
How beautiful

Sixteen and twenty, they are only four years apart. But one of them is underage. This is far too dangerous for both of them. However, he took her first time. He should take responsibility for it. He isn't a scum who would just randomly sleep with a woman without taking responsibility. This is why he seldom has any 'one-night stands.' He makes sure to discuss what to do next with the other person.

This girl is young; if she said she wanted nothing to do with him anymore, he would have respected her choice.

He hurriedly finished making the meal and placed it on a tray before carrying it upstairs. She didn't fall asleep, did she? The moment he entered the room, he found the bed empty and noticed that the girl was sitting at her desk, with a pair of earphones in her ear.

Sumire didn't sing, but she started to hum a melody instead. Despite there being no words, for some reason, he thought, 'how beautiful.'

It did not take long before the girl started crying. Toh quickly placed the tray of food onto the small table before walking over. He grabbed hold of her hands.

"His songs are so beautiful. I don't want to continue tainting his songs with my depressing words."

"I don't know much about music. But I do know that music created by somebody who can cry like this can't be dirty or superficial." Toh trailed off and kissed her fingertips. "I want to know your story, so please continue."

After learning that she was a trainee, her unusual behavior gradually made sense. For this girl, music is the only way for her to convey her emotions. That may be the reason why he cannot figure it out. Will he understand her more once he has heard her sing?

"You're good with compliments."

"Are you impressed?"

Sumire laughed. "A little." She peered over his shoulder. "That smells lovely. Is it okay to eat?"


Toh had to help guide her to the table since her movements weren't steady. The fact that she managed to get up is already amazing. Toh watched her eat the soup, and her expression brightened.

"This is very delicious! So you're good at cooking."

"It's because I live alone." Toh trailed off. "I'm guessing you don't cook?"

Although she has ingredients in her fridge, the pans and pots do not look like they have been used much.

"I do try, but I'm bad at it. Ah, recently, I am trying harder to learn. There is somebody I want to make meals for, so I am more motivated."

"Is it for a friend?"

'Normally, that's the type of behavior a girl has towards her boyfriend, though. But I have no right to lecture her.'


"I can teach you if you'd like."

Sumire blinked and then stared at him. "You really are kind, even though your appearance is deceiving."

"Did you think I was a player?"

"Well, I did hear some rumors, and I am a frequent visitor at your university. 'Mashima-senpai is so cool.' 'It's too bad he only sticks with one woman at a time. I would love to sleep with him even for a night only.'"

So she heard that stuff. "As somebody who slept with me, what do you think?"

At those words, he watched as her expression turned pale.

"If you hated it that much, you could just say so-"

Sumire shook her head frantically. "It's not like that. It was the first time for me to get drunk, so the alcohol messed with my memories a bit. But the last few days, I started to remember a bit."

"Then what's your verdict?"

"It was embarrassing." Sumire trailed off. "I don't understand it well, but that is something you normally do with the person you love right?"

This is impressive; he has never heard such an innocent-sounding response before. Is she just pretending, or is this the true her? She is sixteen, so it would be normal for her to be naive about this. But, he has seen far too many women play innocent at the start, only to reveal their true nature later on.

"Usually, yes. But some people do it without thinking too deeply. Some do it when they are lonely too."

Sumire looked at him, horrified. "I feel like you're bitter. Is it just my imagination?"

"You're not imagining things. I am a bit agitated. Somebody on my team messed up my designs, and for the past week, I have had to pretend to be a good person in front of people I dislike."

"Pretend to be a good person?"

"They wouldn't let me smoke, and even when I was tired, I couldn't leave."

Sumire stared at him. "You smoke?"

"I do." Toh trailed off when he saw her scribble something down in a small notepad. "What are you doing?"

"I'm writing stuff about you."


Sumire laughed softly. "We need to get to know each other, right? So I'm writing anything new that I didn't find out from the background search and rumors."

She doesn't have to make that much of an effort; after all, he is testing her too. Toh caressed her cheeks. "The color is returning to your face. You should get plenty of rest. But just in case, I'll stay over."

"Uh, stay over?"

"It's too late to call for a cab now."

"Right, you live on the other side of town."

He only brought her there one time, but she remembers where he lived? She remembers, but this past week she hasn't come to visit even once? How strange, even if she is different from the other girls. Toh assumed she would have sought him out at least once. However, he checked all the surveillance cameras when he returned. She didn't stop by once.

At first, he assumed it was because she didn't remember his address, but it wasn't like that.

Toh used his free hand to intertwine a strand of her hair in his fingers as he kissed it. "So, I can stay here?"


That quick? Well, she is a lonely woman; after all, no matter how much she plays dumb, she is the same as all the other- Toh paused when she pulled out a mini curtain.

Sumire looked at it pleased. "This should be enough."

'Sharing the same bed, but not doing anything, not even cuddling-' Toh sighed. If he knew it would be like this, he wouldn't have bothered. Still, he doesn't want to leave her when she isn't feeling well.

It's past eleven; normally, he doesn't like bathing this late. But he has to get up early in the morning. Moreover, he didn't bring any clothes with him. His thoughts broke off when Sumire passed him a bathrobe.

"You can wear that. When I was buying one for myself, that came as a matching one."

So it's a couple item. Toh's lips curved to a smile. "Then maybe you should wear yours too?"

"I'd rather not."

She is so blunt and cold. But that's what makes this interesting. He is getting tired of those women boss sends his way. Although the boss just gave him that mission, since he doesn't even know who the woman is yet. He doesn't have to start immediately.