
Sex Stories: Mr. LarsBar's Nut Factory

A collection of smut created by yours truly, MrLarsBar (formerly MrMarsBar). Consider this a fic to rebrand my name! A factory of stories where you can nut however you want. There is a wide variety of stuff here that I'm sure you will enjoy. Fuck Azula from Avatar as her soulmate, watch Mikasa from Attack on Titan get fucked by her big dick husband, or have a wonderful, loving morning with Rindo Kobayashi from Shokugeki no Souma! The possibilities are endless! Updates on Tuesdays (occasional) & Thursdays! If you want to see more, go to my Patreon: p@treon.com/MrLarsBar [replace the '@' with an 'a']

MrLarsBar · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

Requests (No Chapter)

No chapter this week (today and Thursday) because I've been busy with other stuff. But! At the very least, I would like to hear some requests from you guys. Yes, you, the reader that has been starring in some of these stories.

I can't guarantee whether I will take your idea but if it appeals to me then I will write it. If everybody has ideas I don't like, then I guess nothing will be written lmao. I really hope it doesn't come to that tho. 

I will be choosing two ideas to write, no more. If something like this happens again, I will let you know. Expect the chapters to be about 3-4k words. 

But for those worried—no, I am not running out of ideas. Trust me, I have practically an infinite well of stuff I want to write. However, it would be cool if I got to write some of your stuff too.

If there's a story you really want written though, then just commission me. Begging me for a story won't work. Again, I will be straightforward if I like an idea. Please don't be offended (insert prayer emoji).