
Silent Games

Hannah Marie is a 24 year old sign language interpreter. She loves her job and she loves fantasy anime with swords and magic. Be it games, manga, and anime she'll be there. Life is good! But on her way from work she gets hit by a truck. So cliche! She reincarnated as the deaf villainess Gwendolyn Yorke in one of her games. Well this will be interesting to turn this life around. What will the future hold for her?

Megan_Braceian · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Revealing Secrets

Just a heads up but, Italics mean that they are signing!

Gwendolyn POV

         The world of Evermore is a very interesting world in the game and reality. This world has 5 lands and 6 species. The country that my family lives in is the Moon country. Apparently night time is longer here. Out of the 24 hours the sun is only up for 5 hours and the rest is the night. Because of that a lot of people where sunglasses during the sun hours. And the opposite of our hours is the Sun country as it's only night for 5 hours for them. Very simple naming sense if you ask me.

            I'm currently in our homes library. I feel like I can just make this my bedroom at times. The maids around me say that I'm a very quiet child compared to my older half sister by 4 months Clementine. She's crawling and starting to talk. But I can already read, write, and walk. There just wondering why I'm not talking. Well that's what I read with their lips. I'll be writing about it later today. I've been holding off on it for awhile because I'm scared for the reactions. I'll be writing it at dinner when the whole family is together. Then showing them I can sign and hopefully I'll be able to teach them.

        Ah I'm getting of track thinking such negative things. Our house are the Dukes of Yorke. The dukes are the 3rd highest rank a person can get, right after Arch Dukes and the royal family. My father Edison Yorke is the 51st head. We are the second oldest duke family while the Zankowski are the oldest with there 56th head. Our families will be joining in the future but I'll talk about that a bit later. Anyway my father has 2 wives. I was a bit shocked. Not because of the 2 wives thing, but that those 2 are also lovers and friends as well. I mean the two women of one husband usually hate each other, right? Well I don't judge.

         It's actually common practice in this world to have more than one spouse. The rule is that all three members must love each other and equal rights to all the children no matter who the wife or husband is. I like this law! Anyway I'm getting a bit of topic my father has 9 daughters and no sons. So I don't really know who is going to inherit the duke house. I'm the youngest of all nine children. First there's Faith, Annabel, Roxanne, Cecelia, Beatrice, Evelyn, Rosemary, Clementine, and me Gwendolyn. I'm the daughter of fathers first wife Valerie, along withRoxanne, Cecelia, and Evelyn the rest are my step mothers children Ruth.

         Turns out the 4 older girls are engaged to 2 of Zankowski sons. Faith and Annabel are engaged to the heir Daniel while Roxanne and Cecilia will be married to the second son and future branch head Patrick. The others aren't engaged at the moment but I read the lips of the maids that Beatrice might be marrying into the Eclipse empire while Evelyn marries in the Star country and Rosemary married into the Sun country. That just leaves Clementine and me. Truth be told Clementine or any of my other sisters can have the title. I want to make my own business and guild. I won't fight I'll gladly give it up if they want it. And plus I'm deaf, I don't know how people feel about it.

        Turns out 30%of the population has a disability. 15% of disabled people were disabled in the war and the other half was born with it. So it's not that very uncommon which I'm glad about. Anyway there are 6 species in this world. They are Demons, Dragon people, Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Vampires, and Snow-ice people.

       Race is very strange here. There are no half's. So  if your moms a human and dads a dwarf you got a 50%chance of being a human or dwarf. And in rare cases you can be a race of your ancestors because of the bloodline. So in my family both mothers are human while dad a Snow-Ice person. The only real difference is that we're more powerful than humans in strength,speed and magic, our eyes are purple, our life span is about 800-950 years, we stop aging around 14-17 years old and we are never hot or cold. But we look totally human otherwise. Which reminds me no wonder Gwendolyn looked young in the game a lot of people just thought she was short but it was because of her race.

        That's right I'm like my dad, I'm the only one who is a Snow-Ice person, Clementine was born a dragon person. She has blue bat wings, golden cat eyes and two blue horns that look like skinny coral. Also she has a few scales around her eyes. The dragon clan are humanoids with dragon parts. There hasn't been a true dragon in centuries. Her blood comes from Ruth's great grandfather. All my other sisters are human like our mothers. By the way the royal family in the moon family are all vampires.

       The demon clan have 2 different characteristics. One is with animal characteristics like animal ears, tails, eyes, fangs, and nails. While the other one is bat wings, devil tails and horns 700 years. The dwarfs are either bearded short men or muscle short woman who live for 300 years. Elves are slim pointy eared beautiful humanoids that live for 600. People go crazy if they can get elves as spouses. Humans are like in every world with the aging and shortest life span of 150 years. Then the longest lived race vampires. Pale skin, red eyes, sharp fangs that drink blood. They live for 900-1,000 years.

         Enough about races there's even magic here. There are types of elemental magic that one can have it is common to have 2 types. Then there's the non elemental spells that anyone can use like status and appraisal. After that there's blood magic meaning the type of special magic from the species. For elves it would be talking to nature or animals, dwarves is metal or lava bending devils and dragons is transformation magic vampires is mind reading, hypnosis, telepathy,or levitation. And humans have body strengthening and enchantment magic.  When I read this I said status in my mind then like in rpg games came mine.


Name-Gwendolyn Vivian Yorke

        Age- 9 months

        Gender-Female (intersex)

        Race- Snow-Ice woman


         Previous Class- None

         Level- 1


         Mp- 1000/1000

         Int- 700

         Sp- 40/40

         Df- 30/30

        Magic-water(1),ice(1), darkness(1)

         Race magic- illusion(1)


Sign language(10),lip reading(9),perfect memory(10)shadow step(2),acting(1).


Reincarnated, 9th daughter of the duke of Yorke, deaf prodigy, genius, silent genius, dreamer

         This world has skills and titles. To get skills you have to practice then you get it. For example you practice sword skill then you get the skill, continue practicing then level up to ten then get a better skill like magic swordsman or fire swordsman etc.. then titles are unique it either the world gives you or people around you who give them. Then there's class.a class is when you get a job, you pick then level to 100 to get another one for example one can get apprentice scholar, scholar apprentice mage, mage, alchemist, maid, magic teacher, manager etc... it depends on your stats, hobbies and what you want to do. Also the type of class you have the skills you can also get as well. For example, if you have mage as a class then you can get the magic control skill and multiple cast skill. If you have maid class you can get cleaning, cooking and sewing skills. You can pick your first job at age 6 at the church, then can change jobs at guilds or if your nobles at home.

        As I was reading about status a hand came down giving me a fright that I dropped my book. Then I look behind and see an angry maid. Ah I probably late for dinner time to tell the family.

       "Young miss, it's good that you love books but that doesn't excuse you from missing dinner" I read her lips as she says while taking my hand and leading to the dinner table.

         I have my notebook and pen with me ready. When we enter I see my father then my mother on his left and Ruth on the right. Then my 8 sisters. Ruth's children are sat on her side from youngest to oldest and the same as mothers side. I naturally sit next to mother because I'm the youngest which I dread at times. I take a deep breath and head to my seat.

    I show up the paper that wrote "I learned how to right by myself".

  " That's great hunny as expected of my daughter" my father said then I see as my mother and stepmother were smiling

   "I have something to tell you all" I wrote

     "What is it sweetie, you don't have to keep secrets" my mom said

I took a deep breath and wrote "I'M DEAF!"

  When my family saw this there eyes popped out blinking to see if they read wrong.i don't blame them, seeing this must be hard.

My father then spoke "How can you be deaf,you can understand what I'm saying now right?"

        "I can lip read, and I am by no means stupid father, haven't you noticed that when a maid calls me I don't respond, it's not because I'm into the book, it's because I couldn't hear her." I wrote.

      "It makes sense why she hasn't talk yet, and I did have a feeling she was different I just thought she was smart for her age" mom said

      "Agreed, I notice one time Clementine was crying but Gwen wasn't bothered by it, I just thought she was a deep sleeper, now I know she just couldn't hear her. Hey Ed this isn't the end of the world, we just have to learn sign language to communicate" Ruth said

       "I'm sorry for over reacting, it's just shocking that my baby will never use her voice.

         It's ok papa,I can sign to talk and read lips, plus I can do everything else but hear. I sign to him then I wrote that and that I already mastered sign language and could teach the family and servants. So began the steps to a closer family.