
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 21: Seeking

I found myself back in my bed after the disorienting sensation of falling through space. The comfort of the familiar surroundings wrapped around me, and with a contented sigh, I surrendered to the allure of sleep. As slumber claimed me, I couldn't help but empathize with Ezra's penchant for enjoying the peaceful respite that sleep provided.

The tranquility of my slumber was abruptly shattered by persistent knocking at my door. Grumbling softly, I roused myself from the embrace of sleep and trudged wearily to the door. My irritation was palpable, and I muttered under my breath, "Can a lady get some nap? Oh my lord."

With a resigned sigh, I swung the door open, only to be greeted by the sight of Kyson standing before me. His usually composed demeanor was frayed, his eyes wide with a sense of urgency that sent a jolt of unease through me. Without a word, I reached out and placed a comforting hand on his arm, my touch meant to convey understanding and support.

"Take a deep breath," I coaxed gently, my voice a soothing presence in the charged atmosphere. Guiding him to steady his breathing, I watched as his ragged composure gradually steadied. As the tension ebbed from his form, he began to recount his troubling revelation, his words weaving a tale that sent a shiver down my spine.

"The others... they're gone. It's just you, me, Eli, and Yvette left," he revealed, the weight of his words settling heavily in the air. Worry etched lines into his features as he met my gaze, his apprehension mirroring my own.

The realization hit me like a jolt—the rest of our team, those who had shared in our journey and trials, had vanished without a trace. A sense of foreboding settled over me, a reminder that the enigma of this realm was far from unravelled. My mind raced, grappling with the implications of their disappearance and the uncertainty that lay ahead.

Drawing a steadying breath, I offered Kyson a reassuring nod, my determination unwavering despite the looming shadows. "We'll figure this out. We've faced challenges before, and we'll face this one too. Let's gather Kyson and Yvette, and start searching for any clues or answers."

With newfound resolve, I turned back into the room, quickly dressing and preparing for whatever lay ahead. The journey had taken yet another unexpected turn, and as I moved to join Kyson, I knew that our determination and unity would be our greatest strengths in uncovering the truth behind our friends' disappearance.

As I approached them, my thoughts were momentarily derailed by a whisper of self-doubt. Betrayal had a bitter taste, one that I had encountered all too often in the course of our enigmatic journey. The weight of the questions—why, how, and who—pressed upon me, a reminder that even in a realm of magic, the darker facets of human nature could still cast their shadow.

"Ami, we found something," Yvette's voice broke through my reverie, her tone carrying a mix of urgency and gravity. Without hesitation, I joined them, my heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and dread.

What met my eyes was a scene that froze the blood in my veins—a tableau of horror that seemed to defy explanation. My gaze fell upon an image that was etched into my mind—a chilling testament to the sinister forces at play. The scene before us was gruesome, a stark reminder of the perilous reality we faced.

A mixture of shock and anger surged within me as I took in the sight, a potent cocktail of emotions that fueled my determination. It was a brutal revelation, one that demanded answers and justice. Clenching my fists, I fought to steady my voice as I asked, "What happened here? What does this mean?"

Kyson, Eli, and Yvette exchanged somber glances, the weight of the situation etched across their faces just as it was on mine. The puzzle that had initially seemed like a thrilling enigma had suddenly plunged into a realm of darkness and danger. In the midst of this unsettling tableau, the path ahead was clear—we had to unravel the threads of this mystery, confront the shadows of betrayal, and stand resilient against the odds that now seemed stacked against us.

As we took in the chilling sight of Demea's severed head impaled on a stick, blood scattered around, a sense of revulsion and horror surged within us. It was a shocking and grotesque image that could easily have shattered our resolve. But then, a voice cut through the tension, a reminder that appearances could be deceiving.

"Don't be so grim; it's just a decoy," the master's voice echoed through the air. I closed my eyes briefly, allowing myself to release a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. His words held a glimmer of hope, a reassurance that we were navigating a web of illusions and traps.

When I opened my eyes once more, I found myself standing before the master, as if he had reenacted the moments that had led us to this point. Shock coursed through me as I took in the uncanny scene, my mind racing to comprehend the reality-bending nature of this place.

Amidst the disorienting sensation, a realization struck me. I turned my gaze to the master, my voice steady despite the storm of emotions within me. I pushed him "Where are the others?" I demanded to know, my eyes locked onto his enigmatic figure. His chuckle held an air of calculated amusement as he replied, "Somewhere here, watch them from the TV."

A sense of both relief and concern washed over me. The truth remained veiled, and the pieces of this intricate puzzle were far from fitting together. The master's cryptic words and actions only deepened the layers of mystery that surrounded us.

I stepped towards the TV, my eyes fixed on the array of live feeds streaming from different locations. Each box contained a piece of the puzzle, a glimpse into the whereabouts of our missing companions. The master's voice lingered in the air, his words hinting at a twisted game he had set in motion—a game that we were now unwittingly a part of.

"Don't worry, let them solve their puzzle for you and see how it goes," he remarked, his presence unnervingly close. Despite his cryptic reassurance, my unease only deepened. The question that had burned within me could no longer be contained.

"Who are you really?" I asked, my voice steady as I met his gaze with a determined squint. The tension between us crackled like electricity, the air thick with unspoken truths and concealed motives.

A mutter escaped his lips, a barely audible "No, shut up, Bethujakt." His attempt at self-restraint was intriguing, a chink in the armor of his enigmatic persona.

"Zammirah, run find h-"Before I could process his words further, he seemed to shift his focus, urging me to run and find someone within this confounding realm.

I obeyed instinctively, my heart racing as I sprinted through the corridor, my footsteps echoing against the stone walls. A sinister voice pierced the air, a chilling warning that seemed to follow me as I moved. The master's voice resurfaced, revealing a piece of the puzzle.

"How foolish of Beckette to teleport you here," he muttered faintly, his words hanging in the air as they were abruptly cut off. My breath quickened as I ran, my thoughts racing to comprehend the intricacies of the situation.

Ahead of me, three doors loomed in the corridor, each representing a choice, a path to follow. The weight of the moment pressed upon me, the urgency of finding answers and unraveling the truth driving me forward.

But who is the one I need to seek? The choices before me held the potential for revelation or peril, each door concealing its own secrets and challenges. With a resolute breath, I steeled myself for the choice that lay ahead, ready to confront the unknown and confront the shadows that threatened to consume us all.

"Zammirah, you do know I know where you are," the deep, groggy voice had sent shivers down my spine, and it belonged to none other than Bethujakt, a presence from the enigmatic realm that had ensnared us in its intricate web. His words hung in the air like a haunting echo, a stark reminder that our actions were being closely watched. The unease he brought seemed to drape the room like a heavy shroud, making my palms grow sweaty and my heart race as I stood before the ominous choice of doors.

Summoning my determination and intuition, I steeled myself against the fear that threatened to overwhelm me. Between the left, center, and right doors, I made my choice—the right one, hoping against hope that it was indeed the correct path. With a resolute breath, I turned the doorknob and stepped through, my heart pounding with anticipation.

The scene that unfolded before me was unexpected yet eerily fitting—a cramped cell, its claustrophobic confines almost suffocating. And within the dimly lit cell stood another figure, their presence a glimmer of hope in the midst of uncertainty. A whispered "hello?" escaped my lips, my voice barely more than a breath, a delicate mixture of trepidation and optimism.

A response came, carrying a blend of desperation and urgency. "Oh my god! Help!" the voice pleaded, its raw intensity reaching out to me. It was a voice teeming with the yearning for salvation, a cry for aid in the face of dire circumstances.

Without hesitation, I retrieved the key I had discovered earlier, a small but vital tool with the potential to unlock the cell and offer freedom. My hands trembled slightly as I inserted the key into the keyhole, my heart racing with anticipation. The lock yielded to my efforts, and the cell door swung open.

The figure inside wasted no time, stepping out into the dim light. Relief and gratitude etched across her features, a testament to the impact of my actions. Our eyes met, and in that shared gaze, an unspoken bond formed—a silent recognition of the trials we had endured and the challenges we had overcome.

As the cell door creaked open, a surge of emotions welled up within me—relief, hope, and a renewed determination to untangle the enigmas that surrounded us. The path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, but with the barrier of the cell behind us, we stood united and ready to confront whatever lay ahead.

Summoning a nervous smile, I introduced myself, my voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and warmth. "Hi, I—uhm, I'm Zammirah," I said, extending a hand in a gesture of camaraderie. She responded, her own voice carrying a sense of gratitude and vulnerability. "Xilliana," she replied, and I motioned for her to follow as we embarked on this newfound journey of escape and discovery, side by side.