
shadow sage standing at the end of the world

In the year 2045 the population hit 20 billion, pollution was out of control and the world was no longer a fare and just place. The world is slowly dyeing trying to support a race to big to sustain. The mans story you are about to read is about a boy who was born with nothing grow up with no one except some over orphans who treated him like dirt. In This world if you cant work you are seen as less than animals and as he had a deformed arm such as Meany in the polluted future he was despised. The worlds time has come to an end but those who watch offer salvation to those who can survive.

Jordan_Haskett_4344 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Territory Battle Goblins vs Gnomes

He looked at the battle with curiosity the way the gnomes did battle was wired they didn't fight 1 on 1 it seemed they used tag team.

But the goblins weren't easy to kill and they had an advantage over the gnomes with height and power.

He noticed that some injured gnomes went into the room close to the stairs giving him an idea.

Sneaking down the stairs he soon made it to the room peeking inside he sore 4 injured gnome.

Walking in he soon crushed the gnomes as they were to injured to fight back.

[+20 gold]

[+ level]


-name -Jax

-race- human

-occupation- sage

-level- 1

-strength- 1 -agility- 0.8 -dexterity- 0.8

-intelligence- 2.2 -spirit - 1.5 -mana- 40

-skills- sages wisdom, elemental magic(basic), dissection

Having the feeling of his strength improving Jax felt invigorated but he sore him self weirdly.

Jax "I'm starting to enjoy killing"

Jax was going throw a lot, he didn't know if it was good or bad, but he must do this to survive.

He looked back into the hall checking on the battle and there only remained a few gnomes and goblins left alive but they were all worn out.

Walking out into the hall all the gnomes and goblins looked in his direction.

Jax "gale wind"

A blast of some wind blades rushed towards the gnomes and goblins. After 10 seconds they were all dead.

[+50 gold] (3 goblins 4 gnomes)

He now felt safe enough to dissect the gnome.


-small creature likes to play pranks and abduct children-

weakness- very week strength fin skinned-

weak point -any were-

note -gnomes are weaker than toddlers but are deadly in high numbers-

Jax could easily see what it meant even if the gnomes weren't injured he could easily handle 4 of them.

Something caught his eye as he was about to go down to the next flour.

One of the gnomes had a bag of sorts opening it up he found a book.

[book of crafting] (can contain crafting recipes)

-small poison bomb recipe-

-small fire bomb recipe-

-small frost bomb recipe-

-trip wire recipe-

He put it in his inventory for later and headed of for the 4th flour.

When he got to the 4th flour all he sore was corpses littered everywhere gnome and goblin alike.

But he didn't have time to worry as he descended agene but still only corpses until he reached the lobby he sore a group of goblins around 30 with 2 strange looking ones.

{goblin commander}

-advanced variant of goblin specialise in leading and combat-

{goblin shaman}

-advanced variant of goblin specialise in support magic-

On the opposite side a group of 40 gnomes with a hulking gnome 4 and a half foot tall.

{gnome berserker}

-special variant of gnome can impower his fellow gnome with his war cry and has freakish regeneration-

Jax looked at this situation with amusement knowing that whoever won would still lose to him.

The goblin and gnomes stared down each over for a few more minutes until the berserker broke the tension with his war cry.

[war cry]

-impowers ally strength 20% - decreases enemy moral 10% -

The gnomes started to charge the goblins with the mouths frothing.

But the goblins did something strange they didn't charge back instead formed lines with shields made out of anything some were just holding chairs.


-give commands to lower ranked troupes and come up with strategies and plans-

The goblin leader was standing ready to go head to head with the berserker.

shaman "invigorate"

A blue shadow covered the goblin leader.


- defence+20% - attack+10% -

Finely the goblin leader looked like he could go toe to toe with the berserker.

The goblin leader meet the charge with his shield and all-out battle began.

The berserker swinging his axe aiming for the goblins head pushing him back with each powerfully blow.

It looked like the end for the goblin leader but on the last swing the goblin leader peered the axe making the berserker stumble.

Taking this opportunity he landed a vertical slash down the gnomes face and then a swift stab to the stomach.


[berserkers rage]

-more damage taken the stronger you attack-

It was what made berserkers so fearsome there ability to fight better faster and stronger when injured.

The goblin leader could no longer hold on being pushing him into a corner.

shaman "boulder embodiment"

[spell - boulder embodiment]

-reduces targets movement speed by 20%-

This saved the goblin leader but aggroed the berserker making him charge towards the shaman.

Crushing the shaman into a wall the berserker went to deliver the final blow.


A sword stuck throw the chest of the berserkers hart making it fall to its knees.

Jax "wind blade . . . . . . . . . . "

Jax launched 3 wind blades killing the lot of them.

[special gnome +100 gold]

[2 advanced goblins + 100 gold]

He used a few more wind blades cleaning up the battle field of the half dead gnomes and goblins.

[+55 gold]

The berserker dropped 2 books with interesting patterns.

[skill - mini map]

-maps out surroundings and although you to label good and bad areas-

[skill - eagle eyes]

-improves your vision-

He learn the 2 skills on the spot as they were highly use full.

Next up were the advanced goblins which he got another 2 books 1 mana stone and a ring.

[spell - boulder embodiment]

-reduces targets movement speed by 20%-

- cost 35 mana-


- defence+20% - attack+10% -

- cost 40 mana-

[mana stone]

-stores mana-


[shamans ring]

- +10 mana -

Jax now new why the shaman hadn't done much it was because he couldn't these 2 spells were draining on mana but very useful.

He looked out into the street what looked like a jungle as he activated his new skill mini map.

which was better than he expected it was like a 3d hologram showing him the entire building as well as some of the surrounding streets.

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