
Serial Madness

Contains graphic and sexual scene! In the eyes of everyone around me, I'm the epitome of kindness and love. But beneath this facade lies a dark truth: I'm plagued by a murderous desire that I can't control. I'm a silent serial killer, responsible for the disappearances in our town. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until I crossed paths with Sean. Initially just another client, I never imagined he was as dangerous as he turned out to be—an assassin. He made me an offer: he'd keep my secret safe as long as I belonged to him.

KC_Sabilla · Thành thị
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13 Chs

The Battered husband

I wrapped the man's body in barbed wire and placed his corpse inside the glass casket. He won't wake up for only a few hours. I merely put Nightshades in my clothing; I thought he would get paralyzed, but it was much worse than I thought; once I cut him off, he collapsed to the ground. The stems, leaves, berries, and roots of nightshade contain atropine and scopolamine, which paralyzes the body's involuntary muscles, including the heart. Even coming into close physical touch with the leaves can irritate your skin.

I had assumed he would pass away, yet miraculously, he is still alive. I gaze into the glass casket and see his face in slumber. I would confess that he has a certain look. Could this be the reason Elizabeth strayed from her husband? Still, such an argument is invalid. I glance at the board chart photo of Elizabeth and Michael. Where they go and where they hang out. Raven Park is where they always meet every morning. I take another look at Michael's sleeping body.

"You're still alive, for sure, but with that about Nightshade, I don't think so," I exclaimed, shocked. I ought to have added very little. Perhaps if I gave him a small amount, there's a good possibility he would wake up; nevertheless, given the alcohol and the toxin in his bloodstream, the likelihood is ninety percent. I wouldn't have the opportunity to make him suffer.

Monday arrived, bringing me back to the routine of catering to the legal needs of my clients. As the day unfolded, Nicholas entered the office, his face showing the wear and tear of a life split between construction work and farming. At times, he would be in the city, while at night, he toiled away on the farm in Clifford. I had been observing him, his two children, and his unfaithful wife, Elizabeth.

"Is the attorney here?" Nicholas inquired upon entering, a hint of hope in his voice.

"Have you made an appointment, sir?" I responded, my eyes focused on the laptop screen.

"No, I haven't, but I was hoping you could make me one," he requested, his tone carrying a sense of longing.

"We have an available appointment for at least one hour for now. Maybe I could fit you in," I offered, attempting to lighten the atmosphere. He seemed to appreciate the gesture.

"Thank you," he expressed his gratitude, setting the stage for the legal matters that awaited discussion.

As one hour passed, I called Nicholas and ushered him into the office. My boss, the attorney, was engrossed in typing but looked up as Nicholas took a seat.

"Attorney, your last client," I informed my boss.

"Hi, attorney. I'm sorry for the disturbance. I was hoping if you could help me amend my relationship with my wife," Nicholas quickly expressed, not waiting for the attorney to speak.

"Amend? I think you've got the wrong place. I'm not a psychiatrist, but if you want a divorce, I can help you with that," the attorney responded matter-of-factly.

"Well, she's planning to divorce me. I was hoping you could advise on how to stop it," Nicholas explained.

The attorney leaned back, offering a measured response, "Legal advice can only go so far in matters of the heart, but let's discuss your situation and see what options are available."

Closing the door behind Nicholas and the attorney, I returned to my laptop to resume my work. The situation with Elizabeth's impending divorce amused me, considering the questionable choice she seemed to have made in her new partner. Young, lazy, a heavy drinker, and an abuser—her prospects were questionable at best. Chuckling to myself, I wondered about the life she was heading towards.

While engrossed in my thoughts and work, I heard the unexpected sound of someone entering the office. Surprised, I had already closed the door, and I couldn't fathom who would dare to enter during off-hours.

"Mr. Sean," I greeted, feigning a lack of irritation as he entered the office. The scent of his familiar perfume wafted through the air, and I braced myself for whatever reason he might have for intruding during off-hours.

"I just want some documents notarized, and I'll be off," Mr. Sean stated, handing over the documents that required a subscription. As he spoke, a fleeting thought crossed my mind—should I kill him? The notion lingered as I responded, "Of course," maintaining a composed demeanor. I proceeded to take the documents into the attorney's office. After the attorney signed the papers, I returned them to Mr. Sean.

I thought he was going to leave after handling the documents, but as Sean turned to me, he posed an unexpected question. "Are you available this weekend?" he inquired. A curse word flashed in my mind, or perhaps I was jumping to conclusions. Maybe he merely sought an appointment with the attorney on Saturday.

"I'll just ask the attorney if he's available this weekend," I replied, attempting to divert the conversation.

"No, I meant you," Sean clarified, his tone dangerously charming. Unaccustomed to such romantic overtures, I smiled in response, maintaining a professional demeanor while internally grappling with the unexpected turn in the conversation.

"Forgive me, sir, but if you want to meet for a legal reason, I would be more than willing to schedule an appointment with you and the attorney, of course. However, if you are asking for a date, I'm afraid I must decline," I said politely, maintaining a professional tone. 

Sean's charming smile didn't waver. "Astrid, you're a fascinating woman. I was hoping we could get to know each other outside the confines of legal matters," he suggested.

I kept my composure and replied, "I appreciate the sentiment, Mr. Sean, but my personal and professional boundaries are quite distinct. I believe it's best to keep our interactions strictly related to legal affairs."

He chuckled, "Fair enough, Astrid. Let's keep it professional then."

The door from the attorney's office swung open, revealing Nicholas. He expressed his gratitude, and a sad smile lingered on his face.

"Thank you for your time. I'll think about what we discussed," Nicholas said, his tone carrying a mix of uncertainty and resignation.

"You're welcome, Mr. Nicholas. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out," I replied, trying to offer some reassurance.

As Nicholas left, Sean watched the exchange with a subtle curiosity. "Interesting cases you handle here," he remarked, his gaze lingering on me.

"Yes, every case has its unique complexities," I replied, not offering any more details.

Sean nodded, "I'll be on my way then. Don't forget about my offer, Astrid. I'm sure we could have an intriguing conversation outside the confines of legal matters."

I nodded in acknowledgment as he left the office. The atmosphere remained charged with an unspoken tension, leaving me to ponder the complexities of the day.