
shadow sage standing at the end of the world

In the year 2045 the population hit 20 billion, pollution was out of control and the world was no longer a fare and just place. The world is slowly dyeing trying to support a race to big to sustain. The mans story you are about to read is about a boy who was born with nothing grow up with no one except some over orphans who treated him like dirt. In This world if you cant work you are seen as less than animals and as he had a deformed arm such as Meany in the polluted future he was despised. The worlds time has come to an end but those who watch offer salvation to those who can survive.

Jordan_Haskett_4344 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Jax had processed all the information he was given and started looking into magic (bear with me)

[basic magic]

-fire ball- cost - 5 mana

-water bomb - cost- 5 mana

-wind blade - cost - 5 mana

-stone bullet - cost - 5 mana

-flame burst - cost - 1 mana per second

-water jet - cost - 1 mana per second

-gale wind - cost - 1 mana per second

-ether quake - cost - 1 mana per second

[sages wisdom can make new spells but needs time to formulate them]

Jax looked to the roof exit and started to look around with his staff in hand he slowly walked to the stairs to get of the roof.

As he slowly descended the 40 flights of stairs he could hear some noise from below after another 15 flights ne sore what was making the noise


-goblins are small intelligent creatures use of weapons and can have strange mutation/variants-

Jax observed them from a distance a group of 3 goblins were looking throw the corpses of a few people.

Although jax was disgusted he new this was his new reality and he needed to get used to it or he would die.

He got within a descent range and waited for the right time

After 5 minutes of waiting one of the goblins seemed to find something a golden pendent but before he could hide it the 2 goblins sore.

The greed of goblins is bigger than there lust for women no goblin can resist gold.

The 2 goblins jumped at him reaching for the pendent giving Jax the best opportunity

Jax "fire ball fire ball fire ball"

3 tennis ball sized fire balls flew down the stairs and exploded on the goblins backs tearing and scorching there flesh.

2 died instantly and the 3rd still clutching the pendent slowly took his last breath.

[killed 3 goblins +30 gold coins added]

Jax was surprised by getting some gold but he wasn't to caring right now as he grabbed the gold pendent in the goblins hand.

[pendent of luck]

- gives the wearer luck-

Jax put the pendent on and hid it in his raggedy cloths while looking at over stuff the goblins found.

[rusty dagger- 3 cloth- 2 food- 1 water]

{You should cut that goblin up}

Wisdom was referring to the 3rd goblin.

Jax "why?"

{It has something useful}

He didn't want to but he grabbed the rusty dagger and cut the goblin chest open looking around for a minute or 2 he found something behind the goblins hart the size of a marble.

[magic stone](small)

-stores small amount of mana can be used in crafting can be supplemented for ones own mana-


Jax new why she said it would be useful he now had an emergency 30 extra mana.

[your understanding of the creature goblin has increased]


-a small wicked creature akin to vermin-

weakness - extrema weakness to gold and ranged attack -

week points - head and neck -

note - lack of vision heightened sense of smell-

[You have learnt a new skill]


-when you cut open monsters you gain a beater understanding of there fatal flaws-

He could no longer stand the smell and continued down the stair case until he reached the 6th flour were the stair case was blocked.

Jax "my only way is to go to the over stair case across the building"

Jax didn't really want to as he was in the fire escape and the doors were heavy stopping most goblins from getting in but it was different for the main stair case.

He slowly opened the fire door peaking in seeing that there was no goblins calmed him down but he did not lose his vigilance.

He slowly made his way to the main staircase looking out for goblins when he got hit with a smell that made the sewers smell nice.

He was now at the stairs but the smell was so bad he couldn't think strait he looked in the room the smell was coming from and what he sore made him throw up.

A pile of corpses almost filling the room one of which started to move which scared Jax.


-a creature that's born when the stench of death is to thick-

weakness - fatal blows to the head -

It was pinned at the bottom of the pile so Jax used the knife to end it fast

[zombie killed + 10 gold]

[You have witnessed undead]

-you are no longer bothered by the smell of death or the sight of it-

Jax felt like he could breath again and went for the door but he heard some noise coming towards the room.

2 goblins carrying a corpse walked slowly in the room speaking in a weird language .

He hide in the corner waiting watching.

2 goblins soon entered the room not seeing Jax placing the corps on the pile.


Jax had stabbed the rusty knife into the goblins neck which started to scream in pain.

Before the 2nd goblin could do anything Jax had kicked it in the back pinning it against the pile of corpses.

He equipped his staff from his inventory placing it to the back of the struggling goblins head.

Jax "wind blade"

Decapitated the goblins head rolled on the flour.

Turning his attention to the first goblin it had already chocked to death on its own blood but he retrieved his knife.

[+20 gold]

He noticed that he could see a shiny light coming from the centre chest of the 1st goblin like when he got the first magic stone.

Not bothering to ask question he just cut it open and soon found the magic stone.

[magic stone](micro)

-stores mana-


Soon cleaning him self up he got out of the room not waiting for the next lot of goblins.

Slowly descending to the 5th flour he heard some noise that sounded like fighting taking a peak he sore goblins fighting another small creature.

The creature had red eyes and pointy ears and they were even smaller than the goblins (3.5 foot tall) with some pointy hats


-small creature that enjoy terrorising other mainly with the use of weapons-

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