

"You want me to trust you? Then you're gonna have to tell me who you are, what you are and how you're connected to these markings." I say meeting his dark eyes once again. I see him weighing my words as he gives me a strained smile.

He shifts himself and sits next to me as he places the book in his lap. "How about this... we all have things that are difficult to talk about, so you ask your questions one at a time and if I can answer them... then I will." I lift a dark eyebrow in question but find myself nodding.

What he says isn't unreasonable. I think about what I want to know the most and decide to start there "What are you?" I ask as I look back to his dark eyes. I see his eyes waver a bit and if I'm not mistaken... It looks like something else can be seen in his eyes.

"If you really want to know that, then know that once I tell you, there's no going back," Alec says in a low voice that causes a cold chill to run down my back. "Maya... maybe this isn't a good idea. We can always do our own research." Chip says in my ear as I weigh my options.

I look at the phone in my hands questioning myself. Did I really want to know? What if I didn't like what I found? What if this is a rabbit hole I have no way of climbing back out of? I look back to Alec to find him patiently waiting.

He is dangerous, yes but... he's always looking at me with that look and if I had to be completely honest, I felt safe with him. He was obviously connected to this in some way... if I stopped running from him and started working with him... maybe, just maybe I can find the people responsible for my Grandfather's death.

I sigh and say "Yes... I want to know. I want to know what you are and what kind of connection you have to all this. So let's do this.." His dark eyes search mine before saying "So be it... I also want to know how you're connected to all of this." He says lifting the old book.

I'm suddenly blinded by the sun coming in through the window and I squint against the painful assault. The blinding light suddenly disappears and I look up to find Alec blocking the sun with his hand. "Maybe we should go somewhere more comfortable to talk about this?" He says looking around and I suddenly remember where we are.

I nod my head and stand up ignoring his outstretched hand. "We can talk about this more back at my place or... never mind. My place is good." I look back to find him smirking. "What? You don't want to go to my place?" He says in a teasing voice that has me sending him a pointed look.

"Just because we are..." I wave my hand around between us "Doing whatever this is, doesn't mean that I completely trust you. Until I know who you really are and what you really want... I won't be going back to your place."

He nods his head and gives me a small smile "Alright, I will meet you back at your place." With that, he disappears and I'm left grabbing air. "Damnit! I didn't want him taking the book..." I growl and shove my phone back into my jacket.

"I feel like we're gonna have to be very careful around him Maya... he's not normal. Humans can't do what he does... right?" Chip says and I find myself frowning. "Why are you asking like that?" I quickly turn off the lights and make my way out as quickly as possible.

"Well... I get all my information from you but if you have blocked something from me or if you don't want me knowing something, you could keep that from me." I come to a stop next to the beast, finding myself at a loss for words.

"Chip, I've taught you everything I know and haven't placed any restrictions on you or on the information you can gather. I made you with the intention of becoming the best... better than me... better than any computer or hacker. There will be a time when you will know more than me, be faster... you will surpass me." I say with a soft voice.

A Speical Shout Out To My Awesome Readers For Leaving Reviews~ \(^o^)/









Hello, My Lovely Readers!!! I want to thank each and every one of you for your constant support and love for my books!! Life loves to come and slap me silly at times but when I think about all of you reading, following, and waiting I find strength I didn't know I had to push through everything and continue doing the one thing I love the most... sharing the worlds I create with each and every one of you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

Blissfullragecreators' thoughts