
Shadowed Destiny

Enjoy the Legendary journey of our mc

treecko_treeky · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Thorned Ambush (Part 3)

In a desperate bid to end the battle quickly, Axel tapped into the full extent of his Aether manipulation and shadow control. The two powers intertwined, creating a unique energy that enveloped him like a cloak. He knew he needed to finish the fight swiftly; otherwise, he risked falling unconscious from the immense strain.

With newfound determination, Axel sprinted towards Seraphina, his enhanced abilities propelling him forward. In a swift move, he delivered a powerful kick that sent Seraphina hurtling to the other side of the forest. She landed amidst the dense foliage, her body battered and bruised.

Seraphina, her strength waning, desperately called upon the power of nature to heal herself. The forest responded, and vines and leaves enveloped her, attempting to mend her injuries. However, she could only manage to restore a mere 27% of her health before Axel closed in on her once more.

Axel's eyes blazed with resolve as he kicked Seraphina into the sky. She soared upward, reaching an impressive altitude, before gravity reclaimed her. She fell back to the earth, unconscious and defeated. However, Axel knew that to prevent her from posing any future threats, he needed to take drastic measures.

With a calculated move, Axel summoned his shadow manipulation, wrapping it around Seraphina's unconscious form. He began siphoning away her abilities, draining her of the power that had made her such a formidable adversary. Seraphina's hair gradually turned completely white, with only a few black streaks remaining.

Frustration welled up within Axel as he realized that he had absorbed 90% of Seraphina's abilities. He had hoped to take it all, but her resistance had slowed him down. Nonetheless, he had achieved his goal: Seraphina was powerless, her abilities now a part of him.

Axel tossed Seraphina's limp body aside with a sense of finality. She lay there, barely conscious, her fate sealed. Axel approached her, a sense of cold determination in his eyes.

"You didn't believe me, did you?" Axel muttered, his voice devoid of sympathy. "Well, guess what? It's your turn to face judgment."

Seraphina, on the brink of death, begged and cried for mercy, but Axel's resolve was unshakable. He had witnessed her dangerous potential, and he couldn't allow her to live, knowing the threat she posed.

Placing a hand on her head, Axel began to drain the last remnants of her power. Seraphina's hair turned completely white, a stark contrast to her former appearance. She trembled, her tears mixing with the dirt on her face as she realized her fate was sealed.

Axel spoke with an air of finality, "You are a child of chaos, and I cannot let you live. The Justified would hunt you down, and their judgment would be far harsher than mine."

But then Axel's tone softened slightly. "However, tell Chaos, if you ever meet him in the depths of Hell, that I know. I know his plans, and I won't let him manipulate me any longer."

With those words, Axel severed the last connection between Seraphina and her powers. She lay there, completely drained, her hair as white as snow. Axel turned away, walking back to his regular form, and left Seraphina, defeated and powerless.

The forest remained silent, as if bearing witness to the consequence of their battle. Axel had made a difficult choice, and the echoes of his actions would ripple through the days to come.

As Axel retreated from the battlefield, his thoughts were a tumultuous mix of triumph and sorrow. He had emerged victorious, but at a great cost. The power he had absorbed from Seraphina weighed heavily on his conscience, and the consequences of his actions weighed on his soul.

The forest, once a battlefield, now stood as a silent witness to the clash of extraordinary powers. Nature, having been manipulated and torn apart, slowly began to reclaim its serenity. The vines and branches that had been weapons of war now returned to their natural state, weaving the forest back together.

Axel continued on his path, his determination to join the Justified burning brighter than ever. He couldn't afford to falter or doubt himself now. There were still challenges ahead, and the darkness of Chaos loomed on the horizon. But Axel had taken a step forward, and he was ready to face whatever trials awaited him on his journey to protect the world from the forces of chaos.