
Shall We Play A Game?

Every decade the rules changed. The powerful became the powerless. The weak became the strong. Anyone could win it, as long as they followed the rules: 1) You cannot kill innocents 2) You must represent a High House 3) Romance is always an option 4) Kills must be made by the participants 5) Poisons are prohibited 6) Kills must be made within the Castle and Tournament grounds 7) Revenge is forbidden The breakage of any rule will result in immediate abdication. Eliminations are final and favours must be won. Win the game. Good luck.

Stormhawk · Fantasy
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23 Chs




The twins were laughing now. Whether from nervousness or the sheer absurdity that is their upcoming challenge, I'll never know.

"We're the only ones upholding your House name? Excellent."

"You have such high hopes for us, but what are the odds that both of us will get chosen out of the, probably, hundreds of candidates?"

"And what are the odds that our Heir will win?"

"There are six of them. A one in six chance is not the greatest odds."

"Obviously not the worst, since two Houses before Chiron's reign had thirteen kids."

"But odds all the same."

Uncle Zeph was becoming paler with each sentence the twins spat out. It was satisfying to say the least.

I just sighed. Again. Because what else could I do? House Inyoni was hinging their succession on the Koyal twins. Even if they were joking about it, there was pressure. A pressure to do well.

"Your own children," I pipe up, "none of them are willing to even attempt?"

The twins stare at our uncle again with barely restrained tension.

Now it's uncle Zeph's turn to sigh.

"Kiyo doesn't want to risk it. If he joins and his Heir forfeits, he'll be stuck, unable to claim his own birthright. And of course his Heir could release him, but lets face it, that's a slim chance, especially if they work well. The Heir will most likely take on a military approach or become a Battlemaster."

Understandable. Obviously, I didn't expect Kiyo to even entertain the notion. He wasn't the type to let others use him. He wouldn't even pretend to roll over, even for a game. That's why he got "killed" all the time.

"Kastor is willing, but the boy is 11. What ethical Heir would take on a 11-year-old and risk having his blood on their hands? Especially if they won, they wouldn't be held in much favour."

Of course age plays a factor, but Kastor was built like a tank. His Harpy Eagle form proved that. He has utterly destroyed people twice his age in training when they visited, he was 8 at the time. I'm not saying he should risk his neck for this chance, but just becoming a candidate would give the twins some breathing room. It's not even a for sure thing, becoming a Hand. There has to be another reason.

"And KC is 8. That should be enough said."

Ok, KC is adorable, and tiny. He's got performers' genes, just like aunt Lydian. Even if he doesn't take that route, he's always been interested in the medical field. A surgeon isn't that big of a stretch.

Suddenly, I frown. The twins see my face and frown as well.

"Kaliope? Kelsianna? Surely one of them could take it on. They're of age so that can't be a factor."

My implied question doesn't go unnoticed and uncle Zeph begins to speak again.

"Kaliope...refuses. Many things happened since you last saw them and she absolutely detests violence in any way, shape or form."

Odd. What could have happened? Kaliope was the best in her class. We sparred together all the time. Especially when we went up against others as a pair, her peregrine falcon form was key in stealth exercises and her crossbow form practically radiated magic.

"And Kelsianna has already decided what she wants to do in life. She and her girlfriend are a force to be reckoned with. Cassandra even convinced Kelsianna to take her as a Hand. They went to train as a Battlemaster just last year."

Oh! Good for her. Kels and Cassie have been pining for who knows how long. It's good they're a team now. Not good for Avé and Alek, but good.

"And there were no other volunteers for your House. None at all."

Uncle Zeph hesitated. Stalling for time. Why?

"Your town was the furthest out of the way and the least likely to have seen the news, but the Lycan family has been broadcasting each Heirs' skill, one per month since First Month, trying to build a following for each child. Now they broadcast stats and snippets of their training regimens. Not only that, but just two months ago, each Heirs' stat came up with a....short list of the Houses they were...considering."

The twins adopt looks of confusion and mutter amongst themselves.

I tilt my head up to stare directly into his eyes.

"House Inyoni didn't place very high did they."

Uncle Zeph stared me down.

"We didn't place at all."

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