
Shadowgard Volume 1

Ashton Vual was just normal teenager he had crush with Carmen De Cruz ever since they both lived next door they goes to the same academy but everything changed when Ashton find out she dating Lucas Lambert's. the famous guy in Hunter academy Ashton decided to confess his love to her but Carmen rejected him because she treated him as friends while walking alone on street with broken heart Ashton stumble to a key that lead him to something more bizarre that will change his life...........

Oye_Blazing · Fantasy
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Chapter 7: Cake, Rain and Joy

After the incident happened that night Ashton kept blaming himself if he not strong enough to save them he check his status it would seem there still long way to go Ashton remembers the Emerald key he obtain before but first he needs to prepare himself.

He wonder why that suit guy let him go after that incident he even though he will get penalty letter from the Association his actions but no there's not letter coming from them. Ashton feel bit relieved then he heard his sister calling to come down Ashton left his bedroom and went down to kitchen there he saw his sister Bianca waiting for him with cake decorating with candle.

Ashton sit at the chair while his sister lite up the candle and she sing happy birthday song even her singing vocal were bad she try her best to make it happen.

" Hurry Ash make a wish" Bianca told him to make wish blowing off the candle and Ashton close his and make his wish then he blowing off the candle Bianca cut a sliced of the cake and passed to him as Ashton passed a bottle of beer at her Both of them celebrate the birthday with joy and happiness even there's only two of them.

After finishing all Bianca washed the dishes while Ashton sit at living room checking his status suddenly her sister phone ringing she picked up the call turns it was her boss they need her as replacement due to one of the workers are missing. after few conversation she end the phone and head upstairs and getting ready for work Ashton received message from Hunter association they want to see him in person tonight at office Ashton think they want to asking about the yesterday incident so he will go after his sister left for work.

As Bianca finish she went down to see Ashton she told him that her boss need her as replacement for tonight because the worker who supposed to work tonight are not coming but Ashton just his head and hugged her. he want to thank you what she did for him even she fail many time but she never give up on him Bianca felt overwhelmed by him she shed some tears but managed to hide it after that Bianca left for work but she forgot tell him she left something in his room his birthday present.

Meanwhile Lucas, and his brother Lucius also his Guild Iron blood are busy clearing a dungeon there was new gate appears in Shinjuku city it was Red gate the authority quickly secure the citizen in vicinity. Luca's and Carmen both together managed to kill High rank monster Carmen cast spell Lighting bolt while Lucas use Ram attack Lucius shown his strength by killed 3 high ranking monster single handling. His strength also shock them all who witness it then the time has come as the dungeon boss appears a Fire Golem Lucas and the others are prepared to fight but stop by Lucius he told him to not worry because he alone was enough to killed it.

Luca's understand his brother intention he quickly order others to hold as Lucius went towards the Fire Golem.

" today is your lucky day because I going to turn you pile of rubble" Lucius trolling the beast then he cast spell Ice lancer and he throws it towards the Fire Golem and piercing through it also he cast another spell thousand needle to finish it. Thus the Dungeon boss defeated and everyone celebrating their Victory with joy Lucas also congratulating Lucius for his efforts without him they might not make it Lucius just at him as looked at Gianna Li sitting alone he approached him.

" What are doing here sitting alone should be celebrating with others" Lucius asking Gianna why she not join the others celebrating but Gianna say what for the dungeon boss was killed by Lucius not Lucas she also warned Lucius to don't interfere with her business the she left Lucius with clueless look. After that Ashton already arrive in front of Hunter association office there he was greeted by Koichiro Tenma the person who call him to come he guide him to Director Ryou Aikawa office there Ashton saw large old man with muscular body he quickly introduce himself as Ryou Aikawa the Director of Hunter association and he invite him to sit Ashton also sense a strong aura come from Director Ryou.

" We need your strength" Director Ryou asked him directly that he need his help next raid he also offer Ashton to become part of Association with open arms. Upon hearing the offer Ashton had to think for while if he accepted the offer he become part of Hunter association and respected by all Hunter's including the Academy but suddenly he remembers a promise he made back then that he be stronger more plus he want to help his sister Ashton has to make a choice if he accept the offer he might broke his promises but if rejected he might lose a chance for a lifetime.

" I am sorry sir I am I have to reject your because I already made my promise" Ashton bowing his head down and say he to refuse the offer because he already made a promise upon hearing the young man answer Director Ryou felt something piercing his heart the never this feeling for long time because no one rejected his offer. Director Ryou say he understands his reason both them shake hands and Ashton left the building he called Koichi and explain what happened.

" it's been awhile I never felt this for long time until today" Ryou and Koichi discussing about what happened to him when Ashton reject the offer he asked Koichi if he had the answer but even Koichi doesn't have it's answer both of them spend their nights drinking whiskey. Meanwhile Ashton tried to find shelter as raining getting thicker he managed to arrive at home but something doesn't feels right the door at his house were open by someone. Ashton slowly went inside but step at puddle he thought it might've be Bianca so he called her name but there no answer from her.

Ashton grab a baseball bat from the living room he slowly follow the trail of puddle it leads to second floor of his house Ashton went upstairs as the trails ends at bathroom. he slowly approach the bathroom door he prepare his baseball bat to swing the whoever inside then bashing the bathroom door to see who inside but turns out it was Kim sitting at shower crying.

Ashton put down his baseball bat he thought it was thief from begin he approach Kim and put his hands at her shoulder to see her condition but looked at him with both eyes were wet by tears she quickly hugged him crying. After finishing her shower Kim had to wear Ashton shirt since her clothes are wet and soaked and need to washed it Kim sit at living room while drying her hair and Ashton had to clean up the puddle made her.

Kim take looked around his house for while she look at pictures frame hanging at wall it shown Ashton that time he was 6 years old along with his family the pic also shown he with happy face. While take tour around she hear Ashton called her from living room she quickly went back there and Ashton just Brew a hot chocolate for both of them.

" So care to explain to me what happened back then and how did you end up in my house" Ashton asking Kim what happen and how she end up here while take a sip of hot chocolate Kim with guilty face slowly explain what happened before she end up here. around 7 o'clock she went to Benedict house to cook something for him she already buy all ingredients for cooking then she finally arrives at his house when she looked for key suddenly she notice something the house door not locked. Benedict never let his home unlocked like this but she thought he might forgot or didn't remember about it as usual she went inside and she saw tow pair of shoes she thinks maybe his friend after all but why the shoes was belongs to female she grows suspicious about it.

suddenly she heard voice came from upstairs the voice sounds like person on moaning she followed the source of the voice she went to upstairs the voice getting louder she keep following it until end to Benedict room the moaning voice are coming from there plus the moaning also makes her bit horny. Kim slowly approach the room and he open door then she what shocked for what she's see Benedict having a sex with Carolina the without her knowing.

While having sex Benedict turn back suddenly he saw Kim standing in front door of his room with tears came out from her eyes he stop from doing it she thought he was care about her all sweet moment they have together even a ring he give as symbol for his loyalty but everything is changing now when third person came to their life and stole him from her. Before Benedict want to explain She left the house she run as fast she can until she reached a park she sit there for moment she began to remember her memories with him from first time their met to their confession and their first date.

But now everything is gone because of her stupidity she trust him she willing to give anything for him but now all turns to Ashes then raining are coming she decided to went back home but she saw Benedict came with car looking for her. She quickly left the the park until she reached suburban area then she remembers that Ashton lives around here she went to his house with the rain getting thicker she knock the door but no one answered it she did have a choice she kicked the door open and she went to bathroom to hide.

" That's how I ended up here and sorry for broken your front door" upon hearing her story Ashton feels sorry to her since it's getting late the weather's are bad he decided to let her sleep here for tonight he let her use his parents room since no one used it except his sister. That night Ashton already cradled in dreams but not for Kim she can't stop thinking about what happened that time why Benedict cheating on her also she never having sex with him.

Kim keeps remembering the scene where Carolina moaning she begin felt wet in her underwear she couldn't not hold it anymore she want to do it with someone she went to Ashton room she open the door she slowly approach his bed but he wasn't there turns out Ashton went downstairs to take a pee. After finishing up he went back to his room but he saw Kim in his room.

" Kim are you okay" Just after Ashton asking her Kim suddenly running towards him and hugged till both of them lay down on the floor Ashton become Clueless and confused for what happened but he can hearing Kim breath getting heavier she looked at with him tempted eyes she whispered at him.

" Carmen are going to regret it for leaving you" Kim whispered through his ears with her sexy voice while hands rubbing his body Kim also amazed for Ashton transforming from skinny to mature person then she kissed him. their lips are connected each other Ashton also couldn't hold he using his tongue their kisses became more intimate. Then Kim take his shirt off she began licked his nipples Ashton felt something like vibration as Kim licked his nipples.

" Ash please grab my ass I want to feel your touch" Kim begs Ashton to grab her butt and play with it without hesitate he grabbed her butt he knows that she had solid butt but he doesn't know it was this soft he massage it till she moaning. from floor they move to bedroom Kim push his body to bed as she sit a top of him.

" Touch my breast please I know you want it" Kim wants Ashton to touch her breasts Ashton slowly touch it he the softness as Kim began to moaning her nipples also getting hard and he pulled her nipples then she began to moaning and began to move her body. Then Kim pull down his short boxer and there he saw how big hi thing is she were bit shock she slowly touch it then she massage it with her hands till it went bigger.

"I didn't know you had thing size like this" Kim lewd smile and she began to suck it her mouth couldn't even fit she slowly stroke deeper till she choke out Kim tries to put it inside her pussy while Ashton watched her trying to put it. Then suddenly Ashton couldn't hold his temptation he grabbed her and thrust his penis inside her pussy Kim suddenly felt like something big went inside her Ashton began to move her body by grabbing her wrist as Kim breath getting heavier than before she starts to felling horny as her body began to turning up. She start make out with Ashton while he fucked her pussy.

" Ohh...More..yessst...more." Kim feels so good as Ashton keep his pace then he thrust faster till she groaning as Kim become connect with him she want him to cum inside her.

" it's ok....just..ahhh..ah.ah.ah..cum..inside...me...please....ohhh.mmmmm" As begging him cum inside her Ashton couldn't not hold much longer as both of them almost climax thus Ashton squirt his cum inside her as it fill in her pussy Kim screaming lewdly till they both exhausted.

After that Kim sleep next to Ashton with both of them naked she told him she never had sex with Benedict even he never asked to do with her. Ashton suddenly feel chills through his bone did Kim just mentioned she never had sex with anyone even her boyfriend it Seems she give her virginity to him just like that.

Then Kim began to kiss him again and they start the next round till morning comes while upon leaving Kim gives Ashton kisses at his cheek while leaving she bumped to Bianca who just returned from her night work she asked what happened both of them tried cover their red faces. but somebody watching them from afar he watched Ashton from car parked not far from his house he called someone and say " we found him boss your brother killer he's alive and well"....