
Silent Games

Hannah Marie is a 24 year old sign language interpreter. She loves her job and she loves fantasy anime with swords and magic. Be it games, manga, and anime she'll be there. Life is good! But on her way from work she gets hit by a truck. So cliche! She reincarnated as the deaf villainess Gwendolyn Yorke in one of her games. Well this will be interesting to turn this life around. What will the future hold for her?

Megan_Braceian · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

The Beginning After the End!

Hannah/Gwendolyn POV

Hey my name is Hannah Marie. I'm 24 years old, single and work as a sign language interpreter. Now you may ask why that unique job. Simple, I like the language so why not get a degree in it? So I did I'm qualified in teaching sign language and licensed for interpreting it. If I have to complain it's that I get a lot of my jobs in the courtroom. Yeah I know, it pays more but, I just don't like that type of environment. I prefer doing schools and concerts, something fun. But unfortunately life isn't all about games. But now I'm done with work and heading home so I can play with my guild mates. I'm hoping to make my own guilds as well later. Hey even if I'm an adult I still like anime and games, I admit to I'm a nerd ok, happy now. As I was walking across the street hooooooonk! Crash. All went dark.

Ugh why,why,why? Why did I have to die in such a cliche way? A truck out of all things. Well nothing I can do about it. I feel someone touching my body and very low mumbles. Ugh what is happening?

I open my eyes to see 3 giants. Agh why are giants in front of me? Wait they appear to be adults, and if they're giants then that means I'm a baby? Holy Crap! I've just reincarnated, the sacred texts of manga were true! When a person dies by a truck they really do get to keep there memories when there reborn. Awesome! But why can't I hear them, well it's a good thing I can read lips.

"She's so gorgeous Valerie" said the woman with short blond hair and blue eyes.

"Thanks Ruth, but are you sure you should be here what about Clementine, shouldn't she be awake by now?" Valerie asked with beautiful silver hair and eyes of green.

"There's no way I'm missing the birth of my husband and yours, but to bad that neither you nor I could give birth to a son, and this was our last chance to" Ruth said in a sad tone.

"Nonsense you 2, you 2 are my wives and gave birth to 9 beautiful girls, one of them will just have to take over as duke" the handsome man said with black hair and purple eyes.

"By the way darlings, what are you going to name the little one" Ruth asked them.

Valerie and Edison smiled then said "Gwendolyn Vivian Yorke the youngest member of our family."

When I read that name, I realized I'm in that otome game Evermore and I'm the deaf villainess who suppose to die or go to ruin, I don't except this!

Well it's been 6 months and I'm already walking and reading. I'm waiting another 2 months to write.My family labeled me as a genius and can't wait till I talk. To bad I won't be. Anyway I learned a lot these past months.so I'll list them here.

1. I'm in an otome game called Evermore and I'm the villainess

2. Magic exists in this world which is great

3. There are 4 countries in this world and one land that no one owns

4. Were in the Moon Country and my family is one of the 7 duke families

5. I'm no longer human and I'm deaf

6.Sign language and brill exist in this world

7. I'm going to either die or fall to ruin when I'm 16

That is because I'm the bloody villainess. Why me? Well in any novel or manga that has this kind of development the protagonist usually avoids her ruins, changes the routes or goes for it so she can be from her scum family. In my case I'll just live the way I want to and try not to die, but first to get along with my family. Operation fun life is a go. Yeah!