
Shadowgard Volume 1

Ashton Vual was just normal teenager he had crush with Carmen De Cruz ever since they both lived next door they goes to the same academy but everything changed when Ashton find out she dating Lucas Lambert's. the famous guy in Hunter academy Ashton decided to confess his love to her but Carmen rejected him because she treated him as friends while walking alone on street with broken heart Ashton stumble to a key that lead him to something more bizarre that will change his life...........

Oye_Blazing · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: Adversary from a far and Hunter test

New York, America a man performing a yoga at the balcony of the penthouse he has large muscular build body with tattoo shaped like dragon and tiger he also had scar at his left eye. then a women dress like secretary came to see him she wears white shirt with long sleeve with tight short skirt plus she wears high heels.

" What brings my favorite girl here did you come to satisfy me or was it about something else" the man asked what her reason to see him the secretary adjust her glasses and she's here bring news about his brother Carlos.

" As you know Mr. Garcia we just received news that your brother Carlos was found dead" upon hearing the news That man suddenly stop his yoga session and he approached the secretary.

" Who..killed Carlos... Answer me.." He asked who killed his brother the secretary suddenly consumed by fear as she look upon him she also can sense large amount of aura energy coming from him. She tried to keep her straight face by explain what happened to Carlos before he died.

" as you know our source managed to locate your brother killer but something doesn't feels right the killer was D-tier Hunter" The secretary shown the file of Carlos killer turns out to be Ashton Mr. Garcia didn't seems impressed by the kid record he called the secretary to sit next to him the secretary follow it till he pulled her to his lap.

" You know miss secretary for beautiful women like you I wonder why there's no man you actually caught your interest" Garcia began to open her shirt till shown her black bra he slowly grabbed and massage her breasts slowly till she felt bit lewd and horny.

" for big guy like you I didn't know had soft touch you know how to please women did you Mr. Garcia" The secretary praise him while she tried to find his penis and massage it with her hands.

" so miss secretary I suppose you have name" Mr. Garcia moves his hand from breast to her panties then rubbing it with his fingers then The secretary began to moan for bit and then she kissed Garcia.

" Angela...is...my.name" then both of them kissed while Garcia rubbing her pussy till it's wet Angela takes off her panties and shown her shaved pussy.

" please sir would mind to taste it" Garcia slowly lick her pussy till she began to moaning then he put his finger inside it Angela felt very good at it.

" Sir would you mind if I satisfied you" Garcia sat sofa while Angela pull off his pants and shown his large penis the smell of it caused Angela to horny she slowly sucked it till reached to her throat.

" Damn women I didn't know were good at this" Garcia grabbed her butt while she suck his dick.

Meanwhile back at Japan Ashton just finished his secret dungeon raid alone he check up his status.


Strength 150 (300+)

Dexterity 230 (150+)

Intelligence 200 (60+)

Stamina 240 (200+)

Magic. 290 (300+)

Mana 3000 (50+)

Job/class: unknown

weapon profession: Dagger ( Changed to Unknown)

Skills: Sprints lVl 10, Deathtouch ( unique)

Bloodriot (changed to Ultimate skill), Killing Frenzy ( Unique) Invisible (new), Second wind (unique), Snakes eyes ( Change to Evil eye), Bullet Rage Lvl 5, Thousand arrows lvl 5, Phoenix arrow lvl 6.

Traits: Bless of the Bride, Weapon mastering, Stone skin, Life stealer Lvl 5, Lovers Touch (new)

It would Seems he skills and level had grows rapidly he also received new item like Heart of Undead king, Staff of Dead and Talisman of Underking after this he should go to Hunter test next week for update his Hunter Tier rank. Then his phone ringing and he answered it turns out was Koichiro Tenma from Hunter association he asked Ashton to meet him at office he want to discuss something and Ashton agrees to see him.

At Foresight Guild Kim and Jessica were discussing something Kim told her that Benedict has cheated at her for someone while shed her tears but she was comfort by Jessica she hugged her while rub her hair.

" It's okay girl I know your big sister here" Jessica hold her tightly till Kim stop crying Kim lays her head at Jessica lap as she explained what happened between her and Benedict she also want to join Jessica division due to her hatred towards Benedict since they were same division back then.

" hmm... I'll see what I can do... for know you should polish your skill for next week hunter test" Jessica shown to Kim the Hunter test next week and was held at Osaka. Jessica also notify her that the Seven Sisters has agree to join forces with them.

After finishing discussing the matters Kim left the office and heads back there saw Benedict and Carolina having fun at cafe but she just ignores it from now she decided to break up with him and focus to her own goal.

Meanwhile at Legion of Iron Blood Lucas and Lucius are doing some scouting to recruit new members Lucius asked Lucas what happened between him and Gianna but Luca's didn't want talk about. after few hours being forced Lucas finally opens his mouth he explained what happened to Gianna it happens 3 months aga back then still couple with her but everything changed when he find Gianna secretly having affair behind him. To ensure the truth or not Lucas following her from behind to find out the truth till he saw it with his own eyes Gianna met someone at park.

Then he found out the person she met actually Joe Nakazawa leader of Division 7 after that he decided to break up with her then he met Carmen and she became his new girlfriend. Upon hearing Lucas story he didn't know that his brother Lucas had complex love life but he told his brother to put that aside for now what he want is to see Lucas succeed the Hunter test next week.

As all Guild are prepared for the Test next week Ashton went to meet Koichi at Hunter association there he was greeted by Koichiro second command Rudia she guide Ashton to Koichi office there he met Ryou Aikawa for second time. Turns out both of are waiting for him Koichi asked if Ashton are participating the Hunter test held at Osaka next week. Ashton just nod his head Koichi called him here because he want support Ashton even Director Ryou are agree with Koichi.

Koichi explain if Ashton accept this offer The association will get their benefits from the government plus no one will find out about him being sponsored by Association. After hearing the offer Ashton had to think widely he knows without sponsorship he had to pay for it plus he didn't get any treatment from Hunter association since he was freelance.

" Okay Mr. Koichi I'll accept the offer but under one condition will you back up me if anything happens" after hearing Ashton condition both of them shakes hands Ashton left the office.

" Koichi if the world find out about the boy capability most of guild in Japan will try to recruit him even Global rank Guild also will take notice for this" Ryou Aikawa explain what will happen after wards.

" And that why he need to agreed because if refuse everyone will try everything to approach him....but as long the Bureau had his back no one will able to approach him". Koichi explain to Ryou while watching the cities through windows. Ashton return to his home but suddenly he saw Carmen stand in front of her house he thought she might waiting for Lucas he continues to walking to his house.

Suddenly Carmen call him as he look back Carmen approach him with anxious look she want to talk to him about that incident she want to say sorry for everything happens she didn't know Lucas will go this far. Ashton takes his deep breath he knows his hatred was growing when he saw her for this time only he will hold it.

"Don't worry Carmen I know you like Lucas instead of me but I didn't regret it" Upon hear that answer Carmen was relieved he knew Ashton will forget it to celebrate this she asked him to go out with her but Ashton had decline it because he already promised his sister to watch over the house tonight.

after hearing Ashton explanation Carmen respect his decision and went back to her house as usual Ashton do his routine exercise inside his home. Bianca sleeping in her room due tired from overnight work Ashton wonder why no one ever try his sister she has nice curvy body, big breast plus her butt also big and solid. Maybe she waited for someone to hit her first Ashton continue his exercise back.

Back to New York it Garcia stand in front of window while Angela sleeping in his bed they finish having sex he booked a flight ticket to Japan for him. After finishing his business here he will go to Japan to find his brother killer.

" Let's see if you really had guts facing me Kid you might killed my brother Carlos but not me Ricardo Garcia no. 3 Global rank Hunter" Ricardo Garcia was Hunter back then he represent Spain guild known as Red Espada until United States offer him a something he can't refuse Glory, Power and respect he left his guild to join America but he also bring his adopted brother Carlos. Ricardo remain in America as one of top Global Hunter he's held No. 3 rank in top 10 top Global now this monster will do anything to find his brother killer... Ashton Vual..

Meanwhile Ashton take a walk around the town after finishing his exercise he walked passing the boutique shop he watched the collection of High tier armor and robe are being put a show room. then he walked again this time he went inside the weapon shop there he saw a lot of weapon from. Large sword to Long sword, Bow, twin guns, crossbow, sniper rifle, assault rifle, Staff, and many more.

He looking for something different like crossbow or assault rifle since he had Dagger main weapon what he need is secondary weapon the long range weapon should do the trick. the seller show him a collection of Assault rifle, Pistol, and bow, Ashton inspect all them all within the seller suspicious turns out all of it ware actually rare and most of them are being infused with magic enchantment.

weapon list price

M-80 Sniper rifle- 1.300000 GP

D-5SS Pistol. - 12.00000 GP

Mk.II Graze Assault rifle- 30.0000 GP

B.A.R. assault rifle - 120.000000 GP

PPT-29 Twin gun - 320.000000 GP

The Judge ( Crossbow)- 40.00000 GP

Kalashnikov 74 - 500.00000 GP

Anders Bow. - 127.000000 GP

Bow of Damned. - 239.00000 GP

After view all the weapon Ashton pick the PPT-29 Twin gun, MK.II Graze since he didn't have one after finishing pay he left the store and continue his walk then suddenly someone bumped him from behind. when he looked back it was a woman she was in hurry Ashton offer the help by pick up her stuff after finishing pick up her things the woman thank him quickly left the scene.

After finishing walked around the town Ashton went back to his home there he saw his sister Bianca checking the mailbox she asked where have he gone Ashton say he just take a walk around town. both of them went inside Bianca went to shower while Ashton went to his bed he hopes the test went smoothly.

Meanwhile Carmen and the rest of Iron Blood facing pressure and tired training held by Lucius while Lucas watched as Lucius summoned ice Giant for the training. Everlight also went to do their own method of training as for Foresight they training together with Seven Sisters but not for Joe Nakazawa as his teammates busy training he's having sex with Gianna In hotel.

Three day before the test begin all Guild from Japan already make their final preparation they all boarding the same train to Osaka but not Ashton as he busy leveling himself at Dungeon there still time for him before the test so he need to get ready for any obstacles. at same time Ricardo has taken a flight to Japan... What's will happen is Ashton is going to survive the Test or maybe something Waited him there.......End Volume 1

Lucius Lambert's

Class/Job: Wizard

Subclass: Batllemage

weapon profession: Long sword

Skill: Mana fuse, destruction mage experts

Spell: Summoning Ice Giant, ice needle, ice lancer, Flame walls, Fire ball, Lightning. Fire bolts,

; Traits: ?


Job/class: Ranger

Subclass: Assassin's

weapon profession: Sniper rifle

