
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

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55 Chs

Chapter 28): Northside Weekend (1)

 Chapter 28): Northside Weekend (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[5+ Advanced Chapters for members on Buy-meacoffee/Flaminglines]


Unlike everyone else Carl showed up in a leather jacket that was over a hoodie, the only thing really seen were his pants which were more dress fancy then anything, his shoes though were some Timberland Boots, the same pair he always wore in his past life. The only reason this is mentioned is because at the moment he was being stopped at the front desk of the country club, having to roll his eyes yet again.

"Sir," the man said patiently even though he was speaking to a kid, not wanting to offend just in case, "I am just saying we have a strick dress code here, just take off your coats to let us check."

Carl rolled his eyes but enough time has passed where his body had warmed up, so he didn't mind taking his coats off, "There! Better now?" He asked rolling his eyes again, he was sure they would eventually get stuck doing it.

Under his coats Carl wore a button down black shirt, the sleeves were long but he planned to roll those up the moment he got the chance too, he didn't like having them covering his arms.

The man manning the front looked his attire over before nodding, "It seems to be club appropriate, now your card please."

Carl rubbed his forehead but did as asked and showed his card to the man, he took it swiping it real quick, whatever he saw made him nod before he handing it back to Carl. He knew that it was just a photo of him along with his club status though, which was the diamond membership, hence his card being the best looking one they owned.

Moving past the front desk Carl walked around the corner and headed for the dining area, it is where he was meeting Jordan and Kassidi something they all agreed on. He had heard the hesitation in Jordan's voice when Kassidi was mentioned, but he finally had sighed and agreed to meet up with him there, Carl just laughed at him.

Walking into the dining area he saw Kassidi right away, it wasn't that hard as she was staring at the door so intently that everyone gave her a glance, also she was standing in her seat. The moment he walked through the door her face broke out into a huge grin and she rushed to Carl, Jordan slowly following behind looking embarrassed.

Carl only had a moment to brace himself before his arms were fully of a giggling little girl who rubbed her head in his chest, he smiled fondly down at said girl before kissing the top of her head. Kassidi just tightened her hold as she buried her head into his chest, Carl meanwhile turned to Jordan who was shaking his head.

'You are going to regret this.' he mouth while flicking his eyes to Kassidi so that his meaning was clear.

Carl just brushed him off.

"Good to see you too Kassidi. What's up Jordan." He said high fiving his new friend as Kassidi still hasn't moved away.

"What's up man." Jordan said smirking lightly.

"Hey Carl! Did you miss me? I missed you!" Kassidi said bring her head up and blinding him with her smile.

He laughed nodding his head, "Of course I missed you too."

That was the right thing to say apparently as she hugged him tighter giggling, Jordan just rolled his eyes as he didn't try to warn the kid anymore, "So what are we doing today?" Jordan asked while leading them towards the table they were at.

"Umm Kassidi, mind letting go so I can walk straight." Carl asked as he tried to follow but was hindered by Kassidi holding him.

She pulled back frowning but smiled again taking his arm, "This better."

All he did was smile and nod as they walked to where Jordan was sitting, they ordered as a waiter came to take their order Carl gave his card, it wasn't as if it was his money anyway. After ordering he finally answered Jordan, "I don't know really. What is there fun to do here besides the game area?" He asked.

Jordan shrugged, "Not much really. Swimming is always fun but better outside in my opinion. We could golf, but it is cold outside and there is snow, so I don't feel like doing that either, same with tennis. Though there is the indoor courts."

Kassidi didn't say anything as she just held on to Carl, she had even gone as far as to push her chair against his to hold his arm, he chuckled on the inside laughing at how adorable she was being. He didn't see Jordan rolling his eyes, not that he would have cared much, Jordan was to biased against her he didn't see anything wrong.

"Alright, well how about we just play some games for awhile then after eating. Though I would also like to work out some, it has been to cold to run outdoors and I don't have weights at home." Carl said thinking of things he wanted to do.

Jordan nodded, "That's fine. I plan on joining the basketball team next year, it would be good to work out some."

"Carl do you like girls who work out?" Kassidi cut in before he could say something to Jordan.

Looking over at her he smiled, "I could care less really. As long as the girl is real and doesn't change who she is for me then I am fine."

While his words were meant to just be something innocent and not meant in any romantic way it was still gold to Kassidi, she even grinned wider as she thought about how she didn't need to change. She was prepared to do it for Carl if he asked but seeing that she didn't need to change anything about herself, thanks to his words, she just decided that she would be who she is.

Jordan face palmed though, he knew it was Carl's one chance to really change who Kassidi was, maybe make her less.....unhinged. Now it would seem that it was going to stay the same, he sighed knowing it wasn't fully Carl's fault, but at the same time he really wished the girl would change some.

He shuddered thinking about what she did when the last boy rejected her.

"How good is your schools basketball team?" Carl asked going back to talking to Jordan.

"Garbage, sure there are some good players, but it is a bunch of rich kids. They don't have to try as hard to play on the team, none of them are really serious about it." Jordan finished on a sigh.

"And you are?" Carl asked tilting his head, he heard a small squeak from Kassidi but ignored it.

Jordan nodded, "Yeah, I want to be like my dad you know? He is on track to break the scoring record, the triple double record and the most championships won. I just want to beat him."

Carl nodded, he wasn't a hundred percent sure what he wanted to completely do with his life, there was the part of him that was more then willing to commit fully to this life as an online star and succeed. But then again there was another part of him that didn't mind becoming a big time drug dealers he knew that he could do it too as it was so easy to get into that life on the Southside.

Hearing Jordan talk about basketball brought back some old dreams though, there use to be a point in his life where he also wanted to play basketball seriously but gave up cause his talent was no good. Now with this new life though he could take it somewhere, but he sighed thinking about even then he would still need to put himself out there a lot to get noticed, his school wasn't like Jordan's.

"What's wrong?" Kassidi asked being the first to realize that he was down a little.

Jordan looked up from his delivered food hearing her question.

Carl sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, he didn't talk until the waiter was gone, "I was just thinking about my options on life. Unlike you two I don't have the real option to have a big chance to succeed, truly I have always though about basketball but my school wouldn't get even half the attention yours does.

Then there is the online stuff my friend Sophia wants to do," Carl missed the glare Kassidi sent hearing Sophia's name, "Plus there is the....drugs I could sale. Just to get money in my pocket of course."

Jordan popped a fry into his mouth while pondering something, "What kind of drugs?"

"Who is Sophia?" Kassidi hissed the glare still on her face.

Carl gave Kassidi a look but answered Jordan first, "Why do you want to know?"

"I was thinking, maybe I could help you out there. But it would have to only be weed of course, if it is anything harder then that, I won't help you." Jordan said with a shrug.

"Who is Sophia!" Kassidi asked again her voice rising some as she continued to glare at Carl.

Carl ignored Kassidi for now, "How could you help?"

"Well I was thinking...."