

Sermal is an angel who revolted with the decay of humanity and decided to create a new superior race in a secret laboratory. He uses his divine power to manipulate the DNA of various animals and plants, creating hybrid beings with extraordinary abilities. However, his ambition is discovered by other angels, who try to stop his plan before he causes a cosmic imbalance. Sermal will have to face his former allies and defend his creatures, while questioning his own nature and purpose.

PlayerOliver · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Sermal, aware of the dangers that still loomed over the realm of heaven, remained vigilant even after his victory against Mixatl. He knew that demons were unpredictable and that he needed to be prepared for any eventuality.

When Gilocha and Mixatl returned, more powerful than ever, Sermal knew he was in for another great battle. The demon brothers assembled an army of dark creatures and started attacking the heaven realm in full force.

Sermal and the other angels and archangels responded with all their divine strength. They fought with courage and determination, defending the kingdom of heaven with everything they had. The battle was epic, with many lives lost on both sides.

However, Sermal and his allies managed to finally win the battle. Gilocha was defeated and Mixatl, once again, was banished forever from the realm of heaven.

Sermal knew that the fight against evil would never end, but he refused to give up on his mission. He pledged to continue protecting the earth, humanity and the kingdom of heaven with courage, love and wisdom. He knew that the battle against the forces of evil would be long and difficult, but he had faith in the divinity that dwelt within him and in the goodness of the creatures that fought alongside him.