
Explaining Fate

"I was a virgin!" She sobbed. A thrill ran through me and my cock hardened once more.

"Well that explains why you feel so damn good!" I groaned as I started to move again. She felt so fucking amazing wrapped around my swollen member that I had to fuck her. "My wolf never saw the appeal in fucking face to face like this. But now he is very curious as to how you feel under us." She was whimpering again and the part of me that is human almost broke. 'DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT LETTING UP ON HER!' My wolf roared as he attempted to take control.

I felt myself losing control and had to warn her. "My wolf wants you now. I can't fight him much longer. He will be rough and he will mark you as ours if you please him." I growled and drifted away.


"W-w-what happens if I don't?" She sobbed.

"You don't want the answer to that." I snarled at her as I removed our dick completely from her. She smelled amazing with our cum oozing from her tight pussy.

"Alpha?" It came out as a whimper.

"Bingo!" I growled. "Trensalous never let's me out during sex. This is going to be fun." She gulped audibly as she began to shake. My fangs grew and I looked at her under me. "Run."

"I- I don't want to." She whimpered quietly.

"Then die!" How dare this female defy me. She screamed and I winced as the sound pierced through my very soul. I didn't want her to be afraid of us. She put her foot on my face and shoved hard to put space between us. Then she rolled to her feet and sprinted blindly through the forest. I chuckled as I watched her perfect ass disappear in the direction of a cliff. 'She won't get far in that direction!' Trensalous laughed loudly. I pushed to my feet and sprinted after her. I had a plan for that perfect body.

I caught her very quickly and threw her to her knees. She screamed and I positioned myself behind her, put one hand on her hip, the other on the back of her neck and pushed her top half to the forest floor. I then thrust my cock forward hard as I pulled her back on to it. Our juices made it easy for me to enter her body deep. She screamed again and I moved the hand I had used to bend her over and grabbed her other hip. "Now I'm going to enjoy you completely." I growled and began thrusting in and out of her hard and fast as I pulled her back to meet my forward motions.

"Please! You're hurting me!" She sobbed. I didn't care. I thrust harder and faster and felt my cock penatrate her womb. I was completely bottomed out inside her when I felt the knot form at the end of my cock. Pulling out would not happen tonight. I had accomplished my goal. She was in a perfect pup-lock.

"This is exactly what I wanted." I growled as I enjoyed the sensation of my tip slamming repeatedly into a very soft spot in her. "Relax. We're gonna be here for a while." I ran my hand down under her and pressed where her bladder was. She whimpered and soon the combination of my thrusting and the pressure on her bladder had her urinating. It smelled clean and that encouraged me to release my seed into her.

Hours passed and I filled her again and again. She would bare my pup and that made me release into her again. She had stopped resisting and she made no sound. It had been hours since her screams filled the air around us and if I was being honest I was glad that she had lost consciousness. As it was I had time to enjoy the process of making the baby and figure out how to go about convincing her that she wanted to keep it.

With out a loving mother the pup would not stand a chance. Something I knew all too well. The pack would treat my pup how the mother treated him. While a human mate was a sign of true strength they made terrible mothers. I had seen human women hold their own small daughters down while men took turns fucking them. Usually the child would not survive these situations.

I released one last time inside her and then sunk his teeth deep into her neck. She must have regained consciousness as she screamed and then went limp. I felt my manhood deflate inside her and pulled her in close to my chest to keep her warm. 'Not all human women are terrible mothers. Maribeth will not stop talking about how she can't wait to hold Jack's child in her arms.' Trensalous told me. I pulled back and allowed him to have control over our body.

'Just don't pull out yet. Our seed needs time to take root.' I growled. 'Maybe fuck her again when we wake up.'

'I already knew that.' Trensalous grumbled. 'Although fucking her again does sound nice.' Wit that Trensalous closed our eyes and slept while still connected with our mate.


I woke still buried in my mates perfect pussy. She was stirring causing me to harden again. I was gentle as I began to move in and out of her. She made no attempt to stop me, nor did she make a sound. When I finished and was once again limp I pulled out of her and pushed her down to the pine needles that covered the floor of our small barely addaquit shelter.

"Good morning." I said with a warm smile and cheerful tone.

"Will you get off me now." Her tone was flat and cold. "Haven't you had your fill of my body." I looked into her eyes and saw nothing in them at all. It was almost like she was dead inside.

"It's okay to cry if you want to. Your life is not turning out the way you wanted it to. On top of that you now are mated to someone you would probably rather not have met." My expression turned to one of hurt at my own words. "I under stand. But I can't let you go."

"Why not?" She demanded as tears began to run down her cheeks and into her hair.

"Because you may be pregnant with my child." It was best just to explain everything to her now before I took her back to the compound and started to introduce to my alpha court. It took Maribeth a whole month to adjust to pack life. And I expected nothing less of my mate. "Things are going to take some getting used to. For both of us, but that getting used to should start with an honest explanation and, if you'll listen, I will answer any questions you have after that. Deal?" I pushed myself up off of her when she nodded but did not move from over her in case she had plans to attempt to run. "Right than I suppose we should start with an explanation about last night I why I wanted you away from my men." She listened intently to what I had to explain and remained true to her word. I was surprised as Jack had told me that he had to talk Maribeth out of a tree. When I was done she just sat there and stared at me for what seemed like an eternity.

"So you're Alpha, but your name is Trensalous and your wolf is Elise?" She was clarifying the information that I had dumped on her.

"That's right. You're the only one who is allowed to call me by name and not title." I gave her another warm smile.

"And that is because I'm mated to you?" I nodded and let her go on. "And that is a fate thing?" Another nod. "So what does that make me? To your pack that is."

"The alpha female is called the Luna. And it's not just my pack now, but yours too. You Help me run the pack as my equal." I thought for a moment. "Actually that is not entirely true."

"Which part?"

"We aren't equal." I smiled sheepishly at her.

"Let me guess my only job is to pop out however many babies you decide to have. How misogynistic." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Actually you're far more important to the pack. If they have to choose between saving you or me they won't even hesitate to save your life and let me die. Hear me out. As the Luna you represent the future of the pack. If die you become Alpha."

"That's weird." She lapsed back into silence for a time. "Do I have to meet the pack today or will you allow me time to ajust?"

"My alpha court you will meet today but their job is going to be to help you adjust to pack life. I may also take you to the pack doctor sometime soon to see if you will have my pup or not. But other than those two instances you will be allowed to meet the pack at your leisure and in your own time." He stood up and held his hand out to her. "Oh and one more thing. I think it goes without saying that you are probably what would be considered a prude by our standards. Don't be surprised and try not to react when you see people having sex all over the place."

"Why are you warning me about that?" She was confused?

"Jack, my beta, didn't warn his mate and she was traumatized."

"By who?"

"By me and Sena." He blushed a deep red but refused to look away from her eyes. "And the fact that Jack just walked right into my office while I had her bent over my desk." I cleared my throat as she glared at me. "Shall we?" I said in a too cheerful tone.

"I think I would rather freeze to death." She snarled furiously.

"Oh come on. Don't be like that. Look I'm sorry okay. Wolves have a stronger libido than humans do. Honestly I wasn't expecting a virgin mate. Please let's go." My voice sounded desperate even to my own ears. 'Let me out.' Elise growled. No doubt he saw this as a challenge of authority. 'No just give me a moment too convince her to come with us willingly.'

"I Don't want to be one of many whores you share your bed with!" She snarled as she grabbed a handful of pine needles and threw them at him.

"You're jealous? Of Sena?" I laughed which proved to be the wrong thing to do as three warriors shifted close by and made their way towards us.

"What is going on here? You were out all night Trensalous! We feared the worst!" My father was growling at me and the twins looked a bit too curious about my who I now shoved behind me.

"Sorry dad. I met my mate and wasn't thinking straight. It won't happen again." I could feel Her trembling as she remained hidden behind me.

"Well bring her to the pack house. I'm sure she could do with a bath and a proper meal. No doubt she's a rogue." He sneered and Elise bristled at his tone.

"Watch your tongue old man!" I snarled at him.

"What is your name girl?" He snapped completely ignoring my warning I shoved her back and shifted. My hackles were standing straight up in the air. My father finally got the message and backed down. "Fine. Let's get to the pack house then. One of the twins motioned to her and my attention was drawn to him instantly. He was closest to her now.

"You should come over here with me, luna. He's too riled for us to go to the compound right now. He may kill somebody." I felt her move closer to me and shake her head. "Luna he is extremely dangerous right now and you're human. Please for, your safety, come with my brother and I while his father calms him down. I don't want you to get hurt." Again she shook her head. Her hand went up to my back and her fingers tangled in my fur. I could sense her fear of these men and it only served to upset me more. I bared my fangs at him and a growl of warning escaped me. All three men backed up further.

'You're scaring her!' I linked them. 'Leave us and once we calm down we will come too the pack house!' Fortunately all three of them obeyed my orders and left. I pushed her to the bed of pine needles and layed my head on her chest. We stayed like that for a while as she stroked my head.

"I don't think your father likes me." She finally broke the silence. I huffed and she spoke as if I had responded in her own language. "Oh you don't think so? The way he glared at me says otherwise." I sighed and got off her so I could shift back.

"Don't think anything of it. He hates everyone one second and the next he is pointing out the fluffy bunny in the clouds on a clear day." I sighed again. "It's sad really. He's a perfect example of what happens to our minds when we out live our mate."

"Yor mom's dead?" She seemed surprised.

"Yeah but don't feel bad about it. She died years ago. Dad just lost his mind. Though over the last year it has gotten worse. Sometimes I wonder how long it will be before he just loses his will to live." We sat there till her stomach growled angirly at us. I laughed and pulled her into his arms. "Let's go home and get you something to eat."