
Sex Stories: Mr. LarsBar's Nut Factory

A collection of smut created by yours truly, MrLarsBar (formerly MrMarsBar). Consider this a fic to rebrand my name! A factory of stories where you can nut however you want. There is a wide variety of stuff here that I'm sure you will enjoy. Fuck Azula from Avatar as her soulmate, watch Mikasa from Attack on Titan get fucked by her big dick husband, or have a wonderful, loving morning with Rindo Kobayashi from Shokugeki no Souma! The possibilities are endless! Updates on Tuesdays (occasional) & Thursdays! If you want to see more, go to my Patreon: p@treon.com/MrLarsBar [replace the '@' with an 'a']

MrLarsBar · Tranh châm biếm
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61 Chs

Final Fantasy 7 - Watching Cloud x Tifa

Summary: A perverted, undercover mission! To catch Scarlet's yacht, Cloud, Barrett, and Tifa must go nude. Barrett being a tall, hulking black man expected to dwarf Cloud in the one way he wished most.

Except that is not what happens. Barrett might have been taller but Cloud was bigger where it mattered. Way, way bigger to his humiliation. Standing between them, there was only one cock Tifa wanted to choose and it certainly wasn't the so-called BBC.

Themes: Reverse NTR, Bigger Dick, BWC, Voyeurism, Mating Press (Patreon)


The sun hung high in the cerulean sky of Costa del Sol. Waves gently lapped at the shore. Cloud and Barret stood at the edge of the bustling beach, their eyes fixed on the distant yacht bobbing serenely in the water—Scarlet's yacht, their target.

A handsome blond man in black swim trunks and sandals stood. Behind his deceptively lean figure was the strength of a true SOLDIER. His brows narrowed, he popped the question to his compatriot, "Is Scarlet really on there?" The SOLDIER known as Cloud Strife asked.

Standing a foot taller than the SOLDIER with muscles twice as thick was Barret Wallace. "About eighty-percent sure." His arms were crossed against his burly chest. His complexion was dark and his personality rather short-tempered, the total opposite of Cloud Strife.

Two opposites, two begrudging friends, two men that represented a respective aesthetic. Pretty white boy and strong black man.

Where Cloud was mean and agile, Barret was buff and heavy. Where Cloud was average in height, Barret was a behemoth. Where Cloud was cool as a cucumber, Barret could be as hot-headed as the looming sun. It was a miracle the two worked so well but they did. Among all those that rebelled against Shinra, few had a greater fighting dynamic than Cloud and Barret.

However, the mission they were currently assigned banned combat. Indeed, today, the team was to infiltrate Shinra's director of Advanced Weaponry's yacht. Not to kill her or capture her but to discreetly find out where she was keeping a certain weapon. Ever since the war, Scarlet had been working on something.

Today, they planned to find out what.

"It's our job to find out," Barret said. "So whether she's on there or not, we take the risk."

Cloud stood silent. They didn't have much in the way of disguises. Cloud was in trunks and sandals and Barret was in a white sailor costume. 


"Those tits are massive…!"

'Hm?' Cloud swore he heard a crude comment behind him. The beach was a big place so maybe…

"Cloud! Barret!"

Or not. Cloud almost didn't want to turn but he did. So did Barret. What they saw caused their manhood to stir in their garments. Barret gulped. Cloud tried to avert his gaze but failed.

A hand on her hip, she casually remarked, "You're both ready, huh? Guess we can start the mission." 

Tifa Lockhart. What more could men say about her? Big tits, long legs, a smooth stomach, a white lotus on her raven hair, and pink lips with a welcoming smile. 

Tifa was everything a man could want in a woman. Capable of great strength, capable of protecting herself, good-natured, yet romantic and caring. The way she conducted herself was akin to a mother. The way she fought was like a master martial artist.

Men would dream of such a woman and here she stood: in a frilly white bikini that accentuated her voluptuous form, the dark blue straps holding on to dear life. Because if there was one thing everyone could say about Tifa without even knowing her, it was her 32DDDs—her big, hypnotising tits.

Cloud was hypnotised for a second too long. Tifa blinked, arms locked behind her, and took a step toward him. 

"Cloud? Something wrong?"

'Yeah, your cleavage,' he wanted to say. Tifa was leaning too, almost intentionally giving the men a view that caused their balls to churn.

Simultaneously, Barret and Cloud turned their backs on her to stare at the yacht in the distance. Both of them were dealing with their twitching cocks silently and without making it obvious. Tifa strode next to Cloud, puzzled until she saw what they were distracting themselves with.

"So that's the yacht…" Tifa muttered. "You guys already scouted?"

"Yeah." Without turning, Barret jabbed a thumb to their left. "See that? That's Scarlet's Section.

Tifa nodded, discreetly glancing at a clearly marked checkpoint that separated the patch of sand from the private area. At the backdrop of the patrolling guards was a cottage. 

"Our job is to get information on the location and weakness of Project New Reactor, right?" Tifa said. "So shouldn't we check out the cottage too?"

"Have you gone blind? Too many guards," Barret said. There wasn't a fence in the private area, just guards patrolling.

"And the yacht isn't?"

"It isn't according to Yuffie."


Barret grunted in agreement. Though hidden by the white fabric of his sailor outfit, the mechanical right arm of his was also layered with flesh, giving it an authentic appearance. He instinctively flexed it. "If Scarlet learns someone infiltrated her place, ain't no way she'll let us waltz into her pet project. We gotta be smart about this."

That was the crux of it all. Launching a surprise attack without Scarlet being none the wiser. Finding a weakness in this new reactor of hers and doing it without being discovered.

Stealth was of utmost importance here. Stealth was everything. Any attention and the mission would be a failure.

"It's coming." Cloud's words ended the back-and-forth. The yacht that had once been so far was about to park. The patrolling guards went over to the yacht which had anchored and was letting people get on.

Pretty ladies, pretty men, that sort of thing. It was a party for Scarlet to be able to leer on people. A very stereotypical thing for a rich executive to do: bringing sexy people on a yacht and having them do their bidding.

"Let's go," Cloud said.

So they did. No one noticed as they slipped into the line-up. The yacht was huge and could hold hundreds of people. Cloud tried not to stare at the bikinis in front and behind him. He had Tifa with him, after all. 

The yacht itself was supersized, stretching impressively long like a floating palace that commanded attention. Already, sunshades and luxurious loungers lined the upper deck, offering plush seating for the guests who frequented Scarlet's domain.

A shimmering infinity pool stretched across the midsection and close to the pool was a fully stocked bar with a bartender. It was an otherworldly vehicle. Cloud couldn't believe he was going to ride this. 

"Uhh, guys?" Tifa whispered, almost laughing. 


Cloud and Barret, busy with glancing at the yacht, turned their heads at her. 

Tifa flashed a smile, the gorgeous red of her eyes brightening. "Yuffie must have left a crucial detail," she said, lips suppressing laughter. She leaned over and looked at the front of the line-up, giggling, then retreated back at Cloud and Barret, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. 

"What?" Cloud asked.

"You might wanna go first." Tifa giggled again, arms under her bust and coming really, really close to the blond.

The strands of swaying hair and her breathless beauty came close to Cloud. So close that his gaze flickered down to her big tits for but a second too long. Tifa didn't seem to care, however. Whatever she saw at the front of the line-up, it was really amusing. 

"Wait…what—!?" Barret's yell was cut off by Tifa putting a finger to her lips and gesturing to keep quiet. While some of the people ahead looked back, it wasn't for long.

After all, it was their turn next.

"Now if you would," said the Shinra infantryman. Alone and carrying a gun, while dismantling him would be easy as one-two-three, that wasn't the point. The point of the mission was to gain information without calling for attention.

So when they heard, "Strip," they had to obey.

"W-wait, hold up, is this—?"

Tifa interjected before Barret could ask. "No problem sir!" She was doing her part. She was doing what was necessary.

To infiltrate this place without raising any eyebrows, they had to strip. They had to explore this yacht nude. Did Yuffie purposely not mention this piece of info? Probably. Cloud and Barret had never resented her more than in this moment. If they had known they would have to prance around the yacht naked, then—

"Come on, boys!"

Turning, Tifa's breasts popped into view and whatever reservations the males had evaporated. 32DDDS in the flesh. No battle armour, no bikini top, nothing. Just tits, plain and simple. Cloud couldn't believe it, his lips parting in surprise.


Her tits…! He was finally getting to see them! Large and round were the only way to describe them. The light shade of pink that were her tits were majestic almost since her tits defied gravity. She was perky and small and yet…elevated. Perfect. Cloud could feel his cock twitch again because holy fucking shit he was looking at Tifa's tits.'

And so was Barret. The big man felt uncomfortable in his white sailor. He didn't want to think it but…frankly, how could he resist his libido? His needs as a man?

'Man, those huge tits are just so good. I just want to slide my cock between those meaty marshmallows and jizz all over her sexy face—' Barret stopped himself. 'Fuck.' 

That was Tifa for you and it wasn't like Barret was alone in his thoughts. 

The infantryman, despite being accustomed to seeing ladies strip, couldn't help but gulp thickly. There were the pretty ladies of the beach and then there was Tifa. Her big boobs were sublime, the subtle abs on her stomach were mouth-watering, and her red eyes were full of playful affection. She was no whore, however. She knew what she was worth. If anyone touched her without permission, they would get sacked in the nuts.

That was what was so hot about her. She was strong and sexy—and she combined the two effortlessly. 

Tifa smiled, eyes flickering between Cloud and Barret. Silently, she mouthed, "You guys too. Strip."



The two men exchanged glances, cast a look at the infantryman who was infatuated by Tifa's tits, then slowly began to strip. Barret went faster since he had a whole sailor costume to take off. 

Barret was proud of his muscles. He spent years training for him, forging them through the toughest parts of life. So for him to be equally proud of his manhood was no surprise. Two ladies in bikinis were behind the members of Avalanche and they licked their lips upon seeing his ripped body. Then his pants dropped.

The ladies silently glanced at each other, smiling even wider. What hung between Barret's legs was a cock that could only be described as big. Four inches long flaccid with two egg-sized nuts in a loose sack. Indeed, without even trying, Barret was bigger than the average man. A fitting manhood for a male of his stature.

Barret was aware of his body and how hung he was. Full of pride, he turned himself toward Tifa, intentionally showing her his cock—showing her exactly what he was made of. Any eager male would do the same if a nude Tifa was in front of them.

'Fuck…!' His flaccid member twitched. Resting on his long sack, it didn't often react to women—not after the passing of his ex-wife. But Tifa? Tifa was a different story.

She had slipped off her bottoms and stood with a hand on her hip. The innocent flower in her hair while her pussy and tits were out for the world. Barret really didn't see himself as an uncontrollable horndog. But seriously, Tifa fucking Lockhart—

"Oh." Tifa smiled upon making eye contact, then glanced at his cock. There was a flicker of emotion. His heart raced. She was impressed. 

Of course she was. Besides the natural affixation women had toward size, there was the exotic tone of his skin. Many, many women approached solely because of that attribute. The rumours that black cocks were bigger than any others. In the case of Barret, well, from an outside perspective, there was no denying. He was a hulking man and there was no question that the same could be applied to his cock. A dark black dong with a sack that had laid dormant for years. 

The two ladies in bikinis behind Tifa were glued. Barret felt his heart leap in his chest from the way their gazes gravitated toward his cock and the low mutters of, "Oh, wow." 

This was what it meant to be a man. The male ego was easily fed and Barret was glad that was the case. It felt good. 

"Heh. Thank you, thank you—"

"Oh wow!" 

Then their gazes shifted and their jaws dropped. Even Tifa, who was once staring at Barret, was shocked, a hand smacking her lips to hide her gasp. Her red eyes were wide and turned toward…


Barret turned. Right beside, technically standing shoulder-to-shoulder but failing to measure up, was Cloud Strife. A blue-eyed pretty boy who, while muscled, was nothing compared to Barret.

Or so he thought.

"Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me…" Barret didn't mean to mutter. Hopefully, nobody wrote his words down into a novel because the scene of him and Cloud standing side-by-side was already humiliating as it was.

Barret breathed through his nose, frowned, and clicked his tongue. Because fuuuuck. 

Cloud Strife: former SOLDIER, hero, and hung like a fucking horse. It was unbelievably massive, dwarfing Barret's little thing as if it were a toy. Mocking it as though it wasn't meant to be used to fuck. Cloud's cock, to put it bluntly, was gargantuan. Hanging like a grandfather clock, longer and thicker than a soda can, and connecting to a ballsack that was brimming with life. 

Standing right beside Barret, Cloud's cock was like an evolution. The undisputed greater between the two. Bigger, fatter, and most of all, more aesthetically pleasing. A beautiful cock with no flaws, only an absurdly hefty size. 

'No fucking way…' There was a weight to manhood. A gravitation that oozed authority. Almost instinctively, Barret knew this cock was meant for gods. That this white man was on a whole other plane of existence.

He didn't want to believe it. He wanted to reject it with every fibre of his being. But it was there. It was reality. If Barrett was four inches flaccid, then Cloud was more than double that—nine inches flaccid.

"Wow…" Tifa was infatuated. The ladies in bikinis that were also entering the yacht were fascinated. 

Not a single woman eyed Barret. Big, black Barret Wallace—dwarfed by the white man that he had begrudgingly accepted as a friend.

Barret couldn't believe it. His eyes tore themselves away from Cloud and ended up on his little black cock. 


Muscles, strength, a kindness to children, and a strong sense of justice. Barret had the complete package and yet—

"Let's get going~" Tifa skipped over, looped her arm around Cloud, and turned to enter the yacht. The infantryman was stunned at the sight of the massive white dong. 

"G-go in.

Cloud's cock naturally caused other men to feel inferior. Stripped like this, Barret was sure Cloud could gain access to the cottage and any other place Scarlet owned simply because he was well-hung. Barret's rational was this: 

'Would a thousand men follow a leader with a tiny penis? Of course not!' 

Barret's logic was perhaps simplistic. Nonetheless, it was the reality that played out in front of him. When Barret turned to walk behind them, the infantryman glanced over, blinked, and then nodded. That was it. No respect, no jaw-dropping shock, there was only a respectful nod.

In other words, while Barret was a rarity, Cloud was an anomaly. The first to ever go on this yacht and be rightfully called a stud. 

Barret eyed Tifa's ass. Walking, the toned buns shifted, her back muscles subtly arching. Ordinarily, Barret would have sprung out a mighty erection.

Thwap! Thwap! Thwap!

But Cloud's grandfather clock of a penis made that impossible. It was like a signal to all the males that Tifa was his. Who could say anything either when the gorgeous lady was so close to him as well?

"Say, Cloud," Tifa said in a teasing tone, "you didn't tell me you were so well-hung~"

"Well, uh…"

Tifa Lockhart was pressed to Cloud's side. Those wonderful tits of hers were turned away from Barret and placed directly into the left arm of Cloud Strife. Fucking hell, he was jealous and so was every man at the yacht. 

From the bridge to the yacht, they arrived at the pool area. Nudity was everywhere, worn comfortably without shame. This was Scarlet's rule. Defying her meant defying SHINRA.

'No guards here,' Barret noted. 'At least Yuffie mentioned that. We can relax…somewhat.'

Initially, the men and women of the yacht eyed the bulky black man. Judging by proportions, he should have been the studly one. The well-hung one. The superior one.


Thwap! Thwap! Thwap!

"He's sooo dreamy~"

"Look at that white boy. He's packing serious heat!"

"Do you see that white cock?"

It wasn't the single ladies that were infatuated either. 

"He's bigger than you, dear!"

"S-shut up…" 

White cock, white cock, white cock. That was all everyone talked about.

A handsome blond with piercing blue eyes and a disposition that was cool and stoic. A black-haired martial artist lady with an hourglass figure that women would kill for. A big cock and big tits. Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart belonged to one another.

Barret walked close to an astonishingly attractive blonde. Her brows were raised up, a piercing in her nose and a hand on her hip. Her lips were practically licking themselves. "Now that's what I call being well-hung," she said.

Right when Barret passed her, her eyes flicked down to his cock, snorted, then stared after Cloud's pale ass and the claps of his heavy python.

'I fucking hate my life.'

Because after this, no one was going to fuck him

"Lord, do you think Lady Scarlet called him over personally?"

"Knowing her panchent for men, definitely."

"What about the big guy?"

"Meh. His dick is a little...unproportional."

"I think you mean small."

"He's got the muscles, the looks, but not the cock."

"Huh, so the BBC myth is just that, huh?"

Barret had never felt so humiliated in his life. All that training, all his height and muscles, and it meant nothing. All eyes were on Cloud and Tifa. Barret was ignored. All of a sudden, he wanted to go back. Being six-foot-seven and four hundred pounds of muscle gave a man pride and that pride was currently broken.

Alas, the yacht began to move. Meaning, the real mission was beginning.

"Cloud." Barret's call was able to get Cloud to stop—thwap—and then turn. Thwap! The loudest clap so far ripped as his flaccid dong swung with the momentum of his turn.

Barret's jaw clenched. 'Fucking hell.'

Barret crossed his arms, muscles bulging. When comparing biceps, he was double that of Cloud. When it came to cock, Cloud was double that of Barret. Four inches versus nine inches.

Facing each other, it became a silent competition. Black cock versus white cock. Barret versus Cloud. Big black man versus white pretty boy. Victor takes Tifa. That was what Barrett thought in his mind.

Except it wasn't a face-off at all. The competition was all in his head. Tifa had long chosen Cloud over him. It wasn't even a matter of choice, it was a matter of sticking to the blond and making him stay there. Tifa didn't once let go of his arm and didn't once let her gaze wander.

Tifa had seen Barret's black cock once and that was enough for her. She decided Barret was a friend, a teammate, and nothing more. Cloud on the other hand? 

Tifa looked at him, smiling widely. She looked thoroughly satisfied—and he hadn't even touched her, much less fucked her. Simply the sight of his cock caused the master martial artist to salivate and eagerly fawn over him.

Barret hated that Tifa didn't even consider his cock. He expected a glance, a comparison, but no. Once was enough for a judgement. Once was enough to determine who her lover would be. Honestly, she must have had an inkling to Cloud's horse cock because prior to this, she had been more or less the same. Glances that lasted too long, flirty jokes, tense eye contact, and a longing gaze when he wasn't looking. Tifa had always been looking at Cloud.

Call him selfish but couldn't she at least keep her options open? Like damn, Cloud wasn't the only man in this world!

"Quit slinging that thing and get me a drink," Barret said. He was speaking in code terms, 'get me a drink' meant 'get me information'. Because of Cloud's celebrity manhood, people were eavesdropping on them. 

For the sake of the mission, Barret had to pretend he had leverage over Cloud. That he was his boss. It was totally not because he craved the same attention Cloud had right now.

"Aw, but Barret, he can't help it." 

Quietly, she was saying, "Maybe if you were hung, you would understand." But he wasn't, so he never would. Cloud's big dick plights were foreign to him.

Barret was seething.

Tifa was literally squealing. 

There was no shame in those red eyes if hers as she pointedly stared at the dangling white schlong. Barret instinctively followed her gaze and had to flick back up. Cloud was so fucking massive that Barret's balls were tensing up, afraid of his sheer virility and submitting the mate that was Tifa over to him.

That's right, his black cock had already given up. Already deemed the white cock better.

"What does that mean?" Barret scoffed, flexing the muscles of his arms. "Walk slower. At least try and be normal. Quit hogging all the attention."

His mind refused. Not yet. Not yet! 

"Hogging the attention?" Tifa glanced around. The gazes that were watching went away. "Oh, I see." Her red eyes twinkled and her face came close to Cloud again. "Look at that, you're popular."

'Too close, too close!' Cloud thought. His cock jumped slightly, feeling the tits of Tifa Lockhart and reacting accordingly. 

Barret really wished he hadn't seen that horse dick move. The sheer difference between Cloud and Barret was staggering to the point of absurdity. Like…come on!

"How about a drink then?" With a wink, Tifa dragged Cloud over the bar. Having no chairs, they stood and took their order.

Barret remained where he was. His arms crossed, he peered at the pool to his left and the reflection that it showed. Barret wasn't being cocky when he claimed to be a catch. Four inches of flaccid black cock was bigger than ninety-nine percent of the men here.

The only issue was the one percent: Cloud. He skewed the scale badly. Next to him, Barret was nothing.

So he waited till Cloud was occupied with the bartender before making his move. From the corner of his eye, he thought he saw a woman eyeing him. Her skin was dark and her hair was done in long box braids. She sat on the edge of the pool with her legs dipped inside the water, her head craned toward Barret. 

'Well, well, well.' Barret decided to approach. Not because he wanted to fuck her, he was still loyal to his wife Myrna, but he needed information. The black chick would no doubt—

"Why'd you leave your big dick buddy?"

He stopped a foot away from the seated lady. She gazed up at him, utterly disappointed. Barret grinded his teeth. The lady looked away and that was that. She didn't care for the six-foot-seven, four-hundred pound black man. Her distinterest couldn't be more obvious. 

Barret suppressed his rage and frustration and peered over his shoulder to check on Cloud and Tifa. "Huh?" He turned himself around fully, hands on his hips. "What? Where did they…?"

The bar was devoid of the power couple. 'But what…where…' Quickly, Barret jogged to the bar and took a seat. He was prepared to loudly ask a question until he saw the bartender.


"Oh! Barret! Well, well, well!" The bartender was a young woman, either eighteen or nineteen, and easily identifiable. "I thought I saw you."

"Kyrie Canaan." Barret said her name with a degree of bite. The young woman noticed. "What are you doing here? Scamming again—"

Slam! A glass hit the table, filled to the brim with beer. "Can't you people shut up? Seriously, I have a job here."

Kyrie Canaan was a sporty chick with a knack for being a swindler and pickpocket. Everything about her, from her clothes to her cheeky brown eyes, implied that she was an opportunist. 

'Then again…' He eyed her tits. She was a B-cup at best. 'Without clothes, she does look cute.' 

Cute was an understatement. If Avalanche didn't have such terrible experiences with her, he would have outright gulped at the sight of her. Her smile lines were full of youth and gall. The type of boldness that older men would enjoy a lot. She for sure didn't embody the typical female bartender with the sultry voice and big tits. 

"Mm. Not bad." He took one long gulp of the beer and found himself liking it. 

"See, see? Not bad, right?"

Having a cute, sporty girl with long, black hair and a short, slim figure wasn't bad either. The cute smile and excitement was a great change of pace in some respects—especially for this information gathering mission. 

Moreover, Kyrie wasn't completely nude. Though her tits were small and perky, what pressed the most attention was her dark teal gatsby hat. 

Barret didn't realize it but his balls were churning. Like Tifa, this tomboy bandit was a hottie. 

"By the way, where did Cloud and Tifa go?"

Simply saying his name caused Kyrie to squeal. "Cloud? You mean Mr. Big Dick?

Barret cringed. "Yeah." 

"He went with Tifa at the back."

"T-the back—what for?"

Kyrie shrugged. "Dunno. You'll have to ask. Then again…" Kyrie leaned over the counter and checked his flaccid cock. She let out a snicker. "...I think I have some ideas."

"H-hey, what was that for?" Barret slipped off his chair, showing his full body to her by accident. But like with all the ladies here, there was no impressing. Cloud had already skewed her scale. Kyrie raised a brow, offering a single glance to his cock, and smirked judgmentally. 

"For a big guy, you sure are small in a lot of ways. Brains, cock, balls…"

Barret put a hand to his crotch, scooping up his cock and balls and protecting them in their entirety. Fucking hell, there was being made fun of by Tifa and then there was this brat. She was—what? Five-foot-three? How dare she make fun of him!

"Little dicks are little dicks," Kyrie said as if reading his mind. "Come on, we all know the truth here. If you can't handle it, then order some drinks. Maybe that'll keep your mind off of it."

"This damn thief…!" Barret raised his fake arm. "Just point me to where they went, dammit!"

Kyrie laughed and pointed to the base floor hall. Barret clicked his tongue and ran over, still holding his manhood shamefully. He couldn't stand the comments any longer. The brown eyes of a brat like her fearlessly stating his cock was small…

'Just where is that bastard Cloud!?' 

He ran down the side of the yacht. Room after room appeared, typically filled with men and women, most of whom were engaged in some sort of fuckery. Barret eyed them solely to find Cloud and Tifa, nothing more. 

Many of the doors were open so it would be easy to glance over and find the aura of the impeccable man and woman. However, so far, he hadn't found them. He went all the way to the end of the yacht where the U-shaped yacht converged. 

The door was halfway closed, certainly wide open like the others. Barret with his weight wasn't much for stealth. Even so, he peeked through the ajar door. 

What he found was Cloud and Tifa fiercely making out.

What he felt made his cock twitch.

Tifa's moans as she melted in Cloud were excruciatingly hot. She was being overwhelmed. Pushed, pushed, pushed, despite her super strength and martial arts prowess. Cloud had his hands locked on her hips but quickly slid up her back and kept pushing. His lips eventually left hers to pursue her neck and collarbone, kissing and suckling lightly.

"Cloud…!" The tone in which she called his name…

'Fuck, I wish that was me.' 

Because if there was one woman worth fucking after his wife, it was Tifa Lockhart. But unfortunately, she was taken, so this was the best next thing.


Watching as a bigger, better man was prepared to fuck her.

The room had a twin-sized bed, a bathroom door leading to a shower stall and bathtub in the corner, and everything. Scarlet specifically intended this place to be for sex deviants, to fuck and clean however they liked, and she got what she wanted here. These two, the apexes of their genders, were about to go to pound town. Cloud was sucking on her tits, causing the red-eyed woman to arch her back spectacularly. 

The 32DDDs were being pleasured for the first time. A tongue licking them while fingers grabbed the underside. His lips leaving her bosom, Cloud stared and brushed his fingers to feel them. Really feel them. The size and shape and softness, who wouldn't do the same in his position?

Cloud Strife wasn't done. To the contrary, he was fucking insane. His cock was already devastating enough and then he had to go out of his way to pick Tifa up by the hips, lay her down on the table, and shove his face right between her legs.

"C-Cloud~! Ohh~! Oh~! Yes, yes!"

That was the type of moan that insinuated the best type of pussy eating. That's right, Cloud went to town on Tifa Lockhart with his tongue alone. No cock was necessary.

"Apparently, this fucker can just do everything—"

"Yesssh~! Cumming~!"

'Already!? Are you fucking with me!?' His own sex life with his wife had been pretty active. However, it took at least ten or so minutes to get her to orgasm once. Yet Cloud, this blond pretty boy, had done it with a minute of eating pussy.

And doing to Tifa fucking Lockhart!? Unbelievable!

He hooked his hands around her legs and locked himself to her crotch. Tifa couldn't pull away even if she tried. The opposite occurred; her thicc, creamy thighs wrapped around his head. Trained for martial arts and now used to keep her man right where she wanted him.

Cloud worked his tongue in there. First, he went long and wide yet rapid. Almost like a dog, he licked her pussy up. Once Tifa wanted more, he became agonizingly slow. His tongue outlined her pussylips, blessing the receiver with a shuddering moan. 

Then he switched up again. His mouth went into an O-shape and gently sucked her clitoris. While his mouth sucked, his tongue slipped through and massaged. That was what really got Tifa to squeal and to tighten her hold on him.

"Cumming, Cloud~! I'm cumming!"

Barret counted that she came like three times just from tongue alone. At this point, his cock was coming to life—and if that was happening to the spectator, then the same was happening to the actual participants.

"Ngggh~!" Tifa orgasmed one last time, her body spasming wildly before limping equally as much. "Ha…haah…" 

She was panting, her red eyes misty. Her thicc legs released Cloud who stood up tall. Seeing the secreting fluids from her pussy, Barret found himself growing hard. 

Same with Cloud.

As one, the males responded to the sight of the seductive female, their respective members filling up with blood arousal. The woman was hot and ready and their bodies were telling them to respond and accept the obligation of fucking her—except there was an issue. There was only one man allowed to fuck Tifa Lockhart. 

The man that was bigger. Better.

Indeed, the harder Barret got, the starker the difference. He hated seeing it. He hated witnessing greatness.

But it was reality.

Barret Wallace—seven inches of black cock. A coke can of a penis. 

Cloud Strife—twelve inches of white cock. A monster with no equal, connected to balls that were dangling with immense weight.

A huge, monumental difference.

Tifa eyed the mighty python stretched out between the blond's legs. "Mm~!" She bit her bottom lip erotically. There was nothing in her world except Cloud's cock. She saw that big dick and she wanted it. End of story.

Tifa picked herself up by the elbows and stepped toward Cloud. A hand brushed over his shaft, her face coming close. "God…" Stroooke. Her hand had to make quite the journey to go from tip to base. Tifa didn't break eye-contact either. "Cloud, are we really…?"


No hesitation. Cloud was doing this right here, right now. On a yacht belonging to their enemy, an executive of Shinra. Barret wasn't sure if he could blame them. Knowing the stakes of their mission, fucking like this might not be possible. 

"It's like the Buster Blade…" Tifa murmured, staring lovingly into his eyes. "I'm glad you're not just the best but the biggest, Cloud."

They kissed like boyfriend and girlfriend, like they had waited years for this.

'The biggest...did I really not stand a chance?' Barret asked in his head.

One hand went over to squeeze Tifa's ass. The toned, squishy feeling made Barret's heart flip, his fingers wishing they were in the white boy's place. His heart flipped again when Cloud said, "I guess Barret can wait till we're done, huh?"

Tifa cracked a smile. "He might not have a Buster Blade but I'm sure he can do the mission."

Barret's cock lurched, nearly pulsing to half an inch more. But it was futile. The behemoth of a man couldn't do anything here. Not when Tifa jumped and locked her legs around Cloud's waist. That white steel pipe rubbing between her ass cheeks wasn't her only desire.

Cloud himself was.

Groping her ass, kissing her lovely, he walked her to the bed and put her down. Back flat on the boxspring, legs spread and ready to hook him back in. Cloud's girthy cock was laid out on her cunt and reached all the way past her navel.

For a moment, Barret was reminded of his first time with Myrna.

Then he saw Cloud align himself with Tifa's pretty pink pussy. After this, Tifa would never be the same. She would get claimed by Cloud. 


That thick cock of his, white and long and throbbing madly…Tifa expected nothing less than utter pulverization. She wanted that dick of his to stretch her senseless.

Her feet hooked onto his rear—and wham! Pushing Cloud all the way inside her. All those inches taken by her amazing pussy. Cloud toppled on her, palms flat to the sides of her head. Their faces were oh-so close and Cloud could see Tifa's twisting expression. 

"C-Clouuuddd~! You're soo deeeppppp~!" Tifa panted, struggling to meet his gaze with full focus. He was so close yet so far. He was so deep inside her yet not quite there.

Because she (and Barret) knew Cloud could go harder. Go deeper. Right now, he was still, simply observing the beautiful Tifa Lockhart and her writhing expressions. "Haa! Haa….!" Her chest rose and fell. Her legs loosened their grip on his waist. 

That was when Cloud kissed her.

That was when Tifa felt her energy return to her.

Saliva connected them, eyes staring into one another. Cloud's blue eyes were the polar opposite to her scarlet red. 

"I'm going to move," Cloud said. "Are you ready?"

"I'll be fine. You've seen how much I can kick ass." Tifa smiled, all the while his twelve inches of cock lay inside her pussy. As expected of the martial artists, she was damn tight. Luckily, Cloud had a little something called SOLDIER Enhancements. A tight pussy was going to stop him. Confidently, he laughed and came closer to Tifa.

"Just promise me…"

Barret paid close attention to what she was saying. Despite being in a missionary position, from his angle, he could see Tifa's face and her big tits. He could even see the crazy way her pussylips spread to accommodate his fat cock. Barret figured his own member was half as girthy. 

"...don't stop until you fill me up." 

Barret also realized he could see Cloud's fat balls, so when Cloud began fucking Tifa earnestly, the noises didn't come as a surprise at all. He closed his eyes and just…accepted it.

"Yes~! Yes, yes, yes, yesss~! You're stretching me ooouuuut~!"

Yes, this was quite like his first time with Myrna, the kisses and the missionary position the same—except a hundred times as intense. Myrna had never moaned like that when he penetrated her. She giggled, to the contrary, finding him fun and cute and loving.

But Tifa?

She was howling whorishly. She made sounds that made her belong on this sex yacht. Cloud pressed himself flat into her, his mushroom head reaching into her womb, and whenever he went there, he stayed for five seconds. Cloud was making sure to imprint himself in her. 

And he had.

Cloud knew, Barret knew, Tifa knew…

"No one is ever going to able to fuck me again! Cloud! Clouuuudd~!" Tifa's cries and remarks were the truth, plain and simple. "God! God! Yes, yes! YES! You're too biiiiigggg~! You're stretching me ouuuuttt~!"

That white ass of his wasn't going buckwild. He thrust and then parked. Thrust and park. He was building and building toward a greater orgasm. Tifa's locked legs were loosening. 

Then Cloud smirked. Barret's heart sank. 'Oh fuck, he's about to—' 

Fuck her brains out. Cloud pulled himself away from Tifa and grabbed her legs, spreading them wide and holding them by the ankles. 

"Haah….haahh…" The mist in Tifa's eyes. The lust. She peered up at Cloud who was handsome and loving and so fucking big that she was trembling even though he wasn't moving in the slightest.

"Ready or not—" Thrust. Gasp. "Here I come!"

No breaks, no slow pace—Cloud was a true soldier. Fucking, fucking, fucking, making it his mission to destroy her pussy.

"Unnnhh~! Nnnggghh~! So! Fucking! Deeep~!" Her back arched. See, to thoroughly pummel that pussy of hers, this new position allowed him depth. With her ankles gripped in hand, she was under his mercy. He could fucked her so hard that his hips turned into blurs. He was utilizing every bit of his cock and physical attributes to thoroughly demolish her. 

"How good is it?"

"Shhhoooo goood~!" Gasp, gasp, gasp. She wanted to cover her face but failed to. Tifa was breaking. All the martial arts in the world couldn't stop a big dick from changing her. Her core was bouncing up and down, pathetically trying to trash around and stop this overwhelming sensation. 

"It's too goooddd~!" Thrust, thrust, thrust. "Waitwaitwait—"

He didn't. Why would he? Just look at her, she was happy with tears.

"Clooouuuuddd~! I love you! I love yoouuu~! You're making me feel sooo goood~!" 

Tifa didn't even know she was orgasming. She was but she couldn't tell. All of her felt good. Her very existence felt dependent on ecstasy. Her toes curled and her cunt was being hammered by her most loved cock. The cock belonging to her childhood friend; to Cloud Strife.

She didn't want this to end. Not now, not ever.

"Keeeep fuuuuccckiiing meeeee~!"

She clamped down hard and this time, Cloud slowed. Exhaling heavily, he immediately changed strategies. He went from missionary—



To a mating press. 

"Ohhh~! Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhh~!" Tifa's eyes flew open, tears falling freely. Her gasp following the tenth balls-slapping thrust elicited the loudest, deepest gasp in her life. She was getting swallowed up by the sheer magnificence of his cock. "Mmmpppphhhh~! NGGGHHHHH~!"

A long time ago, Barret thought he had fucked his wife silly on their honeymoon. He was wrong. This was getting fucked silly. This was what it was like for a woman who was feeling true, untempered affection and lust for a man. The type of unbridled emotion that showed on their faces, making their tongues stick out and their eyes roll back.

His wife had never experienced anything like this. Tifa had the courtesy of Cloud's twelve inches. 

So Barret remained a spectator. All he could do was jerk off like a loser. 

I've always enjoyed Tifa X Barret NTR so I thought, "Hey, why not switch it up?" Hope you all enjoy. Full part is on Patreon!

MrLarsBarcreators' thoughts