
Shadowed Destiny

Enjoy the Legendary journey of our mc

treecko_treeky · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Thorned Ambush (Part 2)

Axel, fueled by determination and anger, wasted no time in launching a relentless attack on Seraphina. His sword, enhanced by Aether, sliced through the air with precision as he closed the distance between them. However, Seraphina, not one to be underestimated, quickly created a protective barrier to shield herself from Axel's assault.

Panicking and determined to defend herself, Seraphina summoned an army of gigantic Venus flytraps that sprouted from the ground. These monstrous plants snapped their jaws menacingly, forming a formidable barrier around her.

But Axel had a trick up his sleeve, one that showcased his growing mastery over Shadow manipulation. As he continued his assault, five dark figures emerged from his shadow, each bearing a striking resemblance to Axel himself. These shadowy duplicates were manifestations of his Shadow manipulation, and Axel wasn't done yet.

Axel shared his Aether with these dark figures, imbuing them with a boost in strength. Together, as if they were a well-coordinated team, they swiftly closed in on Seraphina, launching a coordinated assault. The combined force of Axel and his shadowy duplicates proved overwhelming, and they managed to dismantle the giant Venus flytraps that surrounded Seraphina.

Panicked once again, Seraphina realized that she needed to bring out her ace, her connection to the forest. She tapped into the power of nature around her, and in response, the entire forest seemed to awaken. Vines and branches came to life, twisting and writhing, ready to do her bidding.

With a collective, coordinated effort, the forest itself joined the battle, launching an onslaught of vines and branches at Axel and his shadowy allies. Axel watched in amazement as his duplicates were blown away, their forms fading back into his shadow.

Despite the setback, Axel couldn't help but smile. Seraphina had proven to be a formidable opponent, and her connection to the forest made her even more dangerous. But Axel was willing to go all out, to push his limits and show her the extent of his newfound abilities.

With his sword at the ready, Axel faced Seraphina, determination burning in his eyes. The battle was far from over, and he was prepared to unleash his full power to overcome this formidable foe.