
Shall be my witness

Aden_Eshal_Asif · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs

chap10p1 asif

i turned around and saw ,a person from the main branch of khans family.we have met each other many times and in many places,sometimes in the business fields and sometimes in the battles,we have always showed respect at the times of business and fought each with great sincerity and passion.

^^seems like i am your opponent today^^i said.^^ tempting but i guess i^ll have to pass^^Hameer said to me while his body position at kabir. ^^actually i am quite offended,i came here to greet you and you can not eve.....^^ i was cut off by a flying dragger towards me,i nearly ducked it,but it cut through a tissue of my ear skin. as i traced the angle,where the dagger came from,my eyes traced the angle meeting with brown eyes of a woman,brown eyes that can bring mountains to there knees,so light of dark it can corrupt people.as i couldn't bring myself

to look away from her eyes,as i was drowning in them ,but i have to look away that woman wants to kill me ,she was the one who through the dagger, i have to look away ,she is dangerous ,she is deadly,as i finally able to tear off my gaze from only to look back at her again,my eyes freaking betrayed me.i noticed her wearing a pearl necklace around her fragile looking neck and a dark black maxi covering her slender looking body,and her hair is tied in a messy bun,she is not wearing revealing clothes that people usually wear in these kinds of gathering,wait....wait.....what?.....why am i noticing every small details about her, its not like me at all .^^ i am your opponent ^^ she said ,so confidently, her aura,her body poster, speaks dominance ,speaks authority, bravery, and unyielding ability.^^are you?^^i said ,with amusement.^^why ,afraid^^ she said mockingly. first i wasn^t interested in fighting with a women as i have experience with my sister she can be quite annoying sometimes,well not sometimes but most of the times,but now i think i am interested in fighting with this women.^^afraid,who?.....me?,nah^^ i said with the same aura matching with hers.her eyes flicker with challenge and she positioned her body into a fighting zone and all of a sudden i don^t know what she is thinking, her eyes and face has become expressionless, she has built up a wall that is used to hide emotions,that face comes with a lot of practice and a lot of training. having that face and that body posture are the qualities of a trained and experienced killer.she started throwing punches at me and i started dodging it,she is fast! ^^ why are you just dodging?^^ she said with a expressionless face.^^ i wouldn^t like to ruin that pretty face ,you know.^^ i said a snarl,hoping to get a reaction out of her,why?,don^t even know myself.as she threw a hard punch at me,i wasn^t fast enough tod duck it so i counter it with my own fist,both of our fist together

in equal strength,and that how she smirked,her smirk,her smirk,i got a reaction out of her,does that mean i can get more reaction if i fight one on one with her,but why am i trying so hard to get a reaction out of her.she threw a kick at me i countered it ,i threw a punch at her she countered it, we started replaying our game of dance, both of us playing with each other,throwing fists and countering it until she and i threw a fist at the same time making an opening for both of us,my fist meeting with her delicate soft skin and her fist meeting with my hard skin ,both of our side of lips bruised ,she kneed me in the stomach,earning herself a snarl,as i pinned her to the floor letting all my weight on her earning myself some curses.^^ why don^t you give me the honour of knowing your name ^^ i said with a smirk ,she laid beautifully beneath me , finally her expressionless face broke and a hint of pink creep to her cheeks, fucking adorable.^^a soon to be dead don^t have to worry about my name^^ she said while,making me let my guard down,as she pinned me down to the floor ,and got herself up ,taking out her pistol.leaving me shocked,this is not the first time a pistol has been aimed at me and not the fist time i will shot with a bullet but ,yes ,it is my first time letting some one out of my grip,or someone so happen to got out of my grip. ^^your life is in my hand. Mr.Sultan^^ she said with smirk,she is from the khans.^^ not yet ^^i said while getting up and aiming my pistol towards her.both of our pistols aimed at one another , i have never felt like this,like i am alive, i have never felt so alive before.