
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Kỳ huyễn
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180 Chs

Jealousy Part 2

Screaming loudly to let out the frustration inside him while not caring if anyone would hear him, Sora didn't even bother attending the rest of the classes and just remained on the roof even after the school was over.

Sitting in the same spot Sora couldn't even understand what he himself was doing by just sitting there.

It wasn't as if Mai would come to him just because he sat there.

Unexpectedly she did however come and find him after almost everyone else had left.

"What are you doing here, Sora? I heard that you missed out on all of the classes after school. Do you... "

Noticing that Sora was looking as if he had just seen how he would die and not bothering to answer her, Mai frowned and said, "Why are you just sitting there like that?"

Interrupting her, Sora suddenly asked, "Who is he?"


"Who... Is... He?!"

Frowning deeper because Sora had never really behaved like this, Mai realized who it was that he was talking about.

"He's no one special."

Standing up and holding Mai by the shoulders, Sora pressed her against the wall and once again asked, "WHO IS HE?!"

By now Mai had already understood that Sora was under some kind of a misunderstanding, and therefore she didn't really mind that he had shouted and said, "He is my brother, you jealous brat."


Enjoying the reaction and pinching his cheek, Mai said, "He is my brother. But if I knew this is how you'd react from seeing me with someone I would asked him to visit so much sooner."

Since the moment he heard that that man was Mai's brother, all the jealousy and frustration seemingly disappeared from his body. And in its place, there was clear embarrassment due to how he had behaved while. Being oblivious to all of this information.

Taking a step back, Sora didn't say a single word and began walking away to spare himself from any further embarrassment.

Unfortunately, how could Mai allow him to leave so easily?

Especially after seeing how Sora behaved when he was feeling jealous, Mai who found this side of Sora very cute had no intention to let him leave.

Hugging him from the behind, Mai asked, "Where are you going, Sora?"

"I need to go to the gym before it's too late."

"Oh to the gym is it? Maybe I should invite my brother as well."

Despite knowing that Mai was deliberately saying such things, Sora even after knowing that he was her brother couldn't help the jealousy inside him flaring up one more.

Turning around and hugging her, Sora declared, "You're mine, Mai. You're mine! I won't let anyone else have you!"

Snorting cutely, Mai said, "Who's yours? We are nothing more than a pair of student and teacher who are having sex. What else is there between us? And don't forget how many women you have sexual relationships with."

Ignoring the hard cold facts, Sora surprised Mai by kissing her and said, "I don't care. You're mine!"

"Do you know how unreasonable you sound right now, Sora?"

"I don't care. You're mine! I'm never letting anyone else have you!!!"

Hugging her tightly, Sora managed to make feel that he truly was an unreasonable teenager. Still, Mai found this possessive side of him which she had never seen before very interesting.

"I'm yours? In that case, how do you plan on taking care of me?"

"I... "

Unable to answer the question he did not expect, Sora who was slowly regaining his usual character said, "I'll even sell my body if I have to, but I'll definitely take care of you, Mai."

Snorting coldly and pushing Sora aside, Mai said, "Don't you need to get to the gym? Now go."

"What's the hurry?"

This time it was Sora who hugged Mai from the back as he said, "Since I promised to take care of you, when are we going to let others know about us? We should start with first telling my brother in law about us. Is he still here?"

"Humph! Who's your brother in law? Quickly leave before I tell Yuki that you skipped on the afternoon classes."

Raising Mai up and hoisting her on his shoulders, Sora began walking down the stairs with a cheerful smile on his face.

And if someone ended up seeing him, he'll just say that Mai sprained her ankle and he was helping her to the nurse's room.

"Put me down, jealous boy."

"Nope. I'm not putting you down until we go back home. Since I'm a jealous boy, I'm not letting you out of my grasp."

Staying true to his words, Sora truly did carry Mai all the way back to the dormitory.

But this wasn't before he stopped many times on the way home to catch up on his breath and even ask Mai hoe much she actually weighed to feel so heavy.

Due to this, Mai didn't allow Sora to walk alone and repeatedly reminded him to carry her because a true man always stays true to his words.

This way, even though Sora did manage to finally reach the dormitory while carrying Mai, he ended up becoming late for his shift at the gym for the first time ever.