
She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment

The fat and ugly Nora Smith is the laughingstock of the town when her fiancé breaks off their engagement. He says, “The sight of your gigantic face and thunder thighs disgusts me! Don't ever pester me again!" “What an idiot.” Nora scoffs and turns around, her lips curling up into a smile. Later, when Nora successfully slims down, she returns as an astounding beauty. Her ex-fiancé comes to her bearing flowers and begs, "I was wrong, Nora. I’m willing to do anything as long as you come back to me.” Nora rests her chin in her hands and smiles as she replies, “Real men don’t dwell on the past.” Angered, he says, “You’re just a dimwit saddled with baggage that I dumped, Nora. No one will want you except me!" But following that… A young and popular singer tweets: “Nora Smith is my goddess!" An internationally renowned surgeon asks, “Are you free tonight, Nora?” Even the rich and influential hotshot whom everyone is scared of comes forward and says, ”I can take care of my wife and children myself, thank you very much.”

Mr. Yan · Tổng hợp
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The Mystery of Xander's Birth!

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Old Maddy said, "I don't know why he was chosen, but your mother told us at the time to choose the smartest one. That's because the serum she gave you improved one's genes. Even if it was passed on to the child, their genes wouldn't be modified much if the child was born very smart. This way, if the serum is unable to do what it's supposed to, it will become ineffective. I would think that is likely the reason why."

Nora: "…"

So, Justin had been chosen because of his high IQ?

The corners of Nora's lips spasmed.

But she felt that the answer didn't seem unacceptable either.

After all, Cherry's IQ was slightly higher than Pete's, probably because half of a female's genes were inherited from the father.

"Then, here's my last question."

Nora stared hard at Old Maddy. "If I gave birth to more children, would the amount of serum distributed to each child have become smaller, thereby making it safer for them?"