
Serial Madness

Contains graphic and sexual scene! In the eyes of everyone around me, I'm the epitome of kindness and love. But beneath this facade lies a dark truth: I'm plagued by a murderous desire that I can't control. I'm a silent serial killer, responsible for the disappearances in our town. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until I crossed paths with Sean. Initially just another client, I never imagined he was as dangerous as he turned out to be—an assassin. He made me an offer: he'd keep my secret safe as long as I belonged to him.

KC_Sabilla · Urban
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13 Chs

A small favor

As I sat in the dimly lit room, scrolling through the cringe-worthy text messages between Elizabeth and Michael on the burner phone, my irritation grew. The simplicity and casual tone of their messages were far from my formal style.

"C u on Sat," Elizabeth's latest reply popped up. I sighed, wondering if she ever learned proper communication etiquette during her teaching years.

Just as I felt my patience wearing thin, my gaze shifted to the rain outside the window, offering a momentary distraction from the frustrating exchange.

Amidst my contemplation, my phone on the table buzzed, and I picked it up to see a call from the Attorney. He was running late, nearly two hours overdue for our scheduled meeting. My irritation transferred from the text messages to the situation at hand.

"Hello?" I answered the call.

"Astrid, I'm sorry, but I won't be able to make it today. I'm not feeling well," Attorney's voice came through, sounding strained.

I sighed, "Take care, Attorney. Get well soon. We can reschedule the appointments."

"Thank you, Astrid. I'll be in touch," he replied before ending the call.

The rain outside seemed to mirror my internal frustration, and I wondered how the day would unfold without the attorney's presence.

As I wrapped up the calls to reschedule our clients' appointments, I began the process of tidying up the office. Once everything was in order, I switched off the lights before heading towards the exit. To my surprise, as I opened the door, Mr. Sean was standing in front, nearly reaching for the doorknob.

"Mr. Sean," I acknowledged his presence with a nod.

"Hi, you must be heading out," he observed.

"Yes, I am," I replied professionally.

"I was hoping you could review my contract of lease," he requested, presenting a black bag in his hands.

I considered the request, maintaining a composed demeanor. "Certainly, Mr. Sean. If you could provide me with the necessary documents, I'll make sure to review them promptly."

"I'm hoping you could review it today," he expressed with that characteristic charming smile. Despite my initial hesitation, I acknowledged the importance of addressing his needs promptly. After all, he remained a client.

"Of course, Mr. Sean. Please, come in," I gestured, allowing him entry into the office.

The patter of rain continued outside as he took a seat. I retrieved the documents from the black bag he had brought, ready to delve into the details of the contract.

"Thank you for accommodating me, Ms. Clement. This property has caught my interest, and I'm eager to finalize the arrangements," Sean commented, his tone reflecting both professionalism and a hint of enthusiasm.

"Your interest is duly noted, Mr. Sean. Let's go through the contract together, ensuring all terms are clear and satisfactory for both parties," I responded, emphasizing the need for a thorough review.

As I meticulously reviewed the documents spread across the table, it felt like an hour had passed. Mr. Sean maintained his presence just in front of me, and I couldn't help but sense the intensity of his gaze. The feeling of someone staring at me had always been uncomfortable, but I made a conscious effort not to display any irritation.

Maintaining my focus on the papers, I continued to assess each detail of the contract. The air in the room seemed to carry a subtle tension, disrupted only by the occasional sounds of raindrops against the window. I pressed on, determined to complete the review efficiently despite the unsettling feeling of being scrutinized.

I observed a specific clause about tax responsibilities within the documents. "It's noted here that you're the one who's going to pay the taxes on the whole building?" I inquired, pointing to the relevant paragraph on the paper.

In response, Mr. Sean rose from his seat and ambled towards my left. He placed his right hand on the table, and the proximity between us diminished to almost an inch. His sizable frame seemed to envelop me, creating an intimate atmosphere that heightened my awareness of his presence. The air in the room felt charged, and I maintained my composure while awaiting his response.

"I believe it makes strategic sense for me to handle the taxes on the entire building," Sean commented, his voice resonating with confidence. "It provides me with more control over the property and streamlines the administrative aspects. I want to ensure the process remains smooth."

His breath is in my ears. I shiver from the sudden contact. I slightly move my head. I don't like our position right now. I nodded, acknowledging his rationale while my eyes were on the documents. "Understood, Mr. Sean. If you have any specific preferences regarding the terms or conditions, we can discuss those adjustments as well."

He leaned slightly closer, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I appreciate your thoroughness, Ms. Clement. It's essential to have someone diligent on my side, ensuring every aspect is in order."

As his breath tickled my ears, I involuntarily shivered from the unexpected proximity. Sensing the discomfort, I subtly adjusted my head, hoping to create a bit more space between us. Despite the unease, I nodded, keeping my focus on the documents.

"Understood, Mr. Sean. If you have any specific preferences regarding the terms or conditions, we can discuss those adjustments as well," I reiterated, maintaining a professional tone.

He leaned in even closer, a slight smile lingering on his lips. "I appreciate your thoroughness, Ms. Clement. It's essential to have someone diligent on my side, ensuring every aspect is in order." His charm was undeniable, but I couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort as he lingered close.

"Would you mind moving back a bit, Mr. Riddle?" I requested politely, hoping to reestablish a more comfortable distance. Sean, seemingly perceptive to my reaction, took a step back, giving me a bit more personal space. 

Resuming his seat, he maintained that ever-present charming smile as he settled in front of me. "Well, it seems everything is in order," I remarked, attempting to shift the focus back to the task at hand and away from the lingering discomfort.

"Here is the complete file, Mr. Sean. If you have any further questions or need clarification on any aspect, feel free to reach out," I said as I handed him the file.

"Thank you, Ms. Clement. Your assistance has been invaluable," he replied, offering another one of his trademark smiles.

I nodded, acknowledging his gratitude, and proceeded to escort him to the door. "If there's nothing else, Mr. Sean, I wish you the best with your new venture. Don't hesitate to contact us if you require any future legal assistance."

He extended his appreciation once more before stepping out, and as he walked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, eager to see him off.


In the dimly lit confines of his office, Sean found himself immersed in contemplation. The gray walls seemed to enclose him in a cocoon of his thoughts, adorned with an eclectic array of weaponry as if mirroring the complexity of his mind. The only door stood as both an entrance and a barrier, and the scattered files on his desk bore witness to the chaotic whirlwind that often occupied his professional life.

Yet, amidst the cold and stark surroundings, Sean's thoughts strayed to the encounter with Astrid earlier that day. The memory of her presence, her lips, and the piercing gaze of her green eyes lingered in his mind. A subtle smile crept onto his face, as he found himself lost in the mystery of her thoughts. For a man accustomed to control, this uncharted territory of attraction and curiosity seemed like a thrilling deviation. He couldn't help but wonder what was going on in her mind. Did she feel the same connection, the same pull? The possibility intrigued him, leaving him in a state of mental chaos. One night sparked a flurry of emotions and questions, and Sean found himself on the edge of an unexpected journey of discovery.

Sean's fingers delicately traced the contours of the photograph, his eyes fixed on the image of Attorney Lazarus Smith. A wry smile played on his lips as he mused aloud, "It appears I must delay any plans of your demise." However, it wasn't the attorney's face that had caught his attention; rather, it was the subtle presence of Astrid looming in the background of the photograph.

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a complex interplay of emotions swirling in the silence of his office. The game had taken an unexpected turn, and Sean found himself navigating uncharted territory, intrigued by the enigma that Astrid embodied.