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Alice: "Lin, you are my hero!"   Captain America: "Lin, are you really human?"   Sun Wukong: "What do I want this iron rod for?"   Transformers, Journey to the West, Marvel World... ... No. 1   in the world, Mr. Zombie, Super God World...   Lin Yu: "Don't make trouble, I'm just a passer-by, why do you always introduce me girlfriends?" Not my novel just translating for master he tu

Shadow_Kid978 · Phim ảnh
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92 Chs

Chapter 84

"My sister's program will only act according to logic to protect human life." Bai Hou looked at Alice and explained.

"Yes, I killed some and saved many."

Alice shook her head, disagreeing with what the queen said, and continued to ask, "Then what happened here?"

"Dr. Isaacs injected the T virus reagent crazily, and Inject your serum into your body together, and immediately caused a super mutation.

Doctor, he killed all the people here!"

Without the slightest emotion on his face, the Queen Bai calmly narrated what happened here , recounting the atrocities of Isaacs.

"My serum?"

Alice was a little surprised.

The others were also a little puzzled and stared at the White Queen.

"Your blood has been bound to the T virus. Dr. Isaacs correctly deduced that your serum can be used to destroy those zombies."

Queen Bai's words shocked everyone else.

They knew that Alice was a perfect fusion of the T virus, but they didn't know anything about her serum that could destroy zombies.

This news is really shocking.

"You mean Alice's blood can save all of this?" Lin Yu touched his chin, looked a little puzzled, looked at Dr. Ashford, and asked, "Doctor, is there such a possibility?" "There is such a

possibility Possibility."

Pushing a wheelchair, Ashford came to Lin Yu, and continued: "The umbrella company keeps launching clones of Alice, which may also be related to this."

Lin Yu nodded, thinking in his eyes.

"Why are you doing this?"

Alice squatted down, looking straight at the Queen.

"Your blood is clean. The equipment here has all the instruments used to synthesize medicines." Queen Bai's fair little finger pointed at the laboratory equipment and said seriously.

"You mean all of this can end?"

Dr. Ashford was also a little surprised. Although he had developed the T virus and had a reagent antidote, he was powerless if he wanted to end this disaster.

But the Queen Bai said that all this can end.

"Yes, but before that, you need to make the umbrella company disappear. Otherwise, the world will probably never have peace." The Queen continued.

The source of this evil all comes from the umbrella company. Everyone understands the truth that if you cut the grass but don't remove the roots, the spring breeze will regenerate it.

However, it is still very difficult to completely eliminate the umbrella company. That is the most powerful and powerful company in the world, not one of them.

"Baihou, can you help us?"

Lin Yu squatted down and looked at Baihou lovingly.

The white queen of artificial intelligence looked at Lin Yu, showed a rare smile, stretched out her small hand, and said sincerely:

"I am the product of human production, and I don't want to see my creators perish. I am willing to join you! "

Bai Hou saw Lin Yu's combat ability through real-time projection just now, and she felt that Lin Yu was more suitable than Alice to save the world.

Moreover, Lin Yu and Alice are companions, and the team formed by them will have more hope to complete this task.

So, she was more than happy to join them.

"You are welcome to join!"

Lin Yu looked at Queen Bai's fair little hand, even though it was an illusory three-dimensional projection, Lin Yu still stretched out his hand, and said with a smile,

"Queen Bai, I want you to spread the news through satellite now, for The Legion recruits survivors, can you do it?"

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

For Empress Bai, this was a matter of little effort.

Then, Lin Yu looked at Ashford again, and said,

"Doctor, I need you to study Alice's serum and the use of the instruments here, to see if it can do what Queen Bai said."

" No problem, but I need time."

Ashford immediately agreed to Lin Yu's request, and his and his daughter Angela's lives were saved by Lin Yu and others.

Moreover, he didn't want to see his research results become the chief culprit who poisoned the world and caused the real end of human civilization.

"Time is enough, doctor."

Lin Yu smiled smartly, and then continued:

"James, Jedi, Carlos, you three should bring five people to restore the communication equipment here and dispose of those corpses And blood.

Regarding food and water, the materials stored this time should only be enough for us for 20 days. You have time to search for as many materials as possible during the day."

"Yes, Chief Lin!"


Kaplan, Ryan, and Claire, the three of you are responsible for contacting the survivors and registering relevant information;

Mr. Arthur, Matt, Lisa, Terry, and Kitty, the five of you are responsible for investigating whether the survivors have the qualifications to become part of the legion. member. "

" Yes, Mr. Lin! "

Alice, you stay here to cooperate with the doctor's examination; Jill, leave the island country with me tomorrow morning and go to the umbrella branch!" "

Alice: "..."

Jill: "..."

Alice and Jill were stunned for a moment, they looked at each other, and Jill asked: "Do you want to leave tomorrow?" "

She was faintly excited, but she didn't show it.

However, a question mark appeared on the heads of Alice, Ryan and others.

Why did they choose Jill?

" . "Lin Yu nodded, not caring about the thoughts of other people.

Jill quite agreed: "OK, I'm fine. "

Alice, what about you?"

Lin Yu looked at Alice in a daze and asked. "

Okay, I will cooperate with the inspection."

Alice shrugged her shoulders, expressing that she didn't care. Since

the Queen Bai said that her serum could save the disaster, she had no choice. She couldn't just watch the human race go extinct.

"Everyone, let's work!" "

After ordering all the things, Lin Yu started a busy day, not only moving the corpse, but also scrubbing the blood, and supervising the progress of various tasks.

Simply, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Yu and Jill came to the ground early.

"Everyone, wait for my good news!"

Lin Yu turned his head and waved to Alice and the others. Then, under the gaze of everyone, the steel armor wrapped around Jill's waist and soared into the sky instantly.

Everyone looked at the figure soaring into the sky, with yearning expressions in their eyes. That steel battle body seems to be invincible and invincible!

"UU Reading www.uukanshu.com We are waiting for your good news."

Alice smiled slightly, feeling relieved in her heart.

If Lin Yu succeeds in this trip, then more than half of their goal of destroying the umbrella company will be completed. The next task is to start killing Wesker.

Lin Yu's legion - temporary legion.

It was born in this once crazy research base of Isaacs, and is gradually writing its own brilliance.

I believe that one day, this story will last forever.

Lin Yu, Alice, Jill, Claire, Ryan, James...they will all be recorded in history!