
SI as Ron Weasley

MC dies and wakes up as Ron Weasley, this is heavily inspired by the I am Ron Weasley Fanfic, but with darker themes and a MILF Molly Weasley that looks like a pornstar. tags#: Dark Themes, Rape, Incest, Killer, Torture, Loyal MC, Protective MC, Crack Fic, Slut MC, Male Fantasy, Don't Read, Will probably be Dropped before ten chapters, so don't take this seriously, it's just a stress reliever.

Shane_Town · Phim ảnh
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3 Chs

[2] I'm fucked

'Man, I kinda want to complain about being transmigrated as a baby and not just any baby but fucking Ron Weasley, inthe world of Harry Potter, I strongly wish that I had, had the chance to make a wish I'd have asked to be Neville instead of a member of the biggest and poorest family in the magical world...or at least of magical Britain anyways.' I express in my head after calming down about finding out that I am a baby.

"Boys, your father's home from work, come down for dinner!" Molly says at an even volume and a silence seems to fall over the house until a stampede of red-haired children come traipsing down the stairs like a herd of elephants.

"Hi Mum, Hi Dad, Fred move so I can see Ron." One of the boys says and when I turn my head I see two boys who look identical…and watch them playfully push each other.

"Mom, the twins are fighting again." Another redhead says but he's taller than the other two.

"Stuff it, Percy!" The twins chortled together.

"I have good news boys…Molly…the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is confirmed to be gone…that boy did it!"

"What's his name? Dad the boy who defeated he who-must-not-be-named?" Asks one of the Weasley boys.

"Her, her name is...Maire…Marie Potter, Bill, poor girl lost both her parents though." Arthur says with genuine grief and sadness in his voice.

'So…I'm already a year and some change old…neat.' My train of thought is interrupted by one of the twins.

"Hey Mum...you should change Ron's name to Marie…so he can have the same name as the girl who defeated the Dark Lord." The specific twin who spoke has his voice lilted with admiration.

"Fred!" Molly gasps in offense, and all of the boy's giggle at her reaction even Arthur chuckles softly…only I don't react.

'I really wish that I had a chance to read the books…all I know about the Weasley's...is from the movies…' I sigh in my mind as a night of celebration kicks off at The Burrow, years seem to fly for me and I have a pretty decent childhood if I'm being honest…sure not being able to control my bowels for the first year to second year wasn't pretty…neither was the chaos of hormones and brain chemistry of being a child with the mind of an adult other than that I soak up information a lot faster, like a dry sponge thrown into a sink of water.

Plus I got to learn a lot of things about the Weasel boys like how Charlie likes dangerous pets...and is a bit of a dragon loving freak.

And that Bill loves to let his hair grow...only our mother dosen't let him keep it long and makes sure it's kept short…through the way of cutting charms.

Percy likes rules and loves enforcing them…real prick that one, Fred and George like pranks, and pranking but their brand of pranking tends to border on…cruel and dangerous…they are troublemakers through and through.

Arthur well there's not much to say about Arthur, he pretty much works at the Ministry all the time but is so far the calmest and gentlest man I've ever met who loves muggles like a nerd loves action figures and likes tending to the small herd of livestock the family keeps, and who loves his family above all else.

Molly on the other hand is not calm she is the epitome of what most people joke about redheaded women being and she takes care of everyone, imposes rules, and punishes them if she deems it necessary, her punishments are pretty lax if you ask me no beating or shoes up asses her punishments are cleaning the gnomes' out of the garden or helping her clean the house and feed the animals, collect milk or chicken eggs.

I of course don't mind taking care of the livestock too much and even enjoy it…as it reminds me of my time as a kid and a teen on the farm in my past life.

Over the past few years I've gotten to experience some fun adventures with my new family and have grown to love all of them…even if I can't seem to fully accept the gorgeous milf Molly and my mother.

Ginny is a cute kid, if a little bratty sometimes, and over time even though Fred and George could be down right pricks I found myself deciding that I will do whatever it takes to protect my family from the fates they had in the movies.

'Holy shit, I forgot about that.' I express in my mind as I walk through the house at night as I see a rat scurrying out of mother and father's bedroom after mother has been moaning up a storm, peeking inside I see an abscess of Arthur and then remember he's working overtime tonight.

Walking into the room seeing the vacant lost expression in Molly's eyes like she's been drugged I feel a deep seated rage roar to life inside of me.

Silently making my way to the kitchen the night, seemingly my ally, I make it to the kitchen and move a chair so that I can reach the meat cleaver that is hanging from a hook over the sink, I take the meat cleaver from the kitchen and slip into my brother's bedroom finding the rat sleeping next to Percy.

Feeling disgusted, and rageful, I pick Peter Pettigrew up and set him on Percy's night stand and bring the cleaver down on Pettigrew's head…severing it clean off.

'Huh, I guess when an Animagus is killed they revert back to human form…' I express in my mind as Peter's fat body falls to the ground with a massive thunk and his once rat head now human's eyes stare at me vacantly.

Percy makes a hmm sound as he rolls over and pulls his blankets tightly against himself, while I loot Pettigrew's body, finding his and Voldemort's wand and a coin purse overflowing with Galleons and sickles, leaving Pettigrew's wand and keeping Voldemort's for my own use later on stashing it in Pettigrew's coin purse that I stach in the pocket of my jammies.

I meet Arthur as he goes to walk into his and Molly's bedroom, Arthur gasps as his lumos illuminates me covered in blood.

"Ron, are you okay?" The man drops to his knees and runs his hands over me.

"I'm fine Dad, there was a rat problem and I cut off it's head like you and Mum do to the chickens." I reply to Arthur and my voice comes out a bit hollow.

"Wha-" Arthur starts to ask but I tug on his hand and start pulling on him to follow me to Percy's room.

"Ron, what…did you do something to Percy?" Arthur asks in shock just as we walk into Percy's bedroom Arthur retches up his guts at seeing Peter Pettigrew's severed head on Percy's night stand.

"I saw him leaving Mummy's and your room after mum was making those loud noises saying your name…when I looked inside you weren't there Dad…and Mum…mum doesn't seem right her eyes didn't even look at me." I say to Arthur while trying to sound like the four year old that I am.

"By magic, and Merlin." Arthur gasps as he pulls me into a tight hug. "You did a good job protecting your Mum and brothers son, never let anyone tell you otherwise." Arthur does his best to console both of us before carrying me downstairs and using a bit of household magic to clean me of the blood as he sets me down in front of the fireplace.

He grabs a hand of floo powder and throws it into the fireplace first calling Albus Dumbledore, and then Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Amelia Bones.

It didn't take long for the fireplace to flame up with a breath of massive green flames as Wizards and Witch entered our home, needless to say…almost everyone on the Burrow was traumatized to know someone confirmed to be dead was living in their home…Molly was especially pale…and I got the feeling that there was something there especially with the way she looked at Arthur.

'I wish I knew the torture curse you rapist piece of shit.' I snarled in my mind when I stood outside Molly and Arthur's bedroom door and heard her sobbing and begging Arthur to forgive her as the man did his best to comfort her and reassure her that it wasn't her fault.

It wasn't even a week after I killed Peter Pettigrew, that Sirius Black was released from Azkaban, free of all allegations and millions of Galleons richer for his troubles.

Of course since I kept Voldemort's wand hidden I've been using it for practicing magic…though I have found that if I wanted something to happen bad enough I could make it happen though with varying results…sometimes down right dangerous results…without a wand.

That is when Molly would actually let me out of her arms…as I'd become a sort of security plushie for the woman, who doesn't eat or sleep anymore unless I'm there to cuddle with her…not that I mind too much as she looks like Lauren Phillips…

The worst thing about killing Pettigrew would be the fact that I'm on Dumbledore's radar now of possible future Dark Lords and I feel the need that I must be careful so that I don't have to be sacrificed for the greater good in the future or even now here in the present.