
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 20: Look up

With the dawn of a new day, or perhaps the shroud of another night, our determination to find the elusive book remained steadfast. Despite our concerted efforts, the book continued to elude us, leaving us with a sense of frustration and weariness. I let out a sigh as I sank into one of the nearby chairs, momentarily closing my eyes in an attempt to ease the tension that had settled in my shoulders.

Then, a burst of excitement jolted us from our collective slump as Atifa's voice rang out. "GUYS! I think I found it!" Her words propelled us into action, and we quickly converged around her, eager to see what she had discovered. However, our enthusiasm was soon met with a perplexing challenge—Atifa couldn't physically grasp the book.

Frowning in confusion, we observed as Atifa's efforts revealed the true nature of the book's concealment. The bookshelf emitted a strained creak, and as Atifa applied pressure, the shelf gave way, revealing a hidden room beyond. Our curiosity piqued, we assisted in pushing the shelf aside, revealing a passage into the secret room that had remained concealed until now.

Stepping inside, we were met with a sight that defied expectations. The room appeared deceptively ordinary, adorned with antique furnishings that lent an air of timeless elegance. The paintings on the walls depicted scenes reminiscent of medieval times, and intricate designs graced the furniture. Yet, the room held a central focus—a letter adorned with a vial placed atop it. The vial was a mirror of the description we had received, the contents likely containing the much sought-after fairy dust. It was a connection that seemed almost too fitting, given our current location within the realm of the fairies.

As I observed the scene before me, a sense of hope and anticipation swelled within. I couldn't help but put my trust in this discovery, no matter how strange or improbable it seemed. The letter accompanying the vial was written in a language foreign to us, its meaning eluding our understanding.

The letter contained: 'Bg xoxkr axeiexll lbmntmbhg, ehhd ni yhk ahix tgw znbwtgvx.'

Uhhh. What the heck? Maybe this letter would help us somewhere.

Gathering in a huddle within the library's lounge area, we engaged in a collective brainstorming session, each of us contributing suggestions and engaging in spirited debates. We asked ourselves about the note that seemed like none of us knew what it was all about. Our ultimate decision was to inform Eysus that we had located the item the king required. However, a sense of skepticism tinged our optimism, stemming from our experiences of being unpredictably teleported across the world whenever we completed a task.

Little did we realize, there was a crucial detail we had overlooked—the secret room itself. Our initial excitement had prevented us from fully investigating the room, and as we discussed our next steps, the room's mysteries remained shrouded in uncertainty. It was a reminder that in our pursuit of the grand objectives, the smaller details could hold vital clues that we might overlook at our peril.

"What if we overlooked the room?" Ezra said as we nodded in agreement. "We need to go back and search for anything unusual," I added, feeling a mix of frustration and determination. How could we have forgotten about such an essential element? How foolish of us to disregard the very room that might hold the answers we sought.

We promptly returned to the secret room, our eyes scouring every inch of the space in search of hidden clues. Despite our best efforts, the room revealed no immediate secrets. It was a testament to the complexity of the challenge before us, and a reminder that answers often required careful and persistent scrutiny.

Feeling a spark of inspiration, I retrieved the letter we had found earlier, examining it once more. As I studied the seemingly cryptic message, an idea formed in my mind. "It's a cipher," I exclaimed, excitement bubbling within me. What if we substitute letters with others? Let's try a simple substitution cipher. For example, let's say 'B' is replaced with 'Y', 'X' with 'C' I thought but soon enough i saw it all doesn't make sense.

What if numbers? We know we are seven and the title of the game have seven in it. I is the 7th letter after B.

"Do you guys have paper and pen?" I asked Yvette said she saw something in the lounge. I sprint over there and tried to decipher it with the clue, which is the 7th letter after the letter in the paper.

With newfound purpose, I deciphered the letter, revealing the hidden message: "In every helpless situation, look up for hope and guidance." I went back to my friends to tell it. A sense of awe and satisfaction washed over me as I shared the deciphered message with the group.

Following the message's advice, I glanced upward, my eyes landing on the painting that hung above us. Working together, we realized that the painting could be lifted, and beneath it, we discovered a small key. It was a pivotal moment, a testament to our teamwork and determination.

As we held the key, a sudden sensation overtook us—a feeling of falling, of wind rushing past us. The world seemed to blur and warp, and one by one, my friends began to vanish before my eyes. In a blink, darkness enveloped me, and

I felt myself being drawn into a new realm, my surroundings shifting and twisting with an otherworldly energy.

The transition was disorienting, a whirlwind of sensations as if reality itself were being rearranged. Colors swirled and merged, and the boundaries between the physical and the metaphysical seemed to dissolve. A sense of weightlessness enveloped me, and I felt as though I were suspended in a timeless void.

As the maelstrom of sensations subsided, I found myself standing on the threshold of an awe-inspiring landscape. Before me stretched a realm unlike anything I had ever seen—a realm of ethereal beauty, where vibrant hues danced across the sky like living brushstrokes. Trees of iridescent leaves swayed gently in an unfelt breeze, emitting a soft, melodious hum that resonated with the very essence of life.

The ground beneath my feet felt solid and yet infused with a subtle energy, as though it were an extension of the vibrant pulse that coursed through this mystical realm. As I took my first cautious steps, I realized that I was not alone. My friends stood beside me, each of us sharing in the wonder of this extraordinary place.

Eyes wide with amazement, we explored this enchanting world, every step revealing new marvels. Exotic creatures, unlike any known to our world, flitted and frolicked amidst the foliage, their forms shimmering and translucent. A tranquil river of liquid silver wound its way through the landscape, casting a gentle, soothing light that seemed to emanate from the very water itself.

As we ventured deeper into this ethereal realm, we sensed a growing presence—an otherworldly consciousness that seemed to beckon us forward. Guided by an instinctual curiosity, we followed this intangible trail, our anticipation building with every passing moment.

Soon, our path led us to a magnificent citadel, its architecture a fusion of organic forms and intricate crystalline structures. The citadel seemed to emanate a soft, radiant glow, and as we approached, a sense of reverence washed over us. We knew, instinctively, that this was a place of great significance, a nexus of knowledge and power.

At the threshold of the citadel, we were met by a figure of radiant luminosity—a being of light and energy that seemed to embody the very essence of the realm itself. Its presence was overwhelming yet comforting, its gaze imbued with a profound wisdom that transcended words.

"Greetings, weird looking people," the being's voice resonated within our minds, its words a melodic harmony that stirred our souls. "You have traversed the boundaries of reality to reach this sacred world, and to do I owe you?"

With a graceful gesture, the being beckoned us to enter the citadel, and we stepped into a chamber that seemed to stretch infinitely in all directions. Shelves lined with volumes of radiant energy lined the walls, each containing the knowledge of ages.

As we delved into the teachings of the luminous tomes, our understanding expanded, and we felt a profound connection to the fabric of existence itself. Time seemed to lose its grip, and the boundaries between past, present, and future blurred as we glimpsed the tapestry of creation from a perspective beyond mortal comprehension.

Ultimately, our quest for the elusive book led us not to a mere object, but to a profound world?. And so, as the sun set on our extraordinary journey, we stood at the crossroads of two worlds—forever changed by our encounter with the luminous citadel and the enigmatic being who guided us on a path of enlightenment. Our determination had borne fruit, not in the form of a physical prize, but in the boundless wisdom and transformative power that now resided within us. As we looked back on our arduous yet awe-inspiring odyssey, we knew that the true treasure had been the journey itself, and the unwavering spirit that had propelled us to seek the unknown, no matter the challenges that lay in our path.

or is it.

"Sorry, players, wrong world," reverberated the voice of the master, an orchestration of both intrigue and confusion. Indeed, this landscape appeared to diverge vastly from the realms of darkness known to us. "I'm glad you enjoyed the sun... somehow," he remarked with a wry hint, leaving us to ponder the intricacies of this unconventional delight.

Just as his words settled, gravity's whimsy seized us once more, and we found ourselves hurtling downward from the sky, a sensation as exhilarating as it was bewildering.

Hey y’all, I just want you to know that I’m trying my best to finish this book before my class starts again. I’m planning to finish the book 1 fast. Please do vote or comment to motivate me

Ps I have a hectic sched coming up that’s why I want to publish my book for you guys to enjoy without waiting for me to publish anyway have a nice day/nigh you’re loved. I love you <3

shallowoundscreators' thoughts