
Shadow Emperor in Another World

After an unknown amount of time, a soul got to reincarnate into a fantasy realm with it’s own choice of abilities and looks. Watch as he goes through life as powerful as can be in this weird world. This is a hobby and not professional work so please bare with me while I try my best to make this book a good one. I would also like to put out here this is my first novel and a learning experience for me, I’m sorry if the tags aren’t right or to disappoint. Original work by SimpleFool. Beginning is kinda rough but it gets better as the story continues. Cover by Xenoham, if you want a commission by him, email him at the following email! LordXenoham@gmail.com I made an edit so some author’s notes may seem odd or out of place

Dragonjackel · Kỳ huyễn
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247 Chs

[Chapter 225] Blood Spilt Pt 1

'Shadow Armor, Parasitic Tendril.' I activate as shadows cover my body, covering me in darkness as 2 purple eyes stare at the group. A tendril growing from my left hand with a sickening slither. Groups look stunned for a moment but their faces immediately change from shock to horror as my shadows begin to move, ghastly souls screaming in agony around me.

My shadow grows slowly, draping behind me as if its death's cloak, and from within, arms reach out. That's when it sets in, there is no time for preparation. They hurriedly gather into groups as they chant, causing the once quiet field to become a cacophony of noise. Souls howl in seeming agony as soldiers doused in black crawl from my shadow, rushed voices speak as fast as they can, panicked by something they have only heard of, not mentioning the soldiers of black.

I wave my hand as my scythe appears, my grip strongly entangling the hilt as another tentacle grows from my palm, wrapping around the pole like a root.

I frown at the mages sudden chanting, 'This is preparation time, what are you guys doing? If I can't prepare fully, neither can you.' In this battle, from how I had seen before, they would let both sides prepare, but I guess that's not the case.

My legs bulge as I launch like a missile at the Igris guards before me, my blood boiling. No screams can leave as I open my palm, the tentacle snapping with life as it wraps around an armored head of crimson. I aggressively whip my arm as he flies upward from the ground, a sharp crack resounding from his neck. I smoothly backflip mid-air as I slam his lifeless body onto his partner, red dust and blood exploding as bones breaking escapes from the collision.

I twist around as I gently let go of my scythe, the tentacle tightly gripped as it extends from my hand, beheading the guard on the spot before he can even move his eyes. And so the blood bath began, with a bang.

Chaos breaks out on the field as my shadows escape their dark prison, charging at the guards ferociously. Weapons and warriors of all shapes and sizes charge at the Igris guards, causing the guards to hurriedly chant. Their shields begin to glow with mana, a green crystal in each one beginning to pulse with power. Moments later, pillars of earth erupt before them, erecting walls one after another. The guards stay silent as they focus, pouring their mana into the sudden wall that they had to create.

I look at the wall with small surprise, 'They erected that wall with only their shields as casting tool. Impressive…sadly it isn't good enough.'

I watch as the guards who were calmly inputting mana start to quickly exhaust as they swiftly realize, the enemy is stronger than they anticipated. One of the guards looks back at the mages who are bathed in red light, "How much longer?! We can only hold them for about half a minute more!"

The mage goes to answer, when she freezes, blood trickling from her neckline. The guard stares in shock as the body's head slides off, revealing a clean cut.

As her head drops to the ground, blood floods fourth like a fountain, drenching him as she drops. Suddenly, a warping sound echoes across the field as a massive portal appears. My eyes narrow the second that portal appears. I am no stranger to this color and shape as I have seen it before, many times before.

'Sky?! Isn't that the portal I have at my base?' I ask in shock. She takes a moment before answering in confirmation, sealing my worries, "Yeah…this portal is definitely the same as the one in your warehouse. But I am sensing 2 massive differences between them."

My ears perk up as quickly rest myself on a tree just at the edge of the plain, 'What is it?'

"First, the mana difference is massive. I can see a lot more mana coming from this one than yours, at least by 500 percent. The second is that I can see a lot less heat coming from this one. So I think that they are from the same place, but different areas of it." I nod at her description as I focus on the mana in the air. It's harder for me to use magic due to my lack of mana but I can faintly sense the mana coming from it. Sky doesn't have to do this thanks to her unique sight, being able to see on several different spectrums.

Suddenly, thousands of demons come flooding out, like a wave of red and black. They ignore the red robed cultists and charge straight over the wall, attacking my shadows in a frenzy. Soon, hell breaks loose as the demons flood from the portal into my soldier army. Swords clash with talons as shields fight fire, the demons giving their all, as if created for this purpose. Black and red dance with each other in the sea of death, but soon, black begins to dominate.

The once dead shadows revive once more, lost limbs regrowing, heads reattaching, bodies reforming. The demons have little time to relax as the soldiers they killed moments ago come back for vengeance.

Boiling blood spills across the ground as demons of different forms all meet the same end, lying on the ground.

A smile crawls across my face as my army presses on, a realization appearing in my mind, "This can help my mission to become a demi god complete much quicker, after all, these summons are technically my enemies."

The soldiers continue pressuring the wall once again, having defeated the various demons. But my smile quickly disappears as several more portals appear, their sizes larger than the first.

The mages sigh in relief as they gaze at their creations, moments later, hundreds of thousands of demons flooding the field. They don't hesitate as they jump into the wave of black, quickly trying to overwhelm the dominating black army.

Bodies drop one after another as dozens of demons flood the battlefield yet again. This time, shadows are destroyed constantly as they begin to slowly become overwhelmed. It was already a miracle for 500 shadow soldiers to defend against this amount of demons so well, mainly thanks to their revival ability, but I thought this might happen. Luckiky, l had planned for this far ahead. I slowly raise my hand as I yell, "Arise!"

But when I hear Pings, it's exactly the opposite of what I want to see as my face turns grim.


[Here is the slaughter!] Thanks for reading!

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