

Sermal is an angel who revolted with the decay of humanity and decided to create a new superior race in a secret laboratory. He uses his divine power to manipulate the DNA of various animals and plants, creating hybrid beings with extraordinary abilities. However, his ambition is discovered by other angels, who try to stop his plan before he causes a cosmic imbalance. Sermal will have to face his former allies and defend his creatures, while questioning his own nature and purpose.

PlayerOliver · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


. He was known for his beauty and wisdom, and was highly respected by all the other angels. Sermal was one of those closest to God, and was often called upon to advise the Creator on important matters.

One day, Sermal was sent to Earth to help a group of humans who were in danger. He descended from the heavens in human form and joined humans in their fight against evil. Sermal fought valiantly alongside the humans, and his presence inspired courage and hope in all who saw him.

However, during the battle, Sermal was seriously injured. He was taken back to heaven where he was cared for by the other angels. But despite his best efforts, Sermal was unable to fully recover. He became weak and sick, and his beauty and wisdom began to fade.

The other angels were concerned about Sermal's health, and asked God to heal him. But God said that Sermal had made a noble choice in descending to Earth to help humans, and that he could not interfere with his decision. Instead, God allowed Sermal to choose his own destiny.

Sermal decided to remain on Earth, even if it meant he would never be the same. He became a guardian of humans, protecting them from harm and guiding them towards the light. And though his beauty and wisdom were gone, Sermal became even more powerful, for he now had something he never had before: love for humans.