
Shapeshifter's Evolution

(cover will be updated soon to match the new title) After dying in his original world, Azazel is reborn in a dark fantasy world, a fantastical world filled to the brim with all sorts of magic, monsters, dangers, and mysteries. Maybe he is actually one of the mysteries himelf.

Ezero · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Ant Extermination

After being reunited with my body I opened my eyes. It was dark, I could feel a slimy liquid enveloping me.

My eyes were still adjusting to the complete darkness and I began to make out something right in front of me. There were two women's faces looking at me, they looked puzzled until they saw me move, then they revealed their fangs.

I instinctively jumped back, hitting them in the face with my legs while also being catapulted through the eggshell. While I landed on my back without any injury or even pain, the two... vampires? we're thrown to the other side of the room.

I got up and tried to make some spikes out of anything I could but I was naked, only the horn material that acted like my bone was still there, so I quickly moved it to the other hand while the bones in my hand would regenerate.

'I'm a little hungry, should I consume the parasite? But I don't feel it there... Hmm, those things look human enough, maybe they'll have some... nutrients.'

I looked at the things, it was too dark for me to see them clearly but they seemed to be scared of me, being backed into the corner. Anyway, I started walking to them, the closer I got, the more scared they were.

"P-please, I'll give you my body, but don't do anything to my sister!"


"No, sister, I should be the one taken, you always protect me, I wouldn't even be able to survive without you."

"But... Sister... I wouldn't have anything to live for without you."

"Neither would I... I will be taken!"

"No! I would rather be used with you than live without you! Okay, you barbarian, you can take us both, but don't be rough on my sister!"

"You're doing it again! No, mister, you should be rougher with me!"

"No! With me!"

"No! I!..."

"Stop this! What are you talking about? I thought you were attacking me!" I was now close enough to see that my attackers were two young vampires with black hair and pointy ears, they were dirty and covered with only tattered clothes.

"So... you won't harm us?"

"Not if you don't attack me first. Now, where are we?"

"In the ant's egg incubation ground." One responded, still scared.

"Hmm... I know why I'm here but why are you?"

"We came here to feed on the larva! We didn't know someone so strong was guarding them, we didn't eat anything, I promise, could you please let us go?"

"I'm not keeping you captive, and I don't care about the larva, I think I will actually destroy this place. You are vampires, right? Do you have any other food source?"

"There are other ant nests around, don't worry... Are you really not going to do anything to us?"

"How many times do I have to tell you this? I won't do anything to you, do I even look like someone who would do that?"

They both quickly nodded. I looked down at my body and my legs, arms, and chest were covered in dark pigment.

'Is this black face, well my face isn't covered, I think. Is it even racist if I can change my race at will?"

While the pigment made me look scary, I was also taller and better built than before. Coupled with being naked, I see why they thought I will do something to them.

"I see it too now, I won't do anything to you, don't worry."

They looked at each other and seemed to relax a bit.

"Do you know the way to the ant queen?"

They nodded.

"Take me there."

"Are you sure? The queen is extremely strong, we wouldn't even be able to put a scratch on it."

"Well, I'm not sure of anything nowadays."

The girls took me through a labyrinth of tunnels, one I am sure I could never navigate myself. Strangely enough, there weren't many ants around and the random stragglers were quickly taken care of by me.

'Why aren't they giving me souls? Am I doing something wrong?'

... No response.

'Oh, right...'

Soon we arrived in front of a giant entrance.

"It's in there, but be careful, it's stronger and more agile than it looks."

I nodded. "Wait for me, but if it looks like I won't make it, you can leave."


I entered the giant room that housed the ant queen, and I could finally see it through the darkness.

It was an enormous creature, with six pairs of legs and giant eyes that were more than double my height. It was covered in small spikes and its shell reflected the little light there was in the room like it was made of metal. It was laying legs and didn't seem to spot me yet, I wanted to take it by surprise but then remembered the conditions of my power.

'Damn it! And here I thought the downsides were minor.'

"Hey! You there! Let's fight!"

*HIISH* The queen screeched, it raised its body off the ground but her eggs were still falling out, shattering on the ground. As it realized this she put herself back down and screeched again in another tone. If the first one was more like 'I Will Kill You!', this one was 'Guards!' or 'Help!'.

Soon enough, armored ants began storming the room, one after another.

"You're lucky I want your soul!"

The first ant reached me, I dodged its attack then punched it in its side, and to my surprise, my hand went right through its armor.

"Holy..." I quickly grabbed its shell to use as armor myself, and in no time an army of ants reached me.

I started disposing of them, but every so often the queen would screech again and their formation would change, each time getting harder to defend against.

At some point, I was overrun by the ants and was pushed to the ground. They started grabbing my legs and arms but I kept punching and kicking them.

'Ahh, not again, shit, shit... What if!' I hit the ground with my hands and legs at the same time and to my surprise, I was thrown in the air, some decapitated heads of ants were still munching on my legs but I quickly got them off before landing on the ground.

I fell on an ant that was squished by my body, but others were quickly attacking me. I again tried to defend and dispose of them but I was almost pushed to the ground again.

'I need to move more!' I jumped to the side, piercing some ants with my fists, then, when I almost landed on an ant, I pushed my legs into it and jumped again while the ant's armor caved in.

I repeated this process a couple of times but then I felt something charging at me. When I turned around, two enormous spikey ants were charging toward me. They were smaller than the queen but not by a lot.

As they got closer, the other ants started backing down, letting them take it from here.

One of them opened its jaws wide then closed them on me but I dashed backward, escaping just in time. I used its closed jaws as a step and jumped to one of its eyes, which I started punching.

The ant screeched and tried to get me off but I wouldn't budge, having no other option it ran and bashed the eye I was on to the wall. Just before it reached the wall, I jumped on top of its head while its momentum wouldn't let it stop. Its eye was completely destroyed.

'What did it even think would happen?'

As it got away from the wall I jumped down to its other eye, which I again started punching. This time it wasn't trying to get to the wall, but ran to the other ant for help.

"Oh, you won't!"

I punched it again and again, making sure to destroy every lens, and before it could reach its brother, the ant fell on its side, the momentum dragging it forward.

The other one, seeing what happened, attacked more prudently, making sure to stay next to me queen, it didn't even try to make a dash for me, it just waited while I slowly walked towards it.