
Shall We Play A Game?

Every decade the rules changed. The powerful became the powerless. The weak became the strong. Anyone could win it, as long as they followed the rules: 1) You cannot kill innocents 2) You must represent a High House 3) Romance is always an option 4) Kills must be made by the participants 5) Poisons are prohibited 6) Kills must be made within the Castle and Tournament grounds 7) Revenge is forbidden The breakage of any rule will result in immediate abdication. Eliminations are final and favours must be won. Win the game. Good luck.

Stormhawk · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

The Capital


We're stuck in traffic. Uncle Zeph has yet to say anything to us since we got in the car.

I sigh inwardly.

My thoughts drift back to maman's face. The twins were looking at Uncle Zeph when they delivered their heartbreaking line and completely missed how maman's face crumbled. When they turned to hug her goodbye, her smile was in place again.

Although it never reached her eyes.

"If you don't get chosen you come straight home. S'il vous plait?"

The twins smiled and came to hug maman.

"Of course maman. Monsieur Pierre said he would hire me as his assistant!" Avé told her with a smile.

"I will as well." Alek sighed. "I may not have a job lined up like Avé, but I will come back just the same."

Maman hugged each twin tight, and then together even tighter. What I decided to say next would either make or break maman's heart for now. I took a breath.

"I'm going with them."

Maman's face whipped up so fast I was afraid it might snap with the force, even the twins stepped back in shock. Uncle Zeph's jaw was practically on the floor.

"Por quoi? Your uncle did not ask for you."

I flinched a little inside at her voice. It was practically dripping in desperation.

"Not to become a Hand maman. I want to make sure they are safe, and as well trained as they can be. No one knows them like we do. If they are serious in wanting to become a Hand, I want to give them the strongest fighting chance they can have."

Maman looked like she absolutely hated that I made sense.

I reached out for her hand. Holding it with one, I lay the other on her cheek bringing our foreheads together.

"I promise to return maman. Once the games begin and we see the outcome of Avé and Alek, I will return."

"You must," she whispered.


"We're here."

Uncle Zeph finally speaks and I can't help it. I give him a look and he at least has the decency to look sheepish. I nudge Alek off my shoulder who falls onto Avé startling them both out of sleep.

"We're here," I repeat, as if the massive change in scenery wasn't enough.

Alek's eyes nearly bug out of his head as he gazes up at the massive apartment complexes that pepper the Capital's Inner Ring. Avé's gaze is quicker drawn to the various automobiles that race through the streets.

I take in everything, eyeing nothing in particular.

Uncle Zeph's driver opens the door on my side and I slide out with a quick thank you and smile. The driver gifts a small smile back before tapping Alek's shoulder. It takes a few more taps before Alek rejoins us on Earth.

He practically beams at the man before smacking Avé's leg and leaping out of the car before she can get him.

Un-needed really, since Avé is too enraptured by the vehicles to retaliate. She finally climbs out and the driver shuts the door. With a bow he re-opens the driver side door and seats himself inside. The car then pulls away.

The mansion he's left us in front of seems out of place in a bustling city, but then again, there are twelve of these around, so it can't be too odd. The openness of the grounds leave little room to the imagination. There seems to be a parkour jungle-gym-esque arena extending out of the right side of the building.

The left has an arena. Sand grounds I presume, since the Tournament grounds were. I eye the sun in the sky and guesstimate that it is around 3 in the afternoon since the ride to the capital was supposed to be 5 hours. The tell-tale signs of metal clashing is noticeably absent. The lack of participants in the jungle gym is also worth noting.


Uncle Zeph deems it is time to speak again and clears his throat. How he managed to make it sound authoritative, I'll never know. The twins' eyes snap to him.

"This is the main training estate for the games. I apologize that you cannot see our House's main building, but it is imperative that you settle down and begin training immediately."

I scoff mentally. The "main building," as he so eloquently put it is a castle perched in the mountains way up North. Every High House has one. History stated that there used to be many more, but obviously war and conquest had something to do with dwindling the numbers.

The twins nod, so I speak up.

"When will they meet the rest of the candidates?"

Uncle Zeph winced.

"Are there other candidates Uncle Zephyr?" I frown at him.

More hesitation. Perfect.

"They're your only candidates aren't they."

The twins look at me as if I've grown a second head.

"You've got to be joking Leo. There's gotta be more than just us." Alek laughs.

"Right uncle Zeph?" Avé asks, looking pointedly at the man.

"I'm sorry kids."