
Virgin In The Woods.

It's hard to tell how long I've been out here in the forest. I was officially lost and the heavy snow was not helping. I saw an orange glow through the trees and rushed towards the warm light. Perhaps I could get help. If nothing else the owner of the blaze may point me towards a viable village where I could settle down and maybe even fall in love. as I stepped into the clearing I saw three large men and a massive blonde wolf by the fire.

All of their eyes turned to me. Their expressions ranging from confusion to shock to pure lust. I shuddered in fear as I watched them. "I'm so sorry for intruding. If you could point me in the direction of the nearest village I will be on my way." I finally managed to gasp out.

"Mate!" Snarled the dark-haired man as his gaze never left mine. The others looked back and forth between us. He started around the fire and fear gripped my very soul. If he got his hands on me I would not be leaving this clearing intact.

I started to back up slowly as he continued to come towards me. I could not miss the predatory gleam in his dark eyes. Nor the way he had growled the word mate. Was it his intention to have me pay him in means of flesh? Why else would he say such a thing? My heart started to race as I desperately looked around. Something told me that the other men would not stop him from taking his pleasure weither I wished it or not. My back collided with something hard and he put both hands on either side of me, trapping me against the trunk of a tree.

"No please! Let me go!" I whimpered as tears rolled down my cheeks making them cold. He leaned in close and sniffed at my neck.

"Hush sweetling I won't hurt you much." He murmured in my ear. "What is a sweet girl like you doing lost in the woods this late at night?" He pulled back just enough to look me in the eyes. The lust seemed to have vanished. I was still shaking in fear of him as I realized that he, as well as the other three men, was fully nude. I looked around him at the others in the hope that one of them would save me from this psychopath.

"Alpha. Slow down. The poor girl is clearly terrified of us." Said a blonde man that had not been there a moment before. I searched for the blonde wolf and found that it was missing.

"You're right. Why don't you warm up by the fire and we can talk." He put his hand on the small of my back and gently lead me to the fireside. I had no choice but to comply with his wishes. He sat on a chair that I had not noticed before and pulled me into his lap. Someone put a warm cup of steaming dark liquid into my cold hands and I looked at him confused.

"It's coffee." He almost sounded unsure about it. He glanced at the one who had been called alpha for reassurance that he had done nothing wrong. I hurriedly took a sip of the wram drink.

"Mmm." I made the sound of appreciation without thinking. The beverage was hot and bitter but for some reason I felt a little more at ease with the cup in my hand and the liquid flowing down my throat.

"Now. Where did you come from and where were you going?" Alpha said as his hand slid back and forth on my thigh. For some reason I felt better knowing that he was there. I shifted slightly and felt something hard rise underneath me.

"Well I am from a small village called Sunset. And I am going anywhere but there." I finished on a growl.

"I think we can make that happen." Alpha said and his fingers slid down between my legs to rub my inner thigh. His nose rubbed into the back of my neck and he inhaled deeply. " Out of curiosity, how old are you?" He was now rubbing the front seam of my jeans. I squirmed again and cleared my throat.

"I turned eighteen today. um." I now realized what was pressing up from beneath me. It was his cock. It felt so big. I had not taken notice of any of their manhoods. It was not something a proper lady should look at after all. Now alpha's was hard under my ass. He pushed on my sex and made my hips roll back into him. Did he intend to fuck me right here in front of everyone? Why weren't they saying anything to him about it? His other hand was now fondling my breast.

I squirmed and grunted uncomfortably as he touched me and started a conversation with the other three men. 'Werewolves have no sense of propriety. They will give into their more animalistic instincts. That is why you stay out of the woods.' My step father's voice echoed through my mind and realization hit me like a brick wall. I leapt up out of Alpha's lap and he growled ominously at me.

"You're werewolves!" I said hysterically.

"Took her long enough." The blonde laughed.

"Yes we are werewolves and?" Alpha asked as he raised an eyebrow. "You aren't going anywhere, mate." He leaned forward and grabbed my wrist pulling back into his lap. I squealed, surprised by how fast he moved. I was now sitting on his erection. I was right. If I accepted this beast's help he would take payment from my body. My back was pressed into his chiseled torso. "You are mine." He snarled in my ear and sucked on the lobe. "Don't worry. I will take good care of you. And you will bare me a pup." He licked my neck and resumed rubbing my core through my jeans. I whimpered and bit my lip as I squeezed my eyes closed.

"Looks like she is enjoying that." The new voice was distinctly female. I opened my eyes and watched as a tall beautiful naked woman walked up to one of the men and sat in his lap. He immediately started to touch her as she rocked her hips back and forth on him. Alpha stuck his hand under my shirt and started fondling my breast through my bra, the heat of his hand causing my nipple to swell. I whimpered again and his hands went to the front of my jeans as he kissed and sucked on my neck.

"You are so beautiful." He moaned in my ear. I heard a zipper being undone and knew it was mine. I squirmed again and felt his hand slip into my panties to touch my core.

"Please stop." I whimpered quietly to him as I closed my eyes and tried to pull his hand from my pants. Someone grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from his.

"I'm just doing a bit of touching. What's wrong with that?" He said huskily in my ear. "Are you shy? No reason to be. I'm not fucking you. Yet." He sucked my ear lobe in between his teeth and nibbled it. His hands were still on my body. So who had hold of my wrist? I looked to my left and saw the blonde man holding my hand out of the way.

"Let go please." I whimpered. Suddenly I felt something pressing into my sex.

"Fuck you're so tight." Alpha was stroking the inside of my pussy. My body was betraying me as I felt a sudden uncomfortable wetness on my underwear. "Oh! What's this? You may say you don't want me touching you but your pussy will always tell the truth." I struggled to free myself and his hold on my pussy and breast became painful. "Stop fighting and just relax." He pulled me tighter to him. "Well gentlemen. It seems that you have things handled here. I'm taking her back to my room. It seems I need to loosen her up a bit." He pulled his hand out of my pants and stuck his finger in his mouth to suck the juices off of it.

"Please just let me go and I won't ever bug you again. I promise." I sobbed as alpha stood up and started to drag me through the forest.

"I told you. You aren't going anywhere. Unless it is in my bed. You are mine." He snarled as he walked farther into the trees. I planted my feet and pulled back on my arm. "Fine. I have no problem fucking you right here and now. Actually I am running out of self control and it will be a relief not to have to restrain until we get to my room." Suddenly he flung me onto the ground and ripped my shirt to shreds. My bra put up little resistance as it was flung through the air and I knew my pants were next.

"Stop! Please!" I begged desperately. "Please I won't defy you anymore just please don't do this!"

"Too little too late." He growled loudly. He pulled off my shoes and socks. Was it his intention to get me completely naked? My jeans were jerked down my legs with my panties and his face went between my legs. His tongue ran over my folds. Then he clamped his mouth over my sex and pushed his tongue roughly into me.

"Oh!" I gasped loudly. "W-what are you doing to me?" I asked, scared that he would answer.

"Preforming oral sex. I'm sorry. I needed to get out of there and the pack compound is the closest settlement. But you resisted and I just had to make you compliant. You taste amazing by the way." His tongue was thrust into me again and I cried out as pleasure shot through me like a sunami. I had no idea what oral sex was but it felt good. My body began to shake and jerk uncontrollably but I didn't care. I liked what he was doing to me.

I lost track of how long he thrust his tongue in and out of my pussy as well as how many times I screamed and jerked in ecstasy. But eventually he positioned himself over me and began rubbing something hard and round on my sex. "Time for the fun part." He growled as I felt the rubbing stop over my entrance. I was confused but then he pushed what ever he had been rubbing on me into me forcefully. I screamed in pain and felt him pull it out just to thrust it back in again. "Fuck you're so tight! You feel so good! Oh fuck!" He groaned as he kept thrusting. I now realized what was inside of me. It was his massive cock and he had buried it to the hilt in my now bleeding cunt. I could no longer say I was a virgin.

"Stop you're hurting me!" I cried weakly as he increased his pace.

"Never had one so big before I guess." He chuckled as he watched my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Please stop!" For all the good my pleading did I might as well have been talking to a wall.

"Come on! Admit you like the feeling of my cock stroking your insides!" He growled. "Do it and I might let you cum on it!"

"Please it hurts!" I sobbed and he slammed his cock into me harder.

"Stop pretending. Don't you like my cock?"

"No it hurts!" I wailed as he continued to do as he pleased.

"Fuck! Why are you such a cry baby?" He snarled as he stiffened then jerked hard inside me. I felt the painful pressure ease but he did not pull it out of me.

"I-yo-you-p-please." Fucking hell. Why couldn't I talk right?

"Spit it out. It does no good if you don't."

"I was a virgin." I sobbed uncontrollably.